| Victoria | “Goddess Victoria,” Preston gasped as he wiped sweat from his brow. I laid on my side, my large belly carefully supported by pillows, as Preston pounded into me while standing. “I need more Preston,” I begged. He gave a grunt of concentration, and thrust harder into me, rocking like a metronome in perfect rhythm. I felt the pleasant building, my hands rubbing at my clit so he could just focus on f*****g me. I'd been insatiable my whole pregnancy. I'd barely even had any morning sickness- just round the clock horniness. It was a good thing Preston's stamina was so high- I'd definitely tested it though. “Oh, yes- there…” I moaned low to start, the pitch rising as he brought me to my peak. He rested his damp forehead on my shoulder, his movements slowing, but not stoppin