Chapter Seven

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Harper I pulled up to Uncle Jayson and Aunt Wendy’s gate. I lowered my window. Noah came out of the gate house smiling. “Hey Noah.” “Harper. Who do we have here?” He had a playful teasing tone. “My girlfriend Ryann.” Noah leaned to see Ryann better. Noah made a clicking noise with his tongue. “I don’t know. She can do so much better than you.” Ryann’s eyes widened with shock. I just laughed. “I’m just joking Miss. Congratulations she looks like a keeper so treat her right or I’ll remind you how to treat a lady.” Noah winked at me. “Noted.” I replied and grinned. Noah shook my hand and reached past me to shake Ryann’s hand. I parked. “There’s something you should know about the guys who do security for my family’s homes. They are fiercely loyal and will protect all of us. They will kid around with us too. That was Noah’s way of saying welcome to the family because he will protect you should you need it. If that makes sense.” “It does and I’m glad you have that.” Ryann replied. “Now, should we go party? I have been cramming for these past couple of days I’m ready to have some fun.” I grinned. “Yeah, come on.” I responded. I took her hand in mine as I opened the door to my uncle and aunt’s house. “Harper!” Uncle Jayson spotted me first. He made his way from behind the kitchen island with his arms wide open. He gave me a big hug. “Uncle Jayson this is my girlfriend, Ryann.” “Nice to meet you. Feel free to call me Uncle Jayson too.” Ryann took his extended hand, and he pulled her into a quick hug. “Babe.” My Aunt Wendy was starting to say as she came inside. “Harper.” She said with a smile. I cut the distance between my aunt and me. I picked her up in a hug as her feet dangled. She laughed in my ear as she hugged me. I set her down gently again. “You’re early.” She remarked. “Well, I thought I’d come and see if you needed any help with anything.” “We have it handled. Sydney, Taylor, and Max are in the living room.” She informed me. “This is my girlfriend, Ryann.” I introduced her. I guided Ryann into the living room and introduced her to my cousins. We sat down with my cousins watching tv with them while the workers finished setting things up for the party. Sydney’s attention was occupied by her tablet. “What are you doing Syd?” “I’m working on this research for a case we just picked up. I’m one of the co-counsel.” “Congratulations.” “Thanks. I’m just trying to finish something up really quick before the party fully gets in swing. Please excuse my rudeness.” “You’re good.” “She’s a lawyer?” Ryann asked softly. “Yeah, she works the family side of the law.” “I’m trying to work my way into high crimes, but I got to start somewhere.” Sydney added without looking up. “Wow, I’m working on my degree to be a child therapist. I have been told I’ll be lucky to start as a guidance counselor in schools, but as long as I am working with kids, I’ll take it.” “That is admirable. The world needs good therapists, especially for kids. Are you limiting yourself to young kids or teens as well?” Sydney actually lifted her head to ask Ryann. “Young to teen a kid in need is a kid in need.” Ryann replied. Sydney gave a commending nod to Ryann and smiled before finishing what she is doing. I honestly didn’t know Ryann was studying this field and my chest feels like it wants to puff out in pride for her. My family arrived and I greeted them and hugged them. Ryann hugged them too. Uncle Jordan, Aunt Alaina, and Alyssa showed up ten minutes later. I introduced Ryann to them. Ryann really looked between me and my Uncle Jordan. He gave her a wink. She gave a shy smile. Ryann was whisked away by my cousins and siblings. I wanted to be a little jealous, but I couldn’t because she was laughing and smiling and in general having a good time. I got my hands on her and danced around with her. I spun her and dipped her. She was laughing and smiling up at me. I took the opportunity to pull her in tight and kiss her. “Harper.” She chastised me softly. I just grinned at her. Sydney and Jenna got ahold of Ryann and had her sit between them as we ate. I think Sydney has some respect for what Ryann is studying and Jenna was the one to pamper Ryann. I couldn’t help but smile at how accepting and comfortable my family is making Ryann feel. It would feel a little more complete if Jordy and Hope were here too, but Jordy is busy with the position he just took at the company he’s been working for and going to school at the same time. I guess he has a very good position, and he can’t take the time at the moment. If Hope worked, I would say that Jordy and her are the hardest working of us kids, but I know better. We all work hard at our jobs or school. I don’t even judge Hope for doing as she needs. I just know that whatever is going on with Hope that she is not telling us she deserves to do what makes her happy. I pulled my phone out and shot a text to Hope since I was thinking about her. Me- You’re missing one heck of end of summer party. Hope- Tell everyone hi. Me- I will, but you know you could have come and said hi. Hope- I know. Is this a chewing out? I should get on her case a bit, but it won’t help to get her back into the folds of the family any easier. I just wish I could help her with whatever is wrong. I would love to have Hope back to her happy self. Me- No. I just worry about you. Hope- I know. I’m sorry Harper. Me- You don’t have to apologize. Hope- I need to go. I’ll see you in a few days. I was feeling a little down. “Harper.” I looked up at Maddie. She threw a strawberry at me, and it hit me on my nose. The table erupted in laughter. Ryann was covering her mouth as she laughed at me. I picked up a handful of blueberries and tossed them back at her. Some landed in her hair and the laughing got louder. I got up and made my way around the table to Maddie. “No, Harper please don’t.” Maddie pleaded with me. I lifted her and carried her to the pool. I heard an uproar of encouragement to dunk Maddie. She was laughing so hard in my arms she could barely breathe. I lost my grip and her feet hit the ground. I had no worries. My dad was there and had Maddie scooped up and ran and jumped with her into the pool. They broke the surface gasping and laughing. Mason snatched Alyssa up and tossed her in. I was laughing so hard I didn’t pick up on Aunt Wendy and Alaina approaching me and they each took one of my sides shoving me into the pool with them falling in with me. I broke the surface laughing and coughing some. ~~~ I woke wrapped around Ryann. We had a lot of fun with my family yesterday. I ended the night snuggling and making love to her. I refrained as she was working on her schoolwork the past couple of days from being intimate. I snuggled her tighter to me for a few seconds. I wiggled my arm out from under her head. I settled her head against the pillow and ran my hand over her hair. I want to get some breakfast made for her. I have a whole day of just relaxing with Ryann and doing anything she wants before I got to work tomorrow, and she goes back to school. I was treated to the sight of Ryann walking past naked to her room. I couldn’t help my smirk. I scooped the pancake that was finished off the pan and set it on the stack of other pancakes. I poured more batter on the pan and added some fresh blueberries to it. Ryann came into the kitchen a few minutes later with a t-shirt and comfy shorts on. She still looks a little tired, but she is beautiful. She moved behind me to the coffee pot. She paused though and I leaned at my side, and she pecked a kiss on my lips. “Morning Baby.” I said. “Morning.” She replied as she got to work making herself some coffee. I had the food close enough to the stools to the side of the kitchen island. I had set a plate for her to dig in already. She took a couple quick sips of her coffee before setting it down to get some food. “Do you want any juice?” I asked as I flipped the pancake. “Just coffee this morning.” I shut the burner off because this was the last pancake. I poured myself some coffee after I set the pancake on the stack. I set my coffee down at the stool next to hers. I wrapped my arms around her from behind while she chewed a bite of pancake. I kissed the side of her head before I took the stool next to her. I enjoyed sitting with her and eating Sunday breakfast with her. We cleaned up together after we finished eating. I enjoyed curling up on the couch with her and watching tv all day. She made us dinner. I made her snacks and such for her to take to school with her tomorrow after I cleaned up after dinner. I found Ryann packing her backpack. I noticed she had tampons and a couple of pads resting on the bed next to her bag. “Do you need anything Baby?” I asked. “Huh?” I gestured to her feminine care products. “Not yet, but I will be starting in a couple of days, and I wanted to make sure I had more than just one pad and tampon. I don’t know how this period is going to go. This is my first period after having sex.” She had a reasoning tone to her voice. It made sense being cautious. “Well, if you want anything at all. Chocolate, cuddles, tissues, anything I’ll get it for you. What do you like?” “I like comfort foods like pasta dishes, that kind of thing. I love peanut butter cups and junior mints. Don’t ask. I’m good with most chocolate though except plain chocolate. That should only be for when having a smore or the likes of it. You just need to let me deal with it. Even with my birth control my periods can cause me a lot of pain. I’m expecting a little more than normal this time around. Maybe have tissues around me. I can get weepy.” I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her onto my lap as I sat on the end of her bed. I hugged her tight and gave her comforting kisses since she may not want me to hold her this tight when her period comes. I felt her body relax into mine. It made my heart feel better. I may not be able to take these pains away from her being a woman, but I can make her as comforted as I can. I plan to stop by the store tomorrow during lunch or leave a little early from work to make sure she has every comforting thing to help.
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