Chapter 6

1836 Words
“ Why are you mowing my lawn ?” It didn’t come out as harsh as I wanted it to, I mean I had no idea why I was trying to be mad at him in the first place. Maybe because he just did it without asking , I felt like men where too involved in my life since I moved in here. The short few days ago damm where had my quiet life gone, he stops the mower.  I think I’m going to have to repeat myself but he must have heard me over the loudness of the mower, he gestures to it with his hand giving me a duh look. “ I was just making sure everything was ok with the mower I picked you up , if not I’d take it back” . Now I felt like s**t , f**k why was I so disoriented with my emotions at the minute. “ oh well thanks but I could have done it I’m home now you already got me the mower which was more than enough “ I inspect the new mower and it looked good too good. This couldn’t be in my budget even I new the make of it to be an expensive one.  “ It was no bother I was heading to the store anyway and your grass still wasn’t cut so I assumed you’d not had enough time “ he carry’s on talking not knowing the mental break down I was having the more I looked at it. “ Adam how much did this cost ?” I ask tightly , I study his face dreading him telling me the price. Smooth as butter he tells me “ hundred and sixty I know it’s ten over budget but trust me it’s worth it “ he smiles and then he looks away not holding my stare.  “ Your Lying” I snap out , his green eyes cut back up to me his expression changing in an instant he looks angry annoyed defensive. “ What” he says acting affronted, “ You heard me there is no way a mower like this and that brand was only hundred and sixty , so how much was it ?” .  He stands to face me straight on crossing his bulging arms over his chest somehow looking bigger. “ I go and do you a favour and you return that by calling me a liar , I don’t know about you Chelsea but I’d have got my ass whooped for being so ungrateful “ he growls at me. The insult didn’t stop me in my path i think all the frustration from the day was spewing out of my mouth like word vomit. “ yea I’m sure you was raised to be an inconsiderate ass too who has a revolving door of women and likes to take the Micky out of women by calling them pretty and s**t do you find it funny, to know your like some sort of Norse god on looks department then try to play with women’s feelings who are no where near your league. What is it with men these days , why are you all such assholes  where are all the kind and decent men “ I rant.  His green eyes turn black his pupils blowing up as his face hardens , it’s weird but his features even seem to sharpen. But he quickly turns his body putting his back to me his shoulders tense and moving up and down as if he’s heaving in breaths.  “ I  guess that would mean I’d be making my dad proud huh , seen as we are all alike “ he sound like he was gritting it out. Talking more to himself than me he turns his head to the side and talks over his shoulder at me his face seems normal again even though I can’t see it properly.  “ Your welcome for the mower next time I won’t bother “ he walks to the fence and hops over it in the cat like way he does. “ I’ll find out how much it was and I’ll post you the money “ I shout at his retreating back. But he doesn’t acknowledge me he just walks off up his garden and his porch into his house. It’s not until his door slams that I release the breath I was holding realisation of what a s**t I’ve just been hitting. Seconds later loud rock music blast and I cringe closing my eyes “ s**t have I just got myself another sleepless night “ I whine to myself.  I nearly jump out of my skin when some laughs behind me swinging around I see Kyle leaning over the fence amusement all over his face. “ well girl that was tense you sure don’t mince your words do you ?” He was laughing and sounding amused. It makes me cringe I hadn’t officially met my other neighbours yet jeez what impression did he have of me now . “ HI ermm sorry that’s not how I usually am it’s just I don’t know he has this way of “ my words die in my mouth. Of what he wasn’t actually being horrid then or smirky , he was mowing my lawn with the mower he had picked up for me.  So why had I flipped , I knew why I was thinking he was trying to give me a hand out there’s no way he was telling the truth about the price. I didn’t want hand outs or pity I would and could do things on my own, I didn’t want to be reliant to anyone. I’m not even sure where the fear of that came from. Maybe watching auntie struggle the guilt I felt that her having to look after me became a financial burden to her. She never went on to have her own children or a long term partner she was responsible for providing for us both and I saw how much she struggled. Maybe I just didn’t want to put me and my child through that if I had a child one day , I mean to do that I had to at least try a relationship that would mean letting someone in. But I’d they ever left like the one and only guy I’d known auntie to be with did. Not long after she took full guardianship of me it happened , I’d asked her if it was because of me he left , maybe he wasn’t ready for kids but she would always shut me down. Tell me not to be silly anyway if that happened I’d have a house for us and hopefully a decent amount of money, no struggle.  “ He what ? “ Kyle asks tilting his head his face knowing like he already knew , “ He just gets to me and I don’t know why I don’t even know him he’s just so “ my words die off again. This time Kyle finishes for me “ intense “. Laughing I nod “ yea maybe that I haven’t quite worked it out I just feel he’s taking the Micky out of me and I don’t like it “. He scowls and looks at Adams house “ how ?” He says sounding a little angry .  I didn’t want to say it was embarrassing but Kyle he didn’t make me feel embarrassed the opposite actually, he made me feel relaxed like I could tell him anything. How was that possible for someone I just met “ he calls me pretty “ I find myself telling him the truth. His scowl turns to disbelief and it almost makes me hurl like he’s about to agree it is a joke. But he elaborates and it makes me feel like I’m being scolded like a big brother or sister would “ Why would that be him taking the Micky as you call it , you are pretty he’s stating facts “ he scowls at me.  I sweep my hand at Adams house that’s was still blasting heavy rock “ Have you seen him ?” I ask like it should answer his question like it should tell him all he needed to know. “ Yes I have and I also see you maybe Chelsea you should go look in the mirror longer and maybe accept he’s actually meaning it”. I’m about to argue more but he holds up his hand “ nope I won’t hear you pulling yourself down more what I will do is see you here Saturday for the bbq and you my dear are now going to have to put up with a sulky Adam , if I don’t see you over this fence Saturday I’ll come and get you myself I need a new wing woman around all these alpha males and with the tongue lashing I just witnessed you give i believe you’ll do just fine “ he winks and saunters off up to his house.  Once again I’m left feeling railroaded and confused but I also believe I’ll like Kyle , sighing I look back at the bloody lawnmower and my half cut grass and go get changed. When I come back out the music was still hammering away and the mower was now unplugged from what must have been his extension, so I go back in the house and grab mine.  When I go back down the garden I notice the box for the mower over the fence too and wonder when he’d been out side I was only in the house two minutes, looking inside the box I see a piece of paper and pull it out seeing it’s a receipt. When I look closely guilt swamps me when I see the price one hundred and sixty “ f**k “ I sigh and know I’ll have to apologise. Stuffing the Receipt in my pocket I get to work finishing the garden feeling like a first class cow. By the time I’m don’t the music has stopped , it’s later that night when I was enjoying a glass of wine on my porch reading a book while wrapped in my blanket. That I have to deal with Adams strop as Kyle called it , it felt more like a slap in the face. He had stumbled out of the house a tall leggy blonde wrapped around his waist , he was holding her up by her bum her legs wrapped around his waist . With the way he was walking he was definitely intoxicated and she was brave trusting him to hold her up , he sits her on the porch rail there lips locked and hands roaming. Her moans where definitely over exaggerated he wasn’t touching anywhere sexually yet anyway one hand was in her hair the other on her neck and like some sort of creep I couldn’t look away.
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