Episode 5:Break part 1

560 Words
(Lincoln School) Mr Biggins, the history teacher is teaching French Revolution when Alan slips out of the window of the class. After a while he whistles to Brad who is sitting next to Dorothy. Brad too slips out of the window. Brad: I can't believe you. You get sick for 3 days and now you bunk the classes. Alan: Well you bunked quite a lot in history. You taught me. Brad: Well I know history bud. Do you? Alan: And I know your history. Not all but last week. Brad: Ya I got ditched. Alan: Ohhh my poor bud. You lost believe in love did you?(chuckles) Brad: Yes Well I thought we start to love at 13.Didn't Justin Bieber say that. Alan: Well He got numb-nuts after that. So you gotta hang with me man. Brad: So whats the plan. This May be your first bunk but that's like my third ok .It's should be something good. Alan: We are going to my house. I need to tell you something man. I have to be there before 3 to show you. Brad: Is that all. (Alan's home ) Brad and Alan sneak into the gate of Alans home. Brad is still unaware of what's happening. Alan: Look from the key hole. Brad: I don't see anything. Duuuudeeee wohhh. Alan: Look closely. Brad: God is that your step mother. But she's cheating with another man. Alan: Yes I needed someone as a proof to tell my father.  doesn't quite believe me but he will believe  you. Brad: How long did you know about this? Alan: Since I was sick man. I saw them Monday evening. That man is Dorothy's father. Brad: Dorothy's father? How come I don't know anything. Shouldn't we tell her. Alan: Look man I need to break this relation between my father and her. I talked to Dorothy's mom when I knew. She told me she'll handle the matter. My father thinks my sister is with this guy. Imagine. Brad: Your sister. Hey man we can beat this guy up if you want to. Alan: No father doesn't like violence. And that b***h is very cunning. Thats why I didn't thought bout putting a camera. Brad: We can know about him if we ask Dorothy. Alan: She doesn't. I asked her Friday when you were with Eva. I didn't wanted to disturb you. You two look good together. Brad: What's she told? Alan: Well Dorothy's father left her mother because she was pregnant. So she doesn't know about it. My sister knows Dorothy's mother. She told me. He is only a lusty Guy. Brad: Well we can still beat that guy. Alan: Cmon no wonder ,they don't tell you anything. Brad :I'm with you man. Just tell me what to do. Alan: You need to make a way for my father to be convinced that his wife is cheating on him. Brad: ok Be specific ok. I'm only good at history. Alan: Just like I made you to come with me here. You need to bring my father to come here and see this. Brad: Ok man. Where is your father now? Alan: He's at the Gas station. He works at the petrol pump there. But you need to convince him to come tomorrow ok. Brad :Ohh god how will I do that. Ok I'll look into it.  
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