What did she want to say to Richard?

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Nora POV. "You just don't want to see me that much?"I deliberately moved closer to him as I spoke. I was wearing his once-favorite perfume today,and he would have loved it. Yes,I was trying to seduce him. Adding some physical contact would be very helpful in moving our relationship forward. When the tip of my nose was about to touch the tip of his nose,I stopped. I had never seen Richard so close before. For the first time,I realized that Richard was even more handsome than I remembered.His eyes were blue,like the most beautiful sea and sky,and his long eyelashes fanned out like feathers over his blue eyes. His skin was good,without overly rough pores or visible pimple marks. He also had a lovely nose...and then lips. They looked very healthy,rosy,sexy,and seductive... I couldn't help but get close;I wanted to kiss him. In fact,I did so. Richard seemed to freeze as a whole,and I could feel his body in a tense state. I should have stopped at this point;after all,he still needed some time to adjust to my passion. But he was too tempting,and I craved him. Before he could respond,I wrapped my arms around his neck and then seductively ran my fingers across the knot of his throat,his chest. Then I felt his body react,the searing heat a fire of lust. He craved me just as much,and that was good. I continued to kiss him when my hand had unbuttoned the first button of Richard's shirt.When I touched the warmth of his skin,my body shivered slightly. The feeling,like an electric current into my body,stimulated my nerves a little. It was wonderful and comfortable. Before I could undo the second button,Richard had already tightened his grip on my wrist and pinned me down on the sofa. Was he finally unable to resist my temptation and ready to take the initiative?Maybe the break room at the back of the office would be a good choice. This thought appeared in my mind,and his words instantly shattered all my illusions. "Tell me,what is your purpose this time?" Oops,damn it,he's still questioning me! Well,I did get a little anxious just now. "To your beautiful wife,you should be gentle." I tried to put on my brightest smile,even though my wrist was hurting from his tugging. I thought that the first step in attacking this man should be to get him to take down his guard against me. I knew that was hard,but I had enough time and patience. "Boss,it's almost time for the meeting...Oh!Sorry to disturb you..." Like a gust of wind,Zack suddenly appeared in the doorway and quickly disappeared again. "You heard me,and whatever you're up to again,I simply don't have time to deal with you right now."Richard coldly walked away from me. He moved elegantly to straighten the clothes on his body,picked up his phone from his desk,and strode towards the door. "You'll be back tonight,won't you?"I inquired eagerly. He paused in his steps for a brief second,and then as if he hadn't heard me,he left. Without Richard's positive reply,I was a bit uneasy.What if he went on a business trip as soon as I left? Three months? I couldn't do it for three months without seeing him,so I decided to sit here and wait for the meeting to end;I wanted his affirmative answer. By all means,I had to get him home today! How else would I have a chance to spend time alone with him and recapture his heart? I was bored and wandered around Richard's office,which was too low in style. The environment can be very emotionally charged.Would it help Richard relax his attitude towards me if I made the office a little more relaxed? My mind started to conjure up various office modification options. At that moment,the phone rang. It was Jessica calling. "I'm sure you haven't left yet.Do you have time to come downstairs for a cup of coffee?I have something for you,you seemed to be in a hurry earlier,and I forgot..." Jessica's enthusiasm made me sick. Once I was simply a fool,and I actually considered such a disgusting woman my best friend. But...she said she had something for me,and it seemed like it had to be that thing. I knew what it was. Because I knew what it was,I had to go downstairs and meet her for the damn coffee. Because in a previous life,something similar happened,just the day before Richard chose to go on a business trip,I had a big fight with him. It was just after Richard and I had finished our fight,and I was in no mood to pick up anyone,so I declined her invitation,and then that darned woman took what she had and sent it straight to Richard. So if I didn't go to meet with her,she would send the papers she had to Richard in my name,as she did in her previous life. When I arrived at the cafe and sat across from Jessica,she gave me a file folder. "Open it,and you'll be surprised,"Jessica said mysteriously. I stared impatiently at the bag,"What's this?" "Divorce agreement,"Jessica said excitedly. Yes,she gave me a copy of the divorce agreement,my divorce agreement with Richard. Jessica had delivered this document directly to my husband in my previous life! "Didn't you say that Richard and your father were keeping an eye on your lawyer,and you couldn't get the divorce agreement?Look,I got it ready for you!"Jessica's face was full of"I'm so good to you"smile,but I was sensitive to see the cunning in her eyes. In my previous life,when I learned that she had sent the divorce papers for me,I acted like a fool and treated Jessica like the person who knew me best and even gave her a lot of luxury items as a thank you. In fact,she just wanted me to divorce Richard as soon as possible and fall into her and Derek's scam. At the same time,she wanted Richard to be her backup. Yes,a spare tire! Although Jessica said she loved Richard in the previous life,it wasn't love at all in my current opinion. She just sees Richard as prey and a trophy to show off to me. Unfortunately,she failed in the previous life,Richard was never seduced by her,and Jessica ended up colluding with Derek to push Richard to the path of destruction. Jessica never loved anyone,and everything she did,she did for herself! Thinking of my previous life,Richard,my father,our tragedy,I couldn't wait to pick up the dessert fork in front of me and plunge it hard into her heart! But I couldn't do that;I couldn't be impulsive. If I killed her in public,then I would spend the rest of my life in prison,and that would be so unworthy. I am lucky that I will still go back to before everything happened,and I still have a chance to change all this. In this life,I will not believe any of their words again. All the tragedies that have happened will not happen again. If they continue to hurt my loved ones and me,my family,I will not let them go! I don't want to waste much time on Jessica now. To end this torturous meeting as soon as possible,I smiled and nodded at Jessica and said,"I still have things to take care of;I'll leave first!" Before Jessica could respond,I turned around and left the cafe. This vicious woman,one more minute in a space with her,the flame of hatred in my heart will burn a little more vigorously. After regaining my composure,I took a deep breath and prepared to go back upstairs to Richard's office to continue waiting for him. As I walked into the lobby of the office building,I suddenly remembered that there was a French dessert store nearby,and Richard loved Madeleine and Opéra there. Richard is so busy,and he must not have time to eat there,why don't I pack some and bring them to his office?That way,he can have them right after the meeting. Will Richard be happy to have his favorite dessert?I thought he would be! I turned around and left the office building,and headed to the French dessert store on the corner with that in mind. The French dessert store was doing a brisk business! I waited for almost an hour to get my Madeleine and Opéra. I figured Richard's meeting was over and quickly headed to the office building with my shopping bag in my hand. When I re-entered Richard's office door,the door was not completely closed,and someone seemed to be talking inside. I wanted to ask Richard if he was currently receiving a guest,but I couldn't find Zack,who Richard had probably sent on another mission. At that moment,a familiar woman's voice came from inside. "Richard,are you sure you don't want to think about it?It would be good for both you and her..." This voice...was Jessica! What did she want to say to Richard?
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