"Chapter 7" the Dark Book

1632 Words
Are you going to take care of him? " She was packing her things and Ethan was closely watching her beautiful tiny hands. " I always did, I will always, after all," Ethan replied and deliberately placed his hand on her's she immediately snatched it back, and Ethan went startled. " I ...... I am so sorry, " he dusted his hair and found her filling her lungs with a great portion of air. "Are you okay?" He asked and she nodded. "Sorry, I just felt Jackson touch me," She peeks at him and Ethan choked his throat. "What...., are you out of your mind, how can you compare that baseborn with me?" "Rose I saved you, I saved your grandfather.....," he clutched her arms and she shrugged him off. " I know....., I just want some time to see through, I am scared of everyone, you need to understand Ethan," her eyes were filled with despair and Ethan configured what she wanted. "Okay, I am not coming close to you, happy?" He asked and she shuddered her head. She only keeps a few things with her, Ethan was roaming in her room and found her favorite notepad that she always prefers to write on, he grabbed it and walked to her. "Rose.......," he stopped and cursed himself. "She changed her name, why do you want to make her mad," he said and struck the knuckles on his head. "Maya, look what I found," she turned and suddenly remembered something. He came close and in no time she snatched those pads, and threw them into the trash bin. " Oh.....," he was startled and standing straight. "What happened? Those were your favorite notepads, " " I thought you wanted them, 'cause no matter if you use them or not but you carry them with you", asked and she pivoted her eyes down again. "Rule no one, Destroy everything that brings you back into your past," Her eyes were stuck in one place and again she turned on to go into the world of dreams. She remembered on her birthday, everyone brought expensive gifts for Rose. But that guy whom she loves the most brings these notepads for her. " Where is my gift?" Rose asked Jackson and he hesitated to give this in front of everyone. " No, your gift is not here, let me bring it, " Jackson hides his gift on his back. " Liar, I see it, give it to me," Rose tries to seize it but fails. " Jackson, I said give it to me, right now", she said after trying so hard. "Rose, I said this is nothing," he said and Rose made a dull face she turned but he clutched her hand. "I got this for you, but I don't think this matches your standard," Jackson's words make her frown, she jerks her hand and looks into his eyes. "Since when do these things come between us?" Rose asks and he is dumbfounded. "What," he asked "This standard, where did you learn this from?" Rose asks and Jackson looks down. "Rose look, there are diamonds and expensive things for you, on this big day how can I give you this useless thing," he let out and Rose swirled her eyes. "You know how important you are to me, but your words are hurting me, Jackson," she said and turned, but he again held her hand and she veered around to him. "This is for you, I might not give you the perfect thing, but I bought it for you with a full endeavor that you will get it used in your life ahead," he said and without waiting for a second she opened it. " Oh, my you knew that, writing is my passion, " she saw beautiful notepads that had light purple and sky blue butterflies and those were Rose's favorite colors. It was three pairs of notepads one had purple butterflies, another had sky blue butterflies, and the third one had both colored butterflies. She went so happy, but Jackson doesn't want anyone to see that gift, and for the sack of his privacy Rose never tells anybody. Rose came back again to that place where she was, she was done with packing and walked with Ethan downstairs. " Ready to go, Ms. Maya," he asked and she gave a wink of her eyes, she said goodbye to her grandfather and got settled into the car. " Where am I going to live?" She asked. " So you need another home?" Ethan smirked and she narrowed her eyes on him. " I won't be living with you," She said and Ethan chuckled. "I know, I have just purchased a new house for you," He said and she turned her face to him. "Where did you get all this money?" She asked and he got confused. "Cause work hard day and night.....," he said so vigorously, and Maya felt pessimistic here. Yeah, you work hard, day and night, my brother also did, " Maya said, and Ethan nodded. "So you have a publication house too?" She asked and he shook his head. "How?" She asked and he put on such a spooked reaction. " How? What do you mean, how? I was working hard, you know," he tried to turn her question into the truth, but suspicious Maya was gaining her answers. "Yeah, right, I am sorry", she said and looked outside of the car window. "I know you, I know everything, I just threw that Rose into that turbulent past," "That innocence vanished, and what you thought I would let you go quietly, Nah, never," she said in her mind she smirked and turned her head to Ethan, he turned to her and gave her a confused smile. That was clear, Maya was not planning it now, she had decided everything from that last day when her innocence died. " I will release the teaser of my new book as soon as possible," Maya said. " Do you have the book, the new one?" He asked and she nodded. "Yes, you might like it," Maya said and Ethan felt so excited about this. "You know from this news I changed my mind," Ethan looks so ambitious. "What mind?" she Pulled her borrows and signifies a really new expression, cold and plain that never comes from her. That innocent and kind-hearted Rose looks so deep and pacified about everything. "You know that company is going into the loss, so I was striving to shut it down, but now I think I should see your book and then think of closing it," Ethan said and Maya flicked her eyes. " You're really going to like it," she said and Ethan stopped a car in front of a beautiful wooden house. " I remember you love wooden houses," he said but she didn't show any buzz deeming it Without saying anything she opened the door and walked straight to the corridor. "Okay, she doesn't want to talk, I have to understand", He was nodding and was trying to figure out her problem. She stopped in front of the door, and suddenly Ethan came up. "Hey, here are the keys," he bestows her the keys and she opens that huge shiny wooden door. She entered the door and uncovered whole lot was pristine and lustrous. She touched the wooden wall and beamed. "Do you like it? " He asked. She roams her eyes and admires the tranquil and calm experience of that house. "Do you know why I love wooden houses?" She asked, and he was inquisitive to hear her answer. "Cause they are full of calmness, and no stress, and this is a place that can push you deep into the thoughts, " She was looking out of the window, that was located in the hall just after the space of the corridor. " Everything is brown and white", she turned and smiled. The floor was light brown but the furniture was all white and pure, everything looked so expensive and passionate. " I designed it for you," Ethan saw her swirling her hand on the folds of white curtains, she appreciated the sunlight dripping on her face. " That's so nice of you," she said and looked outside, she saw his man taking her things out of his car. She turned her face and saw him coming into the hall. " Place it on the table....," Ethan commanded, after placing it on, he left. "Here we go, " Maya takes her steps towards the box and opens it, she takes out some papers and shows them to Ethan. " This is here, " she said and Ethan took it in his hands, he got absorbed in reading those pages his eyes got wide and his forehead got marked. "This is so intense," He said and she smirked. "That's my genre from now, I love to write dark, maybe darker, " she said and Ethan gulped his fear. "This matches your story," he said and she nodded. " What else I can write after falling so hard, " she replied. " But you always write romance and love stories, what's all that?" He asked. "It's nothing, there is much more to include," she said and Ethan had a dull countenance. "You have other ways to do this," he said. " So, what do you think how am I going to destroy him? " She asked. " Let's get married, and get him jealous, 'cause you are the precious of this world, " he said and she makes such a sardonic face. "Are you in your sense, living in your childhood still or some kind of love story that is made for kids?" She let out a chuckle.
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