Ultimate power

1480 Words
Tan Fu looked at the fist that was harder than steel. The punch just now shook her body. If it weren't for the strong barrier, she would have been blown away long ago. Although she looked like she took the blow easily, in fact she was not as relaxed as they saw. She seemed to be pressed down by countless large rocks, too heavy to move. She secretly complained to the system, "This is too heavy! I can guarantee that this punch must be as heavy as a tractor!" The system looked at the shocked expressions of the onlookers and hurriedly reminded, "Host, don't speak yet. People are afraid that once you speak, this strong character that you have worked so hard to maintain will fall apart!" The temper of the enhanced superpowers is very unstable. Take the person in front of you as an example. He will answer questions when asked, but he will become impatient if asked too many times. Once he becomes impatient, his mood will become more and more irritable. When it is suppressed to a certain level, he will take action to hurt others. According to Tan Fu, this kind of person is the so-called emotionally unstable domestic violence man. And as luck would have it, she hates this kind of people the most. "It's enough. The girl's cold and sweet voice rang in everyone's ears. She raised her eyes coldly and said to the superpower, "You've done it. Being disturbed like this, the superpower user's face turned pale. He also knew that he had done too much, so he immediately retracted his hand. "I've been a little irritable these days with my abilities being promoted. I'll go to the dean later to admit my mistake. Tan Fu frowned slightly, and when someone took back his hand, she also took it back, "I'm not the one you should apologize to." She moved away, and the woman appeared in front of everyone. Her intention was very clear, she wanted this superpower to apologize to this ordinary middle-aged woman. The superpower frowned, somewhat reluctantly. He is a person with super powers. How can he apologize to an ordinary person? If word spreads, wouldn't it be disrespectful to him? People with super powers are always nobler than ordinary people. The woman looked at the embarrassed expression of the superpower and said quickly. "No need, no need... I just fell down, nothing serious happened. I don't need this adult to apologize!" Tan Fu glanced at her indifferently, "The law stipulates that people with superpowers are not allowed to attack ordinary people without reason, otherwise they will be charged with intentional injury... "It's not me who hurts people. Whether you apologize or not has nothing to do with me. "..." ​Is this a reminder to her that she can call the police? The woman looked at Tan Fu's leaving figure, a little dumbfounded. It seemed like this was the first time she had met a person with powers who was so friendly to ordinary people. Tan Fu left the hospital gloomily. “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. "Don't worry! Didn't that person just say that if the hospital can't get it, we can buy it elsewhere? Tan Fu took out his cell phone from his pocket, searched for it, and quickly found relevant information. Before I could feel happy, my eyes were stung by the series of bright red zeros on the web page. She opened the balance of her mobile phone. So far, the money at her disposal was 3,122 yuan, and she glanced at the price of the repair fluid without giving up. Oh, it still hasn’t changed. "Damn it, a bottle of repair fluid costs 100,000 yuan, why don't they grab it!" The system naturally also knows the current financial status of its own host. Except for living expenses, she was a poor person without a penny. Seeing this dilemma, it was obviously not a human, but it howled louder than a human. “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusu "That's enough for you! Is it my fault that I'm poor?" Tan Fu was also aggrieved. Although she was not rich before, she at least owned two apartments. Now... Not to mention that the system wanted to cry, she wanted to cry too. After leaving the hospital, everyone took a bus to the official training camp. Today is the weekend, and there are many people on the street. Tan Fu is strolling on the street, walking through the densely populated roads. Soon, she followed the crowd to a service hall. "Host, what are we doing here?" "The purpose of our coming out today is to repair the fluid. After going to the hospital, we naturally also want to come to the official training camp to have a look. We always hear them talk about beating the rankings. We must know how to beat the rankings. As Tan Fu said, he quickly found the staff inside. All I can say is that the official training camp is indeed well-deserved. Even a young lady at the front desk is a superpower. Tan Fu was busy understanding the rules of the test, but he didn't know that as soon as she left the hospital, Teacher Li hurriedly followed the ambulance here. There are more than a dozen ice sculptures on the ambulance. "How long have they been trapped?" "One night "After a whole night, no one noticed that something was wrong?" Looking at the doctor's vaguely accusing eyes, Teacher Li was at a loss for words. He thought it was just a little brawl among children. Who knew that these ices could actually trap more than a dozen children with special abilities in one night! "I'm sorry, doctor. I didn't notice that the ice was unusual. I will review it when I get back. The most important thing now is the children. Are they okay?" Teacher Li said nervously, "They are all students who are about to take the college entrance examination. They can't make mistakes!" The doctor pushed up his glasses and said, "We don't know yet. We can't give a conclusion until the test results come out. Don't be impatient yet." After the doctor finished speaking, he hurriedly entered the operating room. Teacher Li and Teacher Wang, the head teacher of Class 2, were waiting anxiously outside. Waiting and waiting, Teacher Wang looked anxious and said angrily while looking in the direction of the operating room. "Teacher Li, you'd better pray that nothing happens to the students in our class, otherwise, I want Tan Fu to look good!" Although Teacher Li was also worried about these students, he was unhappy when he heard this. "What do you mean you want Tan Fu to look good? A dozen students in your class went to her for trouble because of the repair fluid, and now they are frozen like this. It's their own fault." "Is it possible that when others bully her, she has to stand there obediently and let the students in your class bully her? There is no such truth in this world. If you don't take care of your students, it has nothing to do with her!" "you!" Teacher Wang wanted to refute, but she couldn't find the words to refute. She was so angry that she couldn't express it now. She knew that the school's excessive use of resources to Class 2 would make other classes dissatisfied, so she didn't dare to get too serious with other teachers now. It would be bad if it further arouses conflicts among several classes, but now that her students have been killed like this, can that be the end of it? "No matter what the reason is, my student is in danger now, shouldn't she give me an explanation?" "Haha, you still have the nerve to say, didn't the principal hire a special teacher for your class? I have been teaching for a year, and now a dozen of them together can't beat her. You have the nerve to ask her to give you an explanation? You want her to give you an explanation? What's your explanation? I'm sorry to tell you, is it all because I'm too strong?" Teacher Wang was at a loss for words. This is indeed the case. If the students in her class didn't know how to bully others, would they have suffered like this? Soon, the two teachers made a tacit agreement not to speak, and they didn't surround him until the doctor came out of the emergency room. The doctor took off his mask and said, "Relax, it's okay for now." After telling the result, he smiled and said, "This ice is very powerful. If ordinary people were frozen by this overnight, they would have died a long time ago. But fortunately, they are rough-skinned and thick-bodied supernatural beings. Although they were painfully frozen, they Just suffer a little bit
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