Chapter 5

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When I got to work I tried to make myself as invisible as possible , I felt like people where looking at me different like they knew about frank being in my house this morning . Nothing had happened I knew that but it all just felt so wrong , railroaded that’s what I felt. I wasn’t believing he had even been called into court the more I thought about it. Why though is what I kept asking myself, why would he go from just being over keen with his eyes and getting too close to amp it up to making stuff up to turn up at my house. The more I thought about it the more I thought I was being completely delusional, I mean he was a successful man with a beautiful wife. Why would he go to all that length of making something up and lying for me. He wouldn’t , I’m definitely nothing special. So when noon came around I felt better about going to his office, I’d convinced myself  it was all in my head . He must just see a potential in me for work , so when I knock and he shouts to enter  I walk in and I’m back to smiling. Yea he looked a bit too much sometimes but most men do just like a women would a male.  He’s sat at his desk typing away on his computer , he looks up his eyes taking in my face. He doesn’t smile or even greet me , he cuts his eyes to a bag in the counter and nods his head at it. “ The foods in there I ordered something nice and healthy for you serve it up I have this email to write “.  He looks back away , dismissive and carry’s on typing my smile slips off of my face I stand lost for a minute wondering what was wrong. But remembering the mental talking down I didn’t to myself earlier I choose to not read into it and go open the bag of food.  It smells absolutely wonderful   One by one I pull out cartons and at the bottom of the bag there was plates and cutlery.  Opening them up I see one loaded with vegetables and pasta in a sauce, I have no idea what it is so I open up the rest and see garlic bread in one and a meaty pasta and then some sort of sauce over it. In another was salad not knowing what anything was and seen as everything was different I get stuck, I’d never eaten at fancy restaurants the most Italian I’d had was what I cook myself. Carbonara , meatballs that’s sort of stuff.  Chewing my lip I glance up to see him observing me his face blank “ I’m not sure who’s is who’s “ I laugh nervously. I expect him to give a smile the ones he normally does when he comes for coffee but instead he sighs as he stands up rolling his chair back. He grabs hold of the cartons and loads the salad onto one plate and then places a small amount of the vegetable pasta on. The other plate he loads up with the meaty pasta some vegetable pasta and adds a garlic bread.  He hands takes the big plate with all the mouthwatering food on and sits back down , leaving the salad and vegetable plate in front of me. Leaning forward I look into the garlic bread container my stomach growling  “ can I have this piece ?” I ask him. He looks at me a little disapprovingly “ sure but to eat stuff like that you need to be  doing regular work outs , I work out daily. Do you ?” . My heart lurches did he just insinuate what I thought he did , the food he picked compared to his as well.  Suddenly feeling self conscious I take the plate without the garlic bread and take a seat trying to clear the lump that developed in my throat. “ I try to but I’m on my feet all day so sometimes I’m too tired “ I answer him. He nods taking a bite of his garlic bread almost taunting “ exercise brings you more energy now you won’t be the office help and more sitting down jobs for me whilst my assistant on this case maybe you’ll create more time” he says it casually.  But I can’t help feel it’s sting , I mean women where known for taking anything anyone said about weight to heart. Maybe that’s what I was doing and he was just being nice , the rest of the meal was ate in silence. The food he had picked was delicious even if I would have chose probably what he had for myself. When he’s done he slides his plate to the side of his desk and continues to type. So I hop up clean up all the rubbish and put it in the bin , when I sit back down he hands me a bunch of notes that need typing up correctly. He hands me a laptop “ this will be your laptop while your my assistant I’ve ordered you a desk to be put over there “ he points at a cleared space near the window in his office and it makes me confused . Assistants didn’t normally share an office with who they was working with , they’d normally take a cubicle out on the main floor and come into the seniors office when needed. “ problem ?” He asks, I jump realising I was scowling at the spot he pointed to. “ oh no , no problem I just was confused assistants usually sit out there and am I in here full time what about my duties out there ?” . He rubs his chin and then pushes and hand back through his already slicked back hair. “ I’ve spoke to the partners , I’ll use you as and when I need you in here if there is no work for you you’ll go out there . But I prefer to work closely with my assistant I don’t want to have to come traipsing to find you that’s why your desk will be there “ he nods at the space.  I grin and nod my head , all the while the food I just ate threatens to come back up. What had I agreed to do , how had everything changed so fast. He goes back to typing and I open the laptop sharing his desk for now. I start typing out his observations and notes, on different factors of the case from evidence to statements. Soon I was enthralled with his opinions , you could really see why he was where he was.  He’d pulled things apart  that I never would have thought to , who ever knows how long later he says my name. Looking up I see him  looking at me intensely his hand tapping the desk. “ who was that man at your house this morning ?” He asks randomly. So random it takes me a second to answer I scowl at him “ my neighbour “ I tell him. It was a random question to ask and I didn’t really care for it , it wasn’t really any of his business. “ are you involved?” He carry’s on asking , ignoring I was scowling at him. “ No we are not  I just met him when I moved in , in all due respect I’d rather not talk of my personal life Frank I don’t really see what business that is of yours “ i say sternly. I may be blinded by the position he’s offered and have to be a bit more friendly or bite my tongue more. But I could still draw a line with him , he raises his hands in a surrender sign and sits back for the first time this afternoon smiling. “ I just wondered if he would have a problem with you working closely to me is all, strictly professional because he seemed to be jealous I was just hoping that wouldn’t become drama at work “.  I feel my cheeks shoot in bright red with embarrassment of course he was being professional. Didn’t colleagues talk about home life all the time, but I don’t know Frank speaking of Adam just made something not sit well. Clearing my throat I shake my head “ no definitely not he’s just my neighbour he saw my mower was broke I think stroppy is just his personality “ I say feel guilty. I didn’t know Adam to label him as stroppy he was getting me a mower today saving me a job , he made me feel like jackal and Hyde.  One minute I was furious at him about throwing party’s keeping me awake the next I felt the need to defend him and take back my words to Frank. I don’t instead I go back to typing , frank smiles the rest of the day the atmosphere completely different  in the office. Still when home time came I couldn’t wait to leave and get distance. Tomorrow I’d stop acting so docile , I’d make the best out of a uncomfortable situation and do a fantastic job as an assistant on the case. If that meant have the battle of wills with Frank on boundaries I would, I also had to stop obverse thinking stiff he does or says. When I get home I hear something in my back garden. Rushing through the house wondering what the he;ls happening I see Adam shirtless again in my garden mowing my lawn. His muscles flex and he stops mowing to rake , his tattooed arms flexing and near in making me drool.  I should be running out asking what he’s doing but instead I keep watching for a while.  I felt deflated after such a rollercoaster of emotions that’s happened today. Watching him just makes me feel relaxed in a way, until his gaze clashes with mine my breath hitches and when he grins at me I can’t help the small smile I give him back. Until i snap out of it that is then I stomp outside and ask him what he’s bloody doing. 
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