
1294 Words
Tan Fu came to the training camp as usual today. When the staff saw her, they didn’t say anything to her, and just let her in, skipping the registration process. Just when she took out the novel she had brought with her, she received a call from her class teacher. Tan Fu hesitated for a while, and the inexplicable fear of the class teacher in her previous life came to her heart. She wanted to hang up the phone, but she didn't dare, so she could only answer it seriously. Teacher Li first asked politely about her physical condition. When he was sure that she was not seriously ill, he swore that he used the kindest tone in his life. "Then why don't you come to school?" Tan Fu trembled for some reason. If she didn't answer properly, she would end up very miserable in the future, so she said honestly. "I'm sorry, teacher, I'm practicing in the training camp these days. Teacher Li was confused, "Training, training camp?" Tan Fu responded, trembling in his heart. Could it be that he knew the truth from another teacher, so he wanted her to return the bottle of repair fluid? Don’t tell me, it’s really possible. While Tan Fu was waiting to accept his trial, Teacher Li was silent for a long time. "No, no need to come back! Since you are in the training camp, then practice hard there. If possible, the teacher hopes you can come back with good results. When he heard that she was in the training camp, Teacher Li jumped up from his seat and said excitedly. Because he was so excited, his chair accidentally hit the table, making a violent noise. Tan Fu:? ? ? After saying this, he felt that his tone was too urgent and could easily put pressure on his beloved disciple. So, he thought of a compromise and said softly, "I remember that as long as you are on the top 100 list, there will be a repair solution every week... Relax, this list should not be difficult for you Tan Fu:! ! ! As expected, he was gently reminding me that I should return the repair fluid... Tan Fu gritted his teeth, "Teacher, don't worry, I will go back with the repair fluid." Nowadays, all I can do is check online to see if there is any cheaper repair fluid to return. Teacher Li suddenly beamed when she heard what she said. As long as Tan Fu is willing to participate in this ranking, he will definitely get the ranking back. Now she has personally promised him that she will get the repair fluid back... Isn’t this just a guarantee to him that he will definitely get a ranking! He was happy in his heart, but he still did not forget his duties as a teacher, "As long as you try your best, it's okay. Ranking is not important." Tan Fu nodded and hung up the phone with a solemn expression. The system has been obsessed with the process of absorbing energy and has not paid attention to the condition of the host. At this moment, she saw a solemn expression after hanging up the phone. Concernedly asked, "What's wrong?" Tan Fu told it everything about what had just happened, and then cried and said, "Tongzi, I'm going to eat your host's waist!" The system expressed shock. In order not to overwhelm its host, it hurriedly checked the results of its efforts in the past few days. If you convert these energies into the number of attacks, you can attack three times in total. Upon hearing the news, Tan Fu's face turned pale, "It's over. Is this my destiny?" The system quickly went online, checked the information on the top 100 list, and said, "Don't worry, host! The training camp's top 100 list is very good. It is the weakest list in the training camp, so it is also nicknamed the weak list by everyone. The people on this list may be weaker than the students of Qingtan High School! " Tan Fu immediately cheered up, "Really?" The system looked at the information found on the Internet and nodded affirmatively. Hope instantly rose in her eyes, "If that's the case, then the repair solution is not impossible! Let's challenge it once. If we lose, the worst we can do is give them a thousand yuan!" Just do it. After the stone bricks were finished, Tan Fu immediately got up. Under everyone's puzzled eyes, she moved to the arena. By coincidence, when Tan Fu came to the ring, there was a lively fight on every ring. She chose the most popular ring and watched from the audience. The host of the arena competition was explaining passionately at this moment, "Okay, okay! Our classmate Gao Yue uses the hardness of stone to resist the pressure of water! This is already his third game with classmate Mulin. If he can If he wins, then he will take Mulin's place and enter the top five on the 100-battle list. However, it is not that simple to kill the higher-ranked players. He seems to be struggling now, so can he succeed?" These words seemed to ignite the passion of the audience. "Come on, Gao Yue! As long as you kill Mu Lin, you will be number five!" "Mu Lin, what are you doing! It's been so long and you still haven't knocked Gao Yue off. Are you really going to die?" "Come on...I'm optimistic about you, Gao Yue, in fifth place this time!" They all cheered for the top performers in their schools, and the cheers got louder and louder, making people's blood boil for no reason. Others were so excited that they wished they could go up and fight for the players. Tan Fu looked at the fresh scars on the two people on the field and felt that he was in pain. "Oh my god, is this a world of supernatural beings? It looks so scary!" Her voice was drowned in the strong cheers. The winner was also decided on the stage at this moment. A drop of water penetrates a stone. No matter how hard the stone is, it cannot withstand the penetrating power of water. The student with natural abilities won. Looking at this result, although some people are disappointed, it is also expected. Seeing that the winner was decided, the host smiled and said, "Congratulations to our student Mulin! He successfully defended his fifth place. On the stage. Gao Yue wiped the blood on his forehead and curled his lips, "Next time, I will definitely not lose to you!" Mulin was not afraid, "Next time, you will still lose." The arena was full of smoke. After Gao Yue stepped down, the atmosphere at the scene reached its peak. Everyone was shouting Mulin's name, while Mulin faced the audience with an arrogant expression. Seeing this, the host smiled and asked, "Well, according to the regulations, after the challenger steps down, if there is no new challenger, then the fifth place this month will still be Mulin. So, are there any students who want to challenge?" Mulin looked at the crazy crowd proudly. Amid the cheers of the crowd, no one raised their hands to resist him. The host looked at the crazy fans and smiled. Just when he was about to announce that the fifth person of the month was still the proud one on the stage, a slender hand was raised. "I want to challenge The air around him became silent for a moment. Mulin's eyes fell on the owner of that hand. Tan Fu raised his eyes, his eyes were dust-free, and his eyes seemed to be indifferent and inhumane. "I want to challenge
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