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As soon as they pull up towards Damien’s house there is collective gasp and silence that follows, which is very much a large contrast to the giant commotion all five of them were making trying to talk above the other. The first one to break the silence is Pete. “Bro, you’re rich” he says and the rest nod along voicing their approval to that very much understated statement. His house in a sense is huge, Theo hadn’t seen a lot of huge houses to start off with, the largets she had seen was Hayden’s new remodeled 2 storied house after his father got that giant promotion. But this, this is something else entirely. “I though you said your dad was a baker?” Ryan asks as the gets out of the car and head towards the main door, taking a double take at their messy shoes as if wondering if they were allowed to enter this divine castle. “And you guys just assumed my Mom was a career less woman, who cooks and cleans” Damien asks more teasing than actually implying that the others were being sexist. “His moms a famous lawyer” Theo answers, already having known the fact from the amount of time just the 2 of them have spent together. Its barley been a few weeks since they got Damien, but he fits in so perfectly that makes 6 weeks of his company feel like 6 years. “And a pretty badass one at that” Damien answers as they head inside and the inside is just as pristine and gracious as the outside. Damien attire or behavior in no way speaks of all the money though, and even Theo who knows him the best is a little surprised at the size of the house. Sure his car was a bit glossy than everyone else’s but the guy showed no signs of being a rich asshole and she feels even more adoration to the boy than normal. “Rich and gorgeous, I’ll have to keep an eye on you” Eva answers as the looks around the house. “That won’t be of much use” Ryan mumbles from somewhere and Eva gives a knowing smile and Theo would probably ask what they are talking about if she hadn’t been distracted by the beautiful pictures adorning the walls of the house. “That your siblings?” Roxie asks for Theo and Theo looks forward to Damien clearly interested. There are many similar photos of Damien and other 2 girls with the same dimpling smile. “Yep. That’s Anabeth the oldest and she is studying Pre-med in Washington, then there Alice whose in Washington too doing uni but I have no idea what the f**k she is studying, she keeps changing majors that I finally just stopped keeping track and there’s one more who is not in the photos” Damien voices showing off his sisters before he heads towards the kitchen to take out the snacks. “Why?” Eva asks everyone looking on curiously. “Because hanging ultra sound pictures on the wall is apparently creepy” Damien says with a happy faraway looking grin on his face. “My mom’s about 7 months along” he further explains for the ones who didn’t get it and everybody has a beaming smile at the thought of a baby Damien, and proceeds to congratulate Damien and he gives an offended look at that telling it was all his dads doing. “I am pretty excited honestly, like in our family there is like a tradition. Well not exactly a tradition but more of a you know a rite of passage or something” he further explains when Theo helps him with the snacks while the others run around the house exploring, while honestly they are just trying to play hide and seek. “Whatsat?” she mages to say, her mouth a bit busy as she was biting on to a large packet of crisps, her hands already filled with other useless and unhealthy snacks. He takes the bag of her mouth with a fond smile before explaining. “The youngets gets to name the new one, like Anabeth named Alice, Alice named me and it’s my turn to name the new baby. I am not sure what’s the gender; we didn’t want to know really. I haven’t got anything picked out or anything. But yeah I am just excited. I don’t know if it’s weird or anything. But I am genuinely existed” he says as they head towards the playroom where he says he’s got everything set up, Damien leading the way. Theo can see it in his eyes that he is excited, a very genuine happy simple appearing just at the thought of a new baby brother or sister and Theo can relate really. She would have liked a baby brother or sister too, it sometimes sucks being the youngets, but her dad hadn’t been interested in many women after her mom’s death and she respect’s his opinions and choices just as much as anyone else’s. “Is there actually that much of an age gap between you and your sisters for them to actually you know pick out a rational name for the other?” Theo asks genuinely curious. “Not really, Anabeth was obviously named by my parents. And Alice was born when Anna was about 3 and she was pretty obsessed with Alice in wonderland –the Disney version, she couldn’t read for s**t I bet- at the moment and she put up a fit wanting to name the new baby and well, Alice is a pretty name so. When it came to me I am pretty sure Alice picked out something horrendous being just 2 and half and learning to talk at the time, but you know mom kind of normalized whatever gibberish she had come up with and named me Damien” Damien answered as they finally arrived at the so called play room. It’s just as extravagant as the rest of the house, with a giant LCD flat screen and all the other latest contraptions and devises lining in on its sides, while there was a giant CD case that seemed like it could hold every single movie and series that was ever released in the world. The rest soon magically appeared out of thin air since all the work of carrying the snacks have been done and are quick to take seats on the plush and comfy looking couches that lines the room. Everyone in barley getting seated when the ‘previously on supernatural’ is starting and the title card for the 3rd season follows. The supernatural marathon was a new rendition they had picked up on, apparently Damien was a giant supernatural geek and when he realized no one but Roxie had actually watched more than few episodes he insisted on getting together and watching the whole 10 seasons and their weekend supernatural marathon was born. Theo had watched somewhere in the 9th season but had complete forgotten about it and honestly none of them minded it all too much, the story line was okay, there were monsters, sufferable humor and cute hot men. They had watched through the first 2 season and were now on the middle of season 3, and she was pretty sure by the end of the evening they would have at least completed the season. Theo usually sat next to Damien, him being the expert at the show and Theo usually getting confused by simple things and Damien was always happy to help considering he had watched it more than 5 times already. And he is more than a little surprised when instead of taking her usual seat next to Damien, Theo sneaks up next to Eva and curls in on to her side and curls up with her head on her shoulders. By the surprised look Eva gives him in return he knows she shares the same thoughts too. But she doesn’t question it before she is putting an arm around her best friend and pulling her in and Damien just smiles back trying to dissipate the disappointment of not having the warmth of Theo. ***************** That night when Damien drives them home Theo is already asleep considering the vast amount of junk food they have consumed in such short hours and it is already starting to take a toll on everyone, the other 3 had left with Pete’s mom picking them up and Roxie and Ryan were his close neighbors. They had met Damien’s parents half way and had had dinner with them, both lovely people just like Damien that the others could easily ease in to the family. Eva had offered to drive seeing how Damien was just as exhausted if not more out of the two of them who actually knows to drive, but he had refused saying it wasn’t that big of deal. But half way through their journey when Eva and Theo were already dozing off he was starting to feel the weight, but he couldn’t crash the car so he kept himself awake as he drove towards the ever famous Camryn residence, besides the adorable sight of the girls literally wrapped around each other was one sight to stare at and take in rather than fall asleep to. They reach there fairly enough and Theo is half conscious by that point that she wakes Eva for him, Eva gets off the car first letting out a huge yawn and saying gibberish between it that sounds a bit like thanking Damien. Theo even in her half-conscious state has better manners and takes a few second to clear her head before giving a warm smile and thanking him properly. “You didn’t have to drive though ,like Hayden had offered” Theo says, her mind still clouded but she is determined to show her gratitude to the boy who had driven her home at arse o clock in the night. “Then I definitely had to drive” he says under his breath before giving a small punch to her shoulders and telling her to get out of her car and not fall asleep as he still had to get back. Although the idea of Theo trapped forever in his car excites him his parents probably would allow that. By the time Theo gets off, Damien can make out the figure of Destin and Hayden. “Bye, Dames Drive safe aright. Actually text me when you get there” She says as she gets out. That warm sleepy smile still intact. “You’d probably fall asleep by then” Damien says his voice small and gentle when dealing with sleepy cuddly Theo. “Nope, I’ll stay awake until I get your text” Theo promises before thanking him again and heading toward the door which is now held open by Destin, Hayden is right behind him leaning on to the door frame. Before she can complete disappear Damien calls out to her. “Hey Theo, are you really okay?” he ask the question that has been bothering him since the morning when he saw her all tired and sleepy showing clear signs of exhaustion. Theo is quite for a while, not knowing what to answer. But then decides to say the truth. “Yeah, Yeah I am.” She says thinking of the amazing time she had had with her friends. “Bye Dames” she repeats and he says it back before Theo is heading in and Damien is pulling out of the drive way. Theo walks in to see Eva face planted on the couch already half asleep and she is just about to go wake her up and get them both to her bed when Hayden is on her face inquiring stupid things that Theo just can’t make out in her half asleep brain. “Tomorrow Hayden, please babe” she says and she really didn’t mean to slip that word out, and she would probably be making a fool out of herself as she struggled and flailed to pull up a lie and correct it if she was on her mind. But for now Hayden seems satisfied by that answer, retreating to wherever the f**k he was a few minutes ago as Theo tries to get a very grumpy Eva up on her feet and up the stairs to her room. She gets an unlikely companion in her task as Dusting comes and lifts Eva up in one swift motion in bridal side and points towards the stairs, telling her that he’ll carry her. And that she should question as Destin had never in her life did anything similar, even that time she was sick and could not walk for s**t but as I said sleep addled brain that could give two shits if her brother magically turned into a monkey. “You guys are like worse than getting drunk and passing out” Destin mumbles as he lays Eva down on Theo’s bed. And yes Theo used the world ‘lay’, like in actual definition of slowly and gently putting the girl down and taking a second too long to even stare at her red haired moron of a best friend. Destin usually throws stuff into his or anyone’s bed, just to be an asshole, and this is not throw, its actually the very opposite of the word. “It’s called being tired and sleepy” Theo manages to stumble out as her brothers leaves her room. “Whatever, good night, sis” “Good night Des” she replies back before she herself is jumping on the bed not even bothering to change her cloths before she is cuddling in next to Eva. Even though she is buried in Eva’s warm embrace and all she wants to do is sleep, she patiently waits until she hears the telltale sound of her phone beeping with a text message,. I did not get attacked by Demons,. Or any such monsters and yes I am alive. Good night my Theodore Roosewelt And after there is a firm smile on her face clearly put up by the text as she cuddles into Eva and falls asleep within seconds….
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