Jessica POV

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Jessica POV. After leaving the cafe,I went straight to Richard's office. Richard was unwilling to talk to me until I said that Nora had something and entrusted me to give it to him,and then Richard was willing to communicate with me alone. I gave Richard the other document of the divorce agreement in my bag. Richard did not take it,his face was very hard,and after a long silence,he said,"Is this what she entrusted you to give me?" He had such a reaction,completely in my expectation. In fact,I never understood why such a good and handsome man like Richard would like that stupid lady Nora! Is he trying to get her family's money,just like Derek? If that's really the case,Nora is really a poor thing. I was a little smug inside,but I couldn't show it;I had to keep pretending to be a nice guy. "Richard,I know you and Nora have a difficult and painful marriage to maintain;why won't you let Nora be free to do what she wants to do?" After a second's pause,I added,"Actually,you know very well that Nora doesn't love you;she loves Derek." Richard didn't respond,and I didn't hear his voice to guess what he was feeling right now. Anger?Sadness?Or disappointment? I thought,whichever it is,it's good for me. On the one hand,if Nora and Richard divorce,Derek will have access to Nora's family fortune. I could use Derek and succeed in stepping into the upper class. As for Richard,he is my other prey. I fell in love with Richard the first time I met him.He was like the most challenging beast in the forest to tame and piqued my interest. The bad thing is that he is the husband of that stupid woman Nora! However,I didn't let that stop me from conquering him;on the contrary,I thought it was more interesting. From what I know about Nora,that stupid woman,as long as I slightly provoke their relationship,their marriage will come to an end. When that time comes,I'll emerge as the savior,soothe Richard's broken heart,and capture his heart once and for all... My plan is going well. Nora has been very obedient to me and has done many stupid things to break Richard's heart. Thinking of this,I got happier and happier,so I continued:"Richard,I know how devastating it can be for a man to have his wife fall in love with another man.But you're only making it more painful for yourself by refusing to let go of Nora and trying to kidnap her around against her will." "Of course,Nora is suffering too.Why don't you let her go now and let her go free?It's better for both of you." "Nora has already gotten the divorce agreement.The fact that she got the divorce agreement despite you and her father spying on her lawyers shows how strongly she wants to end the marriage..." "All I can say is that this is God's refinement for you,for you to meet a better woman in the are so smart,I think you will figure this out." I said this on purpose to sound like I was thinking of my good friend Nora. But then I managed to remind Richard that Nora is an unfaithful,betrayed,stubborn woman,and that will continue to deepen Richard's dislike for Nora. Sure enough,at this time,Richard reached out and took the divorce papers. Was he going to sign it? Is my plan going to be a complete success? I couldn't contain my excitement and almost shouted out. But just then,the door opened,and Nora appeared! I froze.Did she just arrive,or had she been waiting outside for a while?Did she hear what I said to Richard earlier? It doesn't matter even if she did.How could her stupid brain understand my hints to Richard?Maybe she thought I was helping her,that I was pleading with Richard for her! Haha,I want to laugh just thinking about it. It's so satisfying to play with a stupid noble lady! I wish the game could be more intense,and it would be fun! I decided to continue to control the situation at my own pace. So,when Nora came toward Richard and me,I deliberately stepped in front of her and said loudly,"Nora,I will convince Richard to agree to a divorce;don't be impulsive!" I glanced at Richard,his face was gloomy,and his eyes were full of disappointment when he looked at Nora. Yes,that's it! Richard must have thought it was Nora's idea when I came to convince him to agree to the divorce. The more disappointed he was in Nora,the greater the chance of their divorce. At that moment,Nora took out the divorce papers from her bag and stepped closer to Richard. What does she want to do?Is it to take this moment to sign the divorce? Very well,everything is in my plan... But I didn't expect that at such a critical moment,Nora,who had always been obedient,would shred the divorce papers in front of Richard! "I will not divorce you,and you will always be my husband,Richard,"she said calmly. Her words shocked me! What had happened?Why did she do that? I looked at Nora in disbelief.Richard was also shocked,but he just stared at Nora and didn't respond immediately. I subconsciously wrinkled my forehead,unhappy with her private actions.But to better control her,I held back my anger,grabbed her arm,and asked in a low voice,"Nora,what's wrong with you?Why aren't you going to divorce Richard?Have you ever considered Derek's feelings?He will be very sad..." Even though I lowered my voice,it was not a secret conversation in the quiet office,and Richard could clearly hear our conversation. Yes,I did that on purpose. I didn't want her crazy comments to shake Richard's heart. To my surprise,Nora shook off my hand and said loudly,"I don't like Derek anymore,and right now,I just want to be with Richard.After all,no matter which way you look at it,Derek is simply no match for Richard." "Nora,are you..." "Jessica,I've thought it through,and right now,I only love Richard!" I just wanted to ask her if she fought with Derek;otherwise,how could she say such nonsense? But before I could ask,she just cut me off. This was too bad! Her completely unexpected words cooled my excitement. My brain was a bit confused,and the stupid Nora completely disrupted my rhythm.When I tried to ask her some questions,she simply ignored me. She must be going crazy again,the way she did every time she fought with Derek before. I should go to Derek and ask him what's going on.I have to get things back on track as soon as possible.
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