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Under the incredible eyes of everyone. The photographer pointed the camera at Tan Fu, and the people below took a breath. The flawless face on the big screen was so breathtakingly beautiful that they couldn't feel any irony. Tan Fu raised his eyes, with no expression on his face. "System, why should we challenge the guy who won? I heard that he is ranked fifth! Do you think I didn't die quickly enough?" "They're talking nonsense!" The system looked at the rankings it flipped over and directly transferred the data to its own brain at the same time. "The fifth place on the list of top 100 colleges and universities is clearly named Xie Yan! The one named Mulin I didn't see his name on the list at all. Tan Fu took a look and saw that it was true! Among the information transmitted from the system, the names Gao Yue and Mulin were not included in the top 100 universities. "Then what was the fifth thing they shouted?" "Maybe it's the order of the challenge today? Is he the fifth challenger?" Before he could learn more, Tan Fu heard the host say, "Invite the challenger to come on stage." Just as she was about to go on stage, she heard someone say angrily, "Why is this! Mulin just fought such a difficult battle." Even if I don’t give him any rest time, I still can’t wait for him to fight in the second game. Isn’t it because I took advantage of the opportunity when he was weak to challenge him! " "In normal times, how would she dare to challenge Senior Mu like this? Tan Fu stopped when he wanted to go on stage. The girl who said this happened to be sitting in the front row, close to the microphone, so even if she spoke softly, it was clearly heard by everyone at this moment. Everyone was sighing. Thinking about it this way, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Mu Lin had already consumed most of his energy in the previous battle. If he challenged him now, he could easily win. With such a weak victory, no wonder the girl was so dissatisfied. The girl on the screen stopped walking forward and found a seat to sit down under the attention of everyone present. The host couldn’t understand her operation, “Invite the challenger to come on stage. She sat calmly and even took out her Bluetooth headset. Just when everyone was confused, the girl in the first row spoke again, but she was proud and said it matter-of-factly. "It seems that some people still want to be shameless. After I said this, she didn't have the shame to challenge again and retreated obediently. Host, please hurry up and announce that the fifth person this month is Senior Mu..." Although he was dubious about the girl's statement, out of politeness, the host asked, "Do you want to give up the challenge?" Tan Fu heard half of it and raised his head expressionlessly, "No, I'm waiting for him to recover." You mean to wait until that person recovers before challenging him? Everyone subconsciously looked at the girls in the first row. In this case, will anyone still say that she is invincible? The girl snorted coldly and said disdainfully, "Grandstanding. She decided that this person was just a straw bag vase who used his appearance to win attention! What looks good is the vase! The host was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Mulin, "What do you think, Mulin?" Of course Mulin has no objection. Gao Yue came off the stage and sat in the front row. He whistled and quietly approached the girl who had just made trouble. "Classmate Zhang Yi, do you know who Mulin's opponent will be later?" Zhang Yi glanced at Tan Fu and said disdainfully, "Isn't he just a nobody with good looks? Gao Yue raised his eyebrows and said nothing. He didn't bother to tell the people in No. 3 Middle School that the name of the one who was about to challenge was Tan Fu. "Aren't you afraid that she will win against Mulin?" Ah...the college entrance examination is approaching, can this rumored proud woman of heaven be unable to hold back anymore? He glanced over casually, sizing up the man without any trace. Just in time, take this opportunity to see her strength! Zhang Yi couldn't even think about this possibility, "How could she win? She is a vixen who just wants to seduce Senior Mu!" Soon, two hours passed. Mulin extended his hand to the host, who immediately knew what he meant, "Okay, our challenger has recovered. Please invite the challenger to the stage!" Tan Fu took off his Bluetooth headset and put it in his pocket, and walked onto the ring unhurriedly. This can be regarded as her first real battle. "Are you sure there is no problem with the system?" "Host, you must have confidence in your own strength!" Tan Fu swallowed, what kind of strength does she have, isn't she just a rookie? ! Gao Yue looked towards the stage. The girl seemed to have walked into the wrong venue. It was obviously a passionate arena, but she didn't show any emotion at all. Doesn't she even take it seriously when facing a strong man like Mulin? Mulin waited for her to appear with a calm expression. He was not panicked or anxious. When he was at his peak, everyone would avoid his sharp edges. So, he will definitely win! The battle between the two is about to break out. Both sides looked at each other quietly. Zhang Yi looked at the calm and seductive girl on the stage, with a trace of resentment flashing in her eyes. "Senior Mu, what are you still doing? Take action!" When Mu Lin heard this voice, countless water drops gathered in his hands, and he said calmly. "I'm sorry, I don't have time to play with you, so please, please go down Invisible water gathered from all directions. They gathered into a tornado vortex, rushing straight like a blade, and the arena was full of oppression. The water was like a tornado, quickly covering the entire arena. Tan Fu did not move at all. Gao Yue was puzzled. Did he give up the struggle? Zhang Yi curled her lips when she saw this scene. She knew that this kind of girl only had good looks. "Isn't she so frightened that her legs are weak? I told you, she only came to challenge to attract the senior's attention..." She said disdainfully. "It's really a third-rate thing. Relying on beauty to win sympathy, what else is it but a third-rate thing? ! This is the time when the strong are respected! Everyone looked at her, but the girl didn't move at all. Tan Fu naturally heard what the girl said. She did not shy away from her words, and her tone was full of strong malice towards the beautiful girl. She pursed her lips. She admitted that she was here for a challenge, but she would never admit that she would rely on her appearance to win sympathy! You should never make a vase that only looks beautiful! Mulin Zi also heard these words, and looked at her lightly, with a trace of loss in his eyes. With this appearance, you thought you had some ability, but in the end you were just a i***t? The next moment, everyone's thoughts stopped abruptly. Just when the waterspout was about to hit Tan Fu, she raised her eyes. A destructive aura spread from Tan Fu's body. Mulin turned around suddenly. Countless cold air spread from her body, her indifferent eyes were light blue, and she declared his death without any emotion. This overwhelming cold air made everyone present tremble. Mulin tried his best to stop the cold air from sweeping through his body, but it was too late. The girl pointed her finger lightly and he seemed to be frozen, unable to move. He could only watch helplessly as the cold light came straight towards him. ‘Boom’ Under the countless frosts, everyone was dazzled. They only heard a violent sound, and the stage was instantly shrouded in white mist. When the fog cleared, the girl on the stage stood there quietly. Directly in front of her was Lin Mu, who was covered behind by a man in black with a look of terror on his face. Everyone was silent for a while. Gao Yue was so shocked that he opened his mouth wide! Instant kill! Absolute strength to kill instantly! Complete crushing! The girl stood there as if she just raised her hand. The lipstick in Zhang Yi's hand fell to the ground. She had no time to pick it up, and her face gradually became ferocious. "She cheated! She must have cheated!" She should be a vase! Why is the vase so powerful? Others didn't care why she was crazy. Everyone knew that from the moment that person came out, Mulin lost, completely. Gao Yue looked at the tall figure, his mouth trembling slightly, "Referee, referee?!" It’s just a simple game for high school students. Why is there a referee? It is impossible for a referee to appear in a game involving students with special abilities. unless…… Gao Yue swallowed and looked at the expressionless girl in shock. Unless she is no longer a student with supernatural powers, but a person with supernatural powers! There are actually people with official superpowers among this year’s college entrance examination candidates! This is simply bad news for the city’s college entrance examination students with special abilities!
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