Chapter 9-3

2002 Words

The last of the clicking train cars disappeared from view, and the warm, humid air fluttered flags and awnings a little harder, making a noise behind us. Birdsong in the tree above us gave way to a few cars that shushed by. “The sheriff arrested AJ Beaumont, last night,” I announced, and waited for his reaction. “Beaumont?” He paused and thought a moment. “That name rings a bell.” “His father"s a lawyer. Another one owns a bank.” “Ah!” he barked. “That overbearing curmudgeon? His father was a—well, I won"t say it in front of you. But his son?” “Yes. He graduated with me, just this past June.” He nodded. “So, it"s believed he killed this young lady?” “A piece of jewelry was found in her hand. They think it belonged to him. I saw him wearing it—or one just like it.” “Incriminating ev

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