Chapter 9-4

1069 Words

This made us all pause and exchange looks. “That means the murderer has to be someone in our class,” I said. “That"s what we"re thinking,” Weeks said through a mouthful, then wiped his mouth with the napkin again. “Great meatloaf, Jessica.” “Thank you,” she said, smiling. “Pass me the gravy.” “You"re having seconds?” she asked. “Maybe thirds. I haven"t eaten since sometime this morning.” “The jewelry on Arline missing makes me think the killer robbed her,” I said, posing my thoughts. Weeks nodded, eating like a starved man. “Maybe the murderer wanted to steal it from her, and she grabbed it from him?” my aunt tried again. “Nah. Her life is threatened.” Weeks waved the hand clutching the fork as he spoke. “I can"t discuss much, but you must have read the newspapers about her stab wo

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