Chapter Six

2561 Words
Ryann I had music playing on the holographic projector while I worked through my homework. Some of this school work is trying to read ahead for the syllabus my professors put out for this semester alone. I don’t want to spend an entire night reading four or five hundred pages of something for discussion the next day in class. If I can take notes and draw some diagrams now, I can just use them for reference and I always reference where I took my notes from if I do need to go back in and reread that section. I glanced at my left arm. I was glad the red mark is fading away. I heard a rustle at my door and my eyes appreciated Harper’s sexy form. He smiled broadly at me. I could melt in my seat for him just from his looking at me. “Break time?” He said. “Wha…” I couldn’t fully respond as he lifted me from my chair and laid me out on my bed. He was pulling my jeans down with my panties and off my body. “Hi.” He said with a goofy grin as he hovered over me and lowered his head to kiss me on my lips. He didn’t linger though. I could see the hunger in his eyes. I sucked air in as his hot mouth began to devour me. I moaned his name as he brought me to the brink, and I fell over the edge. I pushed Harper over and I unceremoniously removed his clothes. He lifted my shirt off as he kissed at my body. His hands had my bra removed even faster. Before I could move my leg over him, he had me beneath him. He pushed in my body, and I was in ecstasy. Harper wasn’t slow or gentle. I didn’t need him to be. He gripped my *ss to lift my hips and push deeper. I half panicked when I noticed my bedroom door wide open until I remembered Hope wasn’t here. I swear you could hear us all over the house. We were not being quiet at all. He groaned and moaned as he took his pleasure and gave me pleasure. Our bodies were slick with sweat as we found our releases. Harper went a minute after me, but I didn’t care. It feels so good when he is buried in my body. Harper was breathing heavily in my ear. He gave soft kisses to my shoulder. I looked up at the projector and it said it was approaching six. I needed to get dinner going. I pushed on Harper. “Where do you think you’re going?” “I need to start dinner.” “We can order something or pick dinner up. I don’t want you to move just yet.” He mumbled in my neck. I wanted to dispute him, but I didn’t want him to move either. Instead, I began stroking his back with my fingertips leisurely. I felt him grow again and I smirked as his attentions increased. Harper had me twice more before our stomachs began growling. “I think that was a longer break than I was expecting.” I commented. Harper laughed along with me. Harper ordered Chinese food delivery and I was down for it. We snuggled on my bed for a little while as we waited for our dinner. I needed this. I feel content right now. Harper dressed to get our food when it arrived. I was trying to find my shirt and instead I found his button-up. I pulled it on and buttoned some of the buttons. Harper was setting the food on the table. “You didn’t have to come out. I would have brought the food in to you.” “You wanted to eat in bed?” I asked. “I wasn’t opposed to it. I mean come on that is where my girlfriend was naked. Now she is in front of me with my shirt on. Can someone be jealous of their own shirt? Cause I think I am becoming very jealous.” I was laughing heartily at Harper. He joined me in laughing as he finished pulling the containers of food out of the bags. I grabbed a couple of plates for us. I popped an orange chicken in my mouth. The smell was getting to me. I hadn’t realized how hungry I am now until the smell of the food is permeating the kitchen. I grabbed some chopsticks and plopped myself down in a chair as I began to eat. I think Harper chuckled at me, but honestly, he made me use a lot of energy when he got home. I was so lost in eating I hadn’t realized Harper poured me some iced tea. I was grateful. I took a drink after I finished almost half of the food on my plate. I was about to stuff another fork full in my mouth when I heard my phone ringing in my room. I got up reluctantly and made my way to my room to answer it. The number on display looked odd. I answered it and I heard it. “Ryann.” “Dad.” “I can’t talk for long. I needed to know you were safe. I am sorry I couldn’t contact you after grandma died.” “Why are you calling dad? Come home and we can work this out.” “I can’t Babygirl not yet. I have to stay away for a little while longer. There’s things you just don’t know about the situation.” I was crying because I miss my dad. Harper took one look at me and snatched my phone out of my hand. “Who is this?” He demanded. “I asked you first.” “Because I have a right to know who is making my girlfriend cry.” “Harper, please give me the phone.” Harper ignored me as he glared. I can hear my dad’s muffled voice, but I don’t know what is being said on his end. “If you don’t answer me, I will hang up right now.” “Harper Green you give me my phone.” I raised my voice and demanded it with my hand out. “Yeah. My dad and uncle. There you know my name what’s yours?” “What? Turn yourself in. You’re destroying your daughter’s life. I would never hurt her.” Harper scoffed. “My family would never hurt her either. I…” I shoved Harper and his legs hit the end of my bed and made him sit. I was able to snatch my phone from him in that distraction. “Put Ryann back on the phone.” “Dad.” “Babygirl, a Green? I’m not saying you are flirting with the enemy, but just be careful with him. He could be using you to find me.” “Harper would never do that. He has been taking care of me for weeks along with his cousin Hope, which is more than I can say for you. You abandoned me and now, years later you finally contact me. Why dad?” “It’s complicated. I have been trying to make it back to you. I almost have everything.” “What everything?” I demanded. “Everything to prove my innocence. I promise you I didn’t do what they are accusing me of. I am being framed.” “I’m sorry dad I don’t believe you. You haven’t contacted me in almost six years.” “To protect you.” I half chuckled and half scoffed. I miss my dad, but there’s too many holes in his plea of innocence that I can’t blindly trust him now. “You didn’t protect me you ran, and I have been paying the price for your crimes. I love you dad, but…” I heard some clattering noises where he is. “Oh sh*t I need to go. I love you no matter what. I love you.” The line went dead. Harper was looking at me as I lowered my phone. I hope he is okay. I may be mad at my dad, but I don’t want him hurt in any way. “Sorry I shoved you.” I apologized. Harper pulled me to stand between his legs. “I don’t know what your dad said, but I am here for you Ryann. I’m not going anywhere no matter what your dad may think.” He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me before kissing me. I pushed back. “I know.” Harper wiped my tears. “Dinner is getting cold. How about you get comfortable, and I’ll go get your plate and we can just finish eating in here.” I nodded absentmindedly. I climbed onto my chair and Harper brought my plate in and handed it to me. I continued to eat. I can’t afford to let my dad’s distraction keep me from dinner. With my luck I won’t hear from him again for another six years or maybe never again. Harper came back in with his plate, and he handed it to me. I balanced his plate and mine as he lifted me and sat down resting me slightly across his lap. I handed him his plate and he pulled up the in air access menu for the holographic projector. He chose a movie and I snuggled into him as we finished eating. I was glad he didn’t press about my dad. I don’t know how to feel at the moment about it really. ~~~ I was lagging getting going for school this morning. It is not that I didn’t get good sleep because I did. I just can’t shake the feelings my dad contacting me evoked in me. I truly thought he was living the life of luxury while I suffer some of the consequences of his actions. Something keeps niggling at the back of my mind. Is he innocent? I’m glad I have been working ahead with my school work. I had the issues concentrating and it looks like I’ll be a bit ahead of the school work. The distraction of my dad will not interfere too much with my progress. I am happy I record my classes too. When I can focus a little better I will rewatch some of the classes this weekend. My phone chimed. I put my sandwich down. I looked at my phone. Harper- I forgot I needed to ask you something last night. Me- What? Harper- My Uncle Jayson and Aunt Wendy have a kind of end the summer party and its this weekend. My mom wanted to know if you are coming with me. So much for getting caught up this weekend. I’ll just have to work hard the next couple of nights if I can keep Harper’s distractions to a minimum. I may have to lock myself in my room. Me- Yeah sounds good. Harper- I miss you beautiful. I blushed at my phone. My heart is going pitter patter. What this man does to me just with a simple compliment. Me- I miss you too handsome. Harper sent me blushing emojis and I laughed out loud. I got a few odd looks from other students trying to eat their lunches and doing whatever it is they are doing. I tried to convey with my eyes my apologies for disturbing them. Me- You just got me in trouble laughing out loud at your emojis. Harper- I’ll let you punish me when I get home. He sent the winking emoji and a few laughing ones. I sent the laughing ones back to him. I was still smiling at my phone for a few seconds after Harper needed to get back to work. It hit me that I needed that distraction and though I am now thinking of my dad again I think I can handle myself for the rest of the day. When I got home, I made a sign and taped it to my bedroom door. I asked Harper not to disturb me other than for dinner. I set up everything. I got myself a snack and something to drink to tie me over as I delved into studying. I watched the class footage while I worked on my notes and gave more detail and such. I was even able to notate in the recording references to the notes I was working on. The more reference points I have the easier is will be for me to find the information I need as well as make it easier to study for finals. I was so lost I barely heard the message alert for the live messaging on the projector. I accessed it. “I made spaghetti.” I looked at the time and I was shocked at how long I have been working without taking a break. “I’ll be there after I use the bathroom.” “Okay.” I stretched and made my way to use the bathroom and wash my hands. Harper had it smelling delicious in here. I think he made some garlic bread and I’m a sucker for garlic bread premade or scratch I don’t care gimmie. Harper was looking sexy as he topped one of the flat bowls of spaghetti with freshly grated parmesan cheese. “Go sit and get comfortable.” I nodded and made my way to the couch. I could deal with sitting in something cushier than my desk chair. Not that it isn’t comfortable. It is just that I have been sitting in it for hours. I may have left a b*.tt print. I chuckled internally at where my tired brain is going. Harper set our bowls on the coffee table with drinks, and a covered bowl with garlic bread. He leaned down and kissed me quick and deep before sitting next to me. I lifted my bowl. I got a piece of garlic bread and took a huge bite before getting comfortable. “Thanks for making dinner. Sorry I need to keep you out, but if you want me to go to the party at your family’s place, I need to get this work done.” “Its okay. Just eat I can entertain myself.” I realized I pulled a little of what Hope does and I hadn’t eaten my snack at all I got so absorbed in my work. I ate my first bowl kind of fast, but I was hungry. Harper filled my bowl with seconds, and I took my time to eat that relaxing a little bit before I need to get back at it if I want to get to bed at a decent time tonight. At least that was my plan before Harper filled the bath tub for me and insisted, I did enough tonight, and I should take a bath. I agreed only if he joined me. “I planned to.” I grinned at him. He even filled the tub with bubbles and his tub was big enough for both of us to relax easily together. I largely just laid on his chest listening to his heart beat under my ear. I felt soothed and with him rubbing my back I fell asleep.
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