Chapter 10: From the North

2515 Words

"Princess Janice!" "Marvelous dress!" "So incredibly lucky!" "Young love!" "What stunning hair!" The envious and astounded squeals forced my head to ache. The female guests were fearless and obnoxious when it came to opinions, and maybe they even thought that telling me my dress looked like heaven would make me remember them. My smiles were weak towards them, but of course no one seemed to notice. I threw the bouquet over my shoulder and ground my teeth together at the new uproar of screams. I blew kisses at the rambunctious crowd and tore back down the path towards the archway. My departure was unnoticed. I lifted the trail of my dress with my hands and walked silently through the gardens, checking back over my shoulder every other second to ensure myself that a lunatic fan girl was not

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