Episode 4: The first,second and the third

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Brad and Jill are drinking coffee at the geese. "So Brad i gave you the voice recording of your sister with her boyfriend.What did you do?"asks Jill. "Well you know what.I went to a late night party at Tuesday ,I made my sister clean up my room yesterday and also my sister made me a sandwich today after school.Its great"Says Brad. "Well better use it wisely.If your sister finds a way into that message and deletes that.Then she'll make you a sandwich"Says Jill. "Ya I never thought of that.But How Come She doesn't say anything to you "Says Brad. "Well actually I told your sister that you used my phone and found about the message and used me."Says Jill. "Wow that's like the 3rd time this week that a girl has like bamboozled me.The first one kisses me and asks her boyfriend to beat me,the second one grabs my ass and leaves me and the third one dates me and makes a pact with my sister"Says Brad. "I thought it wasn't a date when we met before"Says Jill. "Well not the first one"Says Brad "Ok look I'm sorry.But I live here.Any one who's in Lincoln school here dont want a beef with your sister.And you are already in top with her and her friends"Says Jill. "Cmon we have the message,she can't do anything"Says Brad. Violet,Jane and three other girls enter the geese as Jane sees Brad. "Ahh sweet little brother.....you're on a date"Says Jane. "Ok I'm am and you?With girls?"Says Brad. "Haha how funny......you see my little bro it's gay when a boy speaks like that but when a girl and that too a hot one talks like that it's news."whispers Jane into Brad's ear. "Ahhh I know youI believe we met"Says Violet. "No I believe we kissed"Says Brad. "No No I believe you got beat"says Violet. "Ya I was drunk if not your bf would have"Says Brad. "Which one"asks Jane. "You know the third one,sugar"says Violet. "I hear about you nowadays Brad.You are on the news getting kissed aren't you."Says Violet. Eva ,Dorothy and Hank enter the geese. "Brad,you're here"Says Eva. "Wow the first,second and the third.Thats like the three girls I met this week"Says Brad to Jill. "So Which one was I"Says Jill. "I don't know the second.But I did meet Dorothy too.I miss Alan."Says Brad. "Alan will come tomorrow.I heard he will be here at 5"Says Eva. "Ya he told that Sunday"Says Brad. "So John what ya doing with these 9 graders"Says Eva as she looks at Violet. "Ok can we have some chairs here Paul "Says Brad to the Waiter. "Brad so you left school early today?"asks Dorothy. "Ya I skipped the history class.I knew about the French Revolution already.And Mr Biggles does not take attendance So I went to Alan's house to meet him.He will be fine tomorrow "Says Brad. "Tell me about it"Says Dorothy. "Ha Nerds"Says Jane as she listens to Dorothy as Violet and the others laugh. "Ya And a nerd made me a sandwich today"Says Brad as he looks at Jane as Eva and Jill laugh. "Ok You know France was like an absolute monarchy.And there was this King Louis the 16th who was a very lazy king.And his wife Mary Antoinette like she was very sexy and dominating.The people don't like the king and queen.And so they revolt.Boom"Says Brad. "Well you told the summary in your own way.But that's the truth I guess"Says Dorothy. "Actually I was trying to impress that girl with my sister"Says Brad as he whispers to Dorothy. "That girl.I saw her smoking m*******a in the girls toilet today.She blamed the sweeper girl"Says Dorothy. "Wow She drinks and smokes weed.She tips my charts"says Brad. "You can make your sister help"Says Jill. "Cmon I cant blackmail her here.She will kill me here"Says Brad. "No but you can in your home.Your father is coming today,isn't he?"asks Jill. "Ya he is.She is afraid of my father though.Once he caught her slipping through the window at a Friday night.You know what my father did"Says Brad. "What?"asks Jill and Dorothy a they take a sip of coffee. "He slapped her.And asked her to dress properly and go out"Says Brad. "What?"Says Eva. "Ya well my father and I know that crazy persons always intimidate her.Thats what I learned from him.Thats why I can stand my sister"Says Brad . "Ok now I can't stand her"Says Brad as he sees Jane licking Hank in his ears. "You know what your brother is quite handsome though for a 7th grader.We thought him as a 9 th grader at Sunday "Says Violet. "Ya I thank god I didn't came.I knew they were going to sneak"Says Jane. "You knew babe.How?"asks Hank. "Well his this friend Alan hates Will.He wanted to get back to him.And I hated Will too.After I dumped him he became possessive too much.So I made a pact with Alan to get back at him.Everything was going well until you let my brother get beat"Says Jane. "I was drunk sugar.You know I love you.After the moments we had when I slipped into your window yesterday"Says Violet. "What?"Says Hank. "You know sometimes I tend to like something new"Says Jane. "Ok I will go now.But I'll meet you tonight ok.No more meeting with her."Says Hank to Jane. "Hey darling.We net for the science project for today "Says Jane. "Really.Thats good.Ill come tonight"Says Hank. "Well buddy I hope her brother doesn't find about that.You see that hunky boy with the girls over there"Says Violet. "Hey I remember him.On the party Tuesday night.That Guy can drink"Says Hank. "He can.And can kick your ass too"Says Violet. "Ahhh No he can't.You see this arm."Says Hank. "He can totally destroy you.Look he's like 5'10 or something.And his other friend is even taller.They will kill you.It took 5 boys to push them aside at the party"Says Violet. "Who?My brother?Hes 5"8 .Ya his friend Alan is like 5"10 maybe.But you're right about him.Hes getting bigger every time I see him.You know what Hank you don't need to beat him.You can do one thing."Says Jane as she whispers to Hank. Hank kisses Jane and leaves. "You didn't tell him about our kiss."Says Violet. "Kiss?That was a smooch girl"Says Jane. "You are getting nuts these days.You need s*x girl with a man ok.I heard you used to goof around with that girl"Says Jane. "Eva?Ya you know I'm bisexual.I only date men but f**k girls nowadays.I f****d her once two months ago at the start of the term and then she became possessive you know.And well I then f****d a boy and she saw me and ignored me"Says Violet. "Ignore you????Who can ignore you?I remembered your smooch?Ohh god even I got turned on.Well Until my brother called me and asked me to make him a sandwich"Says Jane. "Your brother???Why are you making sandwiches for him."Says Violet. "Now he's got that tape of me and my boyfriend.And. Asked Hank to take it out from his phone"Says Jane. "Well I hope he sneaks.Your brother is too strong for even Hank.I remember kissing him.He is good"Says Violet. "Ya Until you tricked him"Says Jane. "No!I shouted because he stepped on my sandals.You know the Italian one Gabriani.Only a fool will ignore him.Look at him he's like dating 3 girls at the same time.Wow that's like me one a day"Says Violet as he looks at Brad talking with Eva,Dorothy and Jill. "I don't know about that Eva.But those two they are nerds.Really nerds when I tell you.You see that girl her mom drinks with her to make her cool.And that girl Jill she is like ugly Betty.You know I set up this young 14 year old boy named Bob with her when I was at Nevada with her.And you know when Bob called her to come at the party that night.She said that she can't because her mother won't allow.Imagine .Shes 16 .A year older than us.And she's dating my little 13 year old brother and that too I setted up"Says Jane. "Ya she's a weirdo.But Wait you set her up with your brother."Says Violet. "Ya That was my brother's first date and now look at him.Hes friend with this hot guy from the the 7th grade named Alan,Hes blackmailing me,Jane Penn the diva of Lincoln,he's already kissed you,the hottest girl here and he's already in the top of every chart we can create from guys you love to guys you wanna bang."Says Jane. "You thinking incest"Says Violet as she winks at Brad. "What?I hate crazy.I hate my brother.Although you can do what you did to Eva.Can you do that to him?"Says Jane. "You hate your brother don't you?"Says Violet. "Ohh.More than anything"Says Jane as they leave .Violet throws a gesture of kiss at Brad and then at Eva.Brad is happy at first but after he sees her throwing the gesture at Eva he is surprised. "Wow that's new." says Brad. "Well and you.Dorothy we never met "says Brad. "Yes,But I only joined yesterday.It was a holiday although.I hope you can help me.I have lost like 2 months already."says Dorothy. "Well I can .We can catch up.Im sure you know Alan"says Brad. "Ya I saw him yesterday.I know his sister."says Dorothy. "Hey let's dance."says Dorothy. "Of course"Says Brad. Brad and Dorothy sip beer as they dance.Eva joins them with her sexy moves. "Wow you have some moves. Gizz I went to at least half a dozen party.But i never danced" says Brad. "I heard you got kissed and beaten Sunday" asks Eva. "Wow I'm famous already.Ya we were thrown out. Gosh I'm ashamed"Says Brad. "You got kissed by the hottest girl in the school.Your sister and Violet are best friends". says Amber as she joins them. "Well she smooched me or lured me after her boyfriend beat me" says Brad. "Well she has so many bff.She has like 15 dates in a week and that too with 5 different boys" says Amber. "Eva had a fight with her at Saturday.I think you and Eva can be good friends" says Amber. "Well she's a 8 grader.Im a 7 th" says Brad. "I'll have to go.My mom called me. Hey Brad can we meet any other time after school." says Dorothy. "Ya. How about tomorrow evening. We can meet after school" says Brad. "Ok Bye all.Thanks for the invite" says Dorothy. "I can't believe. Shes going to see her mother with beer still on her breath" says Brad. "Well actually her mother is a single mother.They drink together always.She will be the best for a guy like you"Says Eva. "How about you?" asks Brad. "Wow as I heard from your sister you got a date at Thursday as well"Says Amber. "Wow she tells everyone doesn't she"says Brad. Eva catches Brads hand as she takes him away into the balcony. "So tell me Brad.How it felt like kissing violet"Says Eva. "Well I don't remember"Says Brad. Eva touches Brads lips.Brad is surprised. "Ok that doesn't make me remember"Says Brad. Eva grabs Brads butt and kisses Brad intensely.Both make out as Eva catches him and opens the door next to the balcony. "Now that's fast" says Brad as he grabs Eva's boobs and undresses her. "Ok that's enough ." says Eva as she dresses back. "Wait what?" says John. His pants still look like mountain near his thighs. "Well that's all.I need to go.See you"Says Eva as she leaves. "Now What was that about"Says Brad as he looks sad.
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