Is This It

1170 Words

SKYLA. Then Sky f*****g grab her and run! But I know that I won’t outrun it… I’m barely standing… The rain continues to pour down; the darkness becomes visible, almost like smoke and soon all I can see is just me and the snake in a cloud of darkness. ‘Daughter of Selene…’ The voice seems to come from all around me. Chilling, powerful, and pure evil… I scan the area. Where is that voice coming from? My plum eyes snap back to the snake, my heart thudding loudly. That intelligent look has returned, and I wonder… Can it speak or is something controlling it? My mind returns to Kataleya’s words. Apophis… I stare at the snake, avoiding looking at its bloody mutilated eye as its body flicker in and out of my vision. I don’t know how it’s doing that disappearing act, but I should be m

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