Chapter 17-2

1982 Words

“No. Mother was a b***h this morning. I had to get out of there. That"s why I came so early to your place.” “Right, right.” “Okay, um, I think this is as many people as we can get here, so, I"m going to wait until Lassiter calls me, and tells me he"s ready,” I said. “Who"s Lassiter?” Wendy asked. “That"s that motorcycle thug,” Nadine said sweetly. They both settled on a log nearby. I pulled out two water bottles and handed them each one. It was a hot day, and I tipped a bottle to my lips. Someone slapped a mosquito. I looked back at Nadine. “Damned bugs!” “Sorry. I forgot the bug spray,” I said. “I sprayed myself before coming,” Nadine said. “Guess I forgot my legs.” My phone rang and I answered it. It was Lassiter. “Everyone who"s going to be here, is here,” he said in my ear. “

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