49. Race Against Time

2068 Words

ROYCE. I stare at her, processing her words. There’s no way, I mean, how can that even be possible? If she is alive, then where is she? Why isn’t she here? “Lottie… Why do you say that?” I ask her quietly. She looks down. “Trust me, Royce, I know she is. I heard them speak of it with my own ears.” She mumbles, her heart thumping as if fearing getting into trouble. “Who?” I ask, my own heart racing. “She was stillborn. There’s got to be a misunderstanding.” “No Royce, she was meant to be… offed.” Offed. I know what she means, and I wait as she struggles to keep calm. My own emotions are havoc as I try not to let her see it as I wait for her to continue when she’s ready. “How do you know?” I ask, trying to remain calm. “I snuck out one day to go to the packhouse, and then when I w

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