Kabanata 35

3253 Words

Invitation " Why do you girls love shopping?" Cayenne snorted while looking at the shopping bags on his both hands that I ordered him to hold while we are roaming around the mall. " You mean, spending money with useless things." Zekiyah added while shaking his head and glancing at the shopping bags he's holding. I just rolled my eyes heavenwards without glancing at them while walking after them. " Shut up, assholes." It's been more than two years and I am now a lot more better, with the help of my brother, Ate Amber, Nanny Alicia, Uzziah—who sometimes visits—and Cayenne who often visits every time he gets home in Spain. Yep, the great Cayenne is studying at Cambridgeshire, England as a Chemical Engineer and if I am not mistaken, he's now at his last year this school year. He's still my

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