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"Next time, don't provoke such an extreme superpower, otherwise you won't even know how you died." The doctor looked at his frozen hands and said. "Perhaps because you are college entrance examination students, they just gave you a small punishment. If it were serious, they would have been finished long ago. As soon as these words came out, the air became eerily quiet. The doctor wanted to say something more, but noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere. He looked back and saw two teachers with stiff faces. Teacher Li staggered and felt his whole body trembling. He suspected that he heard something wrong, "What kind of ultimate superpower?" Teacher Wang felt his ears ringing, "Doctor, do you think those ices are...extreme ice?" The doctor nodded, frightened by their expressions at the moment, and quickly went over to help them, "What's wrong with you? Are you also hurt by this cold air?" The two teachers shook their heads. What they heard just now was too scary and they had to slow down. That is the ultimate ice, the top existence of the natural system! Only one extreme superpower can be found in every million natural-type people? That one-of-a-kind genius! The two teachers looked at each other and saw the ecstasy in each other's eyes. Extreme! That’s the ultimate! Darling, a small fourth-tier city like theirs can actually produce such top talents! "And this kind of genius is still in their school, so it's exciting to talk about it. The doctor saw their excited expressions and asked doubtfully, "Do you know that person with the ultimate superpower?" Teacher Li immediately shook his head, "I don't know! We were just frightened by these two words. The doctor nodded understandingly, thinking that they were worried about the other party's revenge, and immediately comforted him, "So that's it, don't worry, if nothing else, such a big shot has nothing to do with ordinary people like us. The two teachers smiled and didn't answer. They wanted to rush back to school and tell the principal the good news. Their Qingtan High School is going to have the top pick! At this moment, Tan Fu, who didn't know that she had been designated as the number one scholar in her mind by the teacher, was still thinking hard about how to get the repair fluid. She looked at the battle rules and fell into silence. Rules of ranking: The contestant can choose any opponent on the ranking to play against according to his or her own needs. If he wins, he will be ranked by the opponent; if he loses, he will have to pay the other party one thousand yuan for the time delay; if there is a tie, the two sides will fight again. , until the winner is determined. "You actually have to pay a fine if you lose in the rankings here? This is too cheating!" Tan Fu wailed. The system scanned the flyer and immediately asked its host to turn the leaflet to the next page. "Host, you missed it. It was specially marked at the back. If someone without a points base wants to compete in the rankings, they will have to pay 30,000 yuan if they lose!" "What?!" The official training camp adopts a points system. If you want to compete in the rankings, you must have 100 points. For each battle, the winner will get 5 points, and the loser will lose 10 points. In this way, as long as When you reach 100 points, you are qualified to challenge the people on the list. It's a pity that now she can't even get 5 points, let alone 100 points. "In other words, if you have to pay money if you lose in a skip-level challenge, then if you win..." "If you win, you will be qualified to be on the list. Except for a bottle of repair solution every week, you will get nothing else!" The system ruthlessly interrupts its host's daydream, what are you thinking about! Is a weakling like her qualified to mention the word "win"? Tan Fu wiped his saliva and immediately pulled himself back from his unrealistic fantasy, "What should we do? If we can't get the repair fluid, he can kill both of us individually. There were more and more people at the front desk, all crowded in one place waiting for the staff to ask for anything. Tan Fu didn't want to be so crowded with them, so he found a corner to stay. Not far away from her, there was a boy standing there. He lowered his eyes slightly, as if he was waiting for someone, maybe he had waited too long, and his narrow peach blossom eyes were mixed with impatience. It is Xi Yu. He received a call half an hour ago, and his friend asked him to come to the official training camp, saying that he would come to him if there was something urgent. But he waited for a long time, but he didn't see his friend. Was he deceived? "Hey, Xi Yu, this way?" Knowing that he had made people wait for too long, Xie Yang apologized quickly before he got angry, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I was delayed for something. Xi Yu, who was well aware of his nature, took back his foot that wanted to leave, and said slowly, "Tell me, what are you doing with me?" She put her arms around his shoulders like a good friend. "Aren't you ready? Of course I'm looking for you to improve my strength! Every time the college entrance examination is approaching, the training camp will be extra generous. As long as you are on the list, the repair fluid you can get every week will be doubled. This kind of opportunity Can you let it go?" Xi Yu slapped that hand away and said slowly, "Sorry, not interested. He is not short of money. If he wants the repair fluid, he can just buy it. Why should he spend a lot of time to do such a hard and tiring thing as rankings with little gain? Xie Yang looked like he had expected it, and pointed him to look somewhere with his peripheral vision, "I know you have money, look over there..." Xi Yu looked at him winking and glanced over in disgust. Seeing how hard he was squeezing, he still looked over to save his dignity. A cold and thorough face, so clean that there was no trace of smoke and smoke, just ran into his eyes. The girl stood there with an indifferent expression. She was dressed in white casual clothes. She was too beautiful to describe in words. A cold light suddenly appeared around her, carrying an invisible deterrent, clearly and obviously separating her from the noisy crowd. . She stood there covered in snow-white, very eye-catching. Xie Yang saw the flash of surprise in his eyes, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows proudly, "I didn't expect that a small city like this city would have beauties of this level!" Seeing her appearance, Xi Yu tilted his head, "Is it beautiful?"
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