Chapter 8 fire of Revenge

3514 Words
"This is never going to be my revenge, I will destroy him with his own taste of playing, " "Why do you want this playing thing, he will be shocked when he sees you alive, this will be your clean revenge", Ethan let out with wide-open eyes. "Clean revenge, who says acts of revenge are clean? " "Revenge is red, bloody red, never calm until a stream of blood comes off", now Ethan was getting creeks of her words. " Maya, you are not Maya, remember that Rose is inside you," Ethan said. "Do you know the meaning of rebirth? And if you don't you will get to know for sure, " " Rose is dead, and she got her rebirth from the end, that place and time when she got ripped off," she smirked. "And for now call me Maya, Not Rose, she is dead," She said and Ethan shook his head. " If you want then I am on it, but it won't be influencing our relationship, " Ethan said. " Nothing is going to come between us," She said, her words were doubtful but Ethan omitted to sense it cause he didn't want to lose her again. " Okay, then I am with you," Ethan let out a loyal mug, and she winced her eyes two or three times. "But did you give it a title?" He asked and she took out another sample from the box. He saw that page and saw a girl wearing an ebony prom dress, she was wearing a black masquerade. " Love and Pain: rebirth from the End," which was written seems so interesting as well as intensive. " That's too good," he said. " I just want to create this whole book on my own, so I think I don't have to set up someone for anything," she interrupted when Ethan clutched her arms. "I told you, you are a gem, " he let out with shiny eyes. "Yeah, thanks," she said and moved her arms and set his hands off. " Oh, so sorry, you take a tour of your house, and let me give it a shot", he winked his eye and left the house. Maya stands on the balcony and watches him sitting in the car. " Go give it a shot, and wait for my shot, that I am planning for you", she said and waved at him. He got into his car and waved back to her. She went inside and walked upstairs to see her room. She opened the door and saw a king-size bed in the middle, a cabinet on the side, and a study table and chair, just in front of the window, where sunshine was falling on the table. She smiled and went to it, she settled down on a chair and grabbed some sheets. Again she went to write but a satisfying smile was visible making her face shine. " That girl has again walked into his life, but this time she doesn't bring the season of joy but a glitch of autumn, " " This autumn will let their lives shrink like the leaves of trees, she will disclose the truth of everyone, and burn them into the same fire that she got scorched," " And her next step was gaining powers, to become imperishable, but she also knows that the people whom she is trusting are not what they look like," "They are the devil like a snake who gets over their skin in no time, " " There should be someone whom she can use, make money, and can make a weapon for her revenge, " " Liam King," suddenly a name popped up into her mind, she stopped writing and started looking out from the window. " His name is King, so his business should start with a king," She let out her phone and searched for Liam King, and fortunately, google knew him, She looks for his businesses, but he has numerous businesses, And suddenly her finger clicked on photos and a handsome picture appeared on her smartphone, where Liam was wearing a black suit underneath a white shirt, and having two upper buttons undone, Her eyes got stuck on him and she remembers the incident last night. " You are handsome, but let me figure out if you can pull off loyalty," she was staring at her screen and a smirking show She saw his company cell number on her screen. " Maybe it's his peon," she let out but otherwise, she called on that number. " Hello, " suddenly she heard the same voice. " Who is here?" Liam asks again. "If you are not in the mood to talk don't call me again," he said and she frowned. "I..... I.....," she speaks up in a wavering voice. " Oh, so you are a girl, another lover of mine, I don't know where everyone is getting my number", his words made her pumped and she let out a sarcastic smirk. "Oh, really? Mr. Not innocent your number is on Google, " he narrows his eyes and lets out. " What?" "And I am not your lover, I don't ever wish to be, a lover of some kind of dumb, " she said and he figured it out quickly. "This voice, you are that girl last night," he said and got off his chair. " Where are you, and what do you want?" He got playful smirking lips. "Maybe you are getting me wrong, I am your well-wisher", She was going too good with that. "Well-wisher? " He frowned. " Do you know, Ethan Vincent is going to launch a new book today and trust me this is what you are looking for", Maya was grabbing him craved. "What is your name?" He asked. "My name, huh," she huffed and smirked. "Yes, your name, maybe that beautiful one has some fantabulous name," He was getting cheesy to impress her, but Maya was aware of his all exertions. "My name is something that you can feel real, but when you come closer it fades away", she makes him puzzled, and he frowns, suddenly she speaks up. "Maya, my name is Maya", his wrinkles got released and he was admiring that name. "Maya, such a smooth name you got," he smiled. " Mr. Vincent is launching a book, and before any other mafia gets his hands on that book I want you to snatch it, " She said and Liam was speechless. "Huh? What...... What did you say?" He was shocked cause fewer people knew about his deed. " I don't know what you are saying." He forbids claiming this, but Maya knows how to grab a fish into a net "But I know what you do," she amazed him. "This is just going to be so beneficial for you, just rushed to it," and she cut the call. "Hello....., hey......," Liam tried to dial the number again but that was gone, that line was off. "Vincent is rich, but I want more," she was smirking and absorbed in her thoughts. "Sir, we have.......," Steve entered the office and suddenly Liam growled. "Who is Ethan Vincent?" Liam asks. "Oh, he is a loser like Jackson.....," Steve laughed. "Let me take you to his office," Liam starts walking and Steve gets on his back. "My King, where are you heading to," Steve asked he turned to back and glared into his eyes. "Maybe that pest has something that I dreamed of having," Liam said and ostensibly he was talking about Maya. Steve nods and after taking over to the car, Steve drives to Ethan's company. "Sir, can you tell me what it is about?" Steve asked. "That girl last night," Liam makes him alarmed, he squints his eyes and thinks about that girl. "Sir, she was fishy, do you want to see her again?" He asked and he narrowed his eyes on him with a grimace. "You know Steve, there is only me who can ask a question, but I want to answer you, that girl has done something to me," "Maybe this was a fire of revenge, or maybe this was a fire of something else," Liam was silently smiling, he was probably in love with her, but denying it. After hearing her voice he became comfortable, cause he thought he was never going to get her. He stopped in front of Ethan's company, Ethan established a huge and remarkable building himself. Liam opened the door and rushed into the building Steve ran behind him, and there he found the reception a girl was sitting there and taking all the appointments for Ethan. "Where is Ethan Vincent's office?" Liam asks. "Oh, my King, what are you doing here?" She bowed at him and asked in her melodious voice. "Tell me what I asked," he glared into her eyes and she became startled. "On the fourth floor, then take a left and then turn to the right, the first room in the row is Mr. Vincent's office, but he is in a meeting," She guides and without wasting time Liam runs towards the lift. Steve gets in and they wait to reach the fourth floor. The receptionist lined up at Ethan's office but Ethan was overcrowded by his staff and couldn't hear the phone ringing. He showed the cover on the screen and started to heighten its meaning. "This story is going to be a super hit, maybe someone can get it for a movie, we have to work on it, " "This is the thing that can let us stay and save this company," Ethan said. "As you say this is a story from some new writer, how can this be possible, I think only Ross Adams can make it up, but unfortunately she is dead," one of his employees said. Ethan knows the truth and that's the reason he has his all ambition in this story. "Maybe we got her back," his words make everyone stunned. But Ethan tries to cover it. "I mean to say, I have turned my all ears on this story, and I loved it, you are going to listen up to it very soon," Ethan said and everyone nodded. That cover was grabbing everyone to work on this. " Listen to me everyone," again Ethan started to explain the story and everyone was having all their ears on. " Yes, this is the address," Steve was talking to someone on the phone. "Who is it?" Liam arched his dull eyes on him and he got shrunk. " Sir, I called our men, I think you are in the mood to fight, " "Say it straight?" He comes close to Steve. " Our men are coming up here," Steve let out abruptly and Liam covered his face with his fingers. "Are you out of your mind, we are not at war," he swirled his eyes and the door went open. " After you sir," Steve offered him and he got out and hurried to the way where Ethan's office was. He opened the door, and Ethan's eyes got wide. He was standing in the middle of all of his staff and guiding them about the book. He gulped his fear and tried to look casual. " Looks like a party without me," Liam smirked. "A.... My....., he.....," Suddenly Ethan's tongue got stumbled. " You didn't even know me," Ethan said and looked down. " Oh, looks like you got a tongue," Liam smirked and moved towards him. "He is the Liam king,......., what we are going to do now....., " everyone was speaking about him and he turned to them before gaining Ethan. " Silent, everyone out," Liam commanded and everyone obeyed. " My King, you here?" Ethan tries to turn his quivering utterance into stillness, but that is not leisurely to carry out, cause when Liam King is standing in front of anyone then that person must be in trouble. Liam turned and saw the cover of the book on the big screen. " Steve, can you tell me why this company is still being tracked down in its place?" Steve came forward and stood in front of Ethan. " I got those pictures of the contract," Steve smiled and let out. " Here is clearly written, that every opportunity that you are going to avail yourself is firstly executed by our honorable board chairperson Mr. Liam King," Steve announced Ethan didn't dare to look up. "So Mr. Vincent do you forget your deal?" Liam asked and he was flustered to give any explanation. "Yes, Sir I... I know, I was aiming to work on it before I showed it to you," Ethan smiled and Liam patted his shoulder. "Okay, I don't think this needs any further work, show me," Liam said and suddenly someone walked in. Liam abruptly turned his eyes on her, and Ethan's jaw dropped. " Hello, Everyone.....," Maya was here she was dressed in a laced black dress, having a little enchanting makeup on. And wearing an ankle strap heel. " You......," Liam let out with a frown. Ethan walks to her abruptly and Maya turns to him. "Rose....., oh, I mean Maya, what are you doing here?" He was muttering with his eyes wide open. " Let me, Ethan," She said and moved forward. " So there you are," Liam smirked at her and she accepted by shaking her head. " Do you two know each other?" Ethan asked. "Yes, last night, Sir and she.....," Steve let out and Liam had wide his eyes on him. "Oh, I am sorry," Steve turned his gaze down and Ethan fisted with furious manifestation. "Ro....., I mean Maya, what is he saying?" Ethan asks. "Hang on...., that's not what you are thinking," Maya said. " Why don't you tell him, Ms......., Maya, " Liam said. "What Maya.....," Ethan's heart was bursting with their words. "Whyn't I tell you before this that you are talking to the respected author, " Maya said and everyone was shocked. "Let me Ethan,* Maya said. " But what is all this?" He asked. " You trust me right?" She asked and he got no words to say. "Okay...., I trust you," Ethan said and Maya walked to Liam. "Author, I never heard about you," Liam said. "Oh, you look so fortunate to not only hear me but also peek those eyes on me," She smiled and Liam was still in shock. " So you were poking me?" He said again. " No, I wasn't, you were so stupid not to have me", She smirked, and Steve glared at her. " Hey, Ms. Do you know whom you are talking to?" Steve let out, but Liam stopped him. "Don't talk to her like that, I want to know about you, " he comes close to her. "Oh...., I.... I mean about that story," he changed his contention. " My name is Maya Miller, and I am the author of this story," Maya said and Liam nodded. " Maya.....," he whispered. " This story is about rebirth, which will take place after the delinquency of love, and then the pain and retribution, will take place", Liam brings all of his attention to the scenario. She was divulging but suddenly she stopped. " Why.... Why did you stop?" Liam asked cause he was so into it. Why would I tell you the whole story, do I look like an i***t to you? " She smirks and sits at the place where the significant personality is considered to be. "If I tell you the whole thing then you were able to hold it up without me," she sneered and Liam got up from his place. "Clever....," He let out. "Very much....," she replied. " I will complete it and in that interval, you need to be forbearing, and in this interval, I will try to get someone worth full to have me," she smirked and Liam's face went dull. "What do you mean? You are writing this for him," he pointed at Ethan. "He works under me so that means you are writing this for me," Liam said. " Yeah, I was but after meeting you, I think I should think about my decision," she walked to the multimedia took her papers and the cover, and was about to leave. "Mr. Vincent .....," Liam glared at him. " Maya, stop it, where are you going?" Ethan held her hand and an electric shock went through Liam's body. Steve was observing all his wrath. " Please Ms. Miller, can you tell us what you want?" Steve said and Ethan let go of her hand. " Will you give me?" She flashed at Steve and then turned her eyes on Liam. " Yes....," Liam said. "Everything you ask for, I will give you everything", Liam said she pouted and nodded her head. "Interesting," She said and walked to Liam. "But I don't think so, " she let out and he glared at her. " I mean a person who is upon his father's money can't sell my book, and I don't think that you can do this without your father's help," she said and Liam gave a wistful smile. " Hey, lady do you know whom you are talking to?" Steve said. " Let it be Steve, let me tell her," Liam comes forward. " I am Liam King, I have more than 45 businesses running on my own, in different countries, maybe all over the world, " " Those satellites and networks you are probably using though belong to my creativity, you can say that I am the richest, " "But this is all relying on your father, if you are not with your father, do you have anything this is aside from your father's approach?" She asked and he was speechless as well as ferocious. "He and I made this together, " he claimed. " No, before you, he was holding all this, everything", She withstood. "What do you think of yourself, how dare you say this to me," Liam said. " Now he realized why I was stopping her," Steve mumbled. " Shut up," Liam heard him saying. "So.... Sorry sir," he let out and looked down, Maya smirked, and Ethan held her hand again. "Maya, stop it, what are you doing, he is not that person whom you can argue with," Liam's blood flow gets higher when he sees their hands. "Ethan let me ....," She released her hand and looked straight at Liam. " I have lost everything that I got, if you met me at that time I am sure you will regret telling me all this, but it's okay," Maya said. "You need to stop it, My King will reject you in a second, what do you expect from him, it would never be accomplished," Steve smirked, and Maya was going deep into his eyes. It seems that he has lost himself in her eyes, and abruptly he speaks up. "What do you want me to do?" He asked. "Will you do that?" She asked. " Definitely...", he replied with a nod. "What? Sir.....," Steve wide his eyes in shock. " Okay, let's meet tomorrow and I will tell you," She said and Liam winced his eyes. " But, I have my demand also, " Liam said and she folded her arms across her chest. " After I get above your demands, I will get all of your authority, you will be mine, I mean my employee who will only work for me", "Not for some remote CEO," He said and Maya swirled her eyes with a smirk. "No, Maya will only work with me, Maya.....," Ethan speaks up. "Mr. Vincent don't forget your place," Liam shouted and glared at him, cause Ethan was aiming to touch her again. " My king I know, you appreciate her work, but she can't do this", Ethan was resisting and Maya was not saying a word. " Why don't you tell him, Maya.....," He begged Liam stepped forward to snatch his collar and Maya stood between before he got to him. She put her hand in the middle of his chest to keep some distance and her lifeless eyes looked up into his ferocious one. " Mr. Liam......," Maya let out. "Liam king.....," Liam interrupted. "Liam King, please forbid your steps, " Maya said, and that hand can hear his faster heartbeat. " Please Ms. Maya forbid your hand, this is making me something, maybe you got to see a monster inside me", Liam smirked and Ethan fisted, but his hands were chained cause of Liam's wealth. Maya takes her hand off and stares into his eyes. "Maybe, someday you will see my monster too," She said and Liam swirled his eyes. " I would love to," he replied. Be careful, it might burn you, she said and Steve looked at Liam's face but something different seemed to be seen. He was smiling instead of giving a fierce utterance.
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