Chapter 18-1

2059 Words

Low-hanging limbs of a large tree loomed off to the side where the path curved. It stood on a slight hill. I stopped and stared at it. “What is it?” Brett asked. We were holding hands, in that almost carefree way that suggested we had already been dating, when we hadn"t. I realized at that very moment we"d only talked on the phone, or sat next to each other a few times over the past few days. “Do you remember you said someone was standing behind that tree?” I pointed to it with my free hand. Brett had said he"d seen someone there, behind the tree. We had stopped and looked at it, as I did now. This was the only thing that had spooked either one of us that night. I still questioned whether there had really been someone standing there, or had we imagined it? “Yeah,” Brett said. “It might

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