Chapter 6-3

1401 Words

She looked around behind us, at the trail that meandered and wound around large trees, over fallen trees, and up and down hills. Then she smacked her arm. “Mosquitoes are thick as thieves. Should have brought bug repellent.” “You coming?” I asked. “I"m not going back alone, a-and leave you out here.” She pushed her glasses up her pug nose. “Good. Let"s go.” I turned and went up another slight incline and around another fallen log. My thoughts whirling at this point, wondering how someone had lured Arline out this far in order to murder her. He had to have had some good reason to get her there. “Tell me again about Arline"s spending spree,” I asked Nadine. “Spending spree is about right. I mean, she shopped every day,” Nadine said. She stumbled over a rock, regained her balance, and sp

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