5| A fresh start

1607 Words
| Preston | ~Ten months later~ “Oh my god! Yes! Yes! Right there!” Dana’s tight body shuddered around my hand. Her clit was still tightly sucked into my mouth. I held her firm and didn't release until her final pulse juddered out of her body. “Hmmm,” she hummed, already pulling me around so she could return the favour. I leant back, losing myself in the feel of her tongue around my tip before she started to bob on me. I grabbed her hair as she started to increase her fervour, helping her with the rhythm. I moaned out, letting my pleasure come out with my voice, Dana moaning with me, helping to drive my release further. I clenched my eyes as I came, my pelvis rising to expel my seed into Dana's waiting mouth. Dana gasped as she released my c**k, swallowing and catching any spillage. “f**k Preston, I love your c**k. When are you going to f**k me with it?” I shook my head with a chuckle and climbed out of bed. I had a small ensuite in my room which I went into and turned the shower on. “Never heard you complain about my mouth before.” “Come on,” she groaned with half-put-on exasperation. “You can't say you don't want to feel my p***y wrapped around you.” I almost choked on my laugh. Of course. I was a hot-blooded straight guy after all. “You know I'm waiting for my mate.” She sighed dramatically, “Aren't we all?” I'd met Dana on my very first day at the Winding River Pack. She was an amazing warrior. Only a year older, she'd taken me under her wing and introduced me around, making me feel welcomed and wanted. It was a new feeling for me. I felt so welcomed I was planning on staying. After the first pack I'd spent my first six months at, I had then been transferred So I could roll our training program out here, instead of going home. I technically only had eight weeks left here before I would be sent to the next one on the list, but I'd been in discussions with this pack Delta to stay on and study under him- and maybe become Delta one day- it was an earned title, unlike Alpha and Beta, so I'd have competition but I found I didn't mind that. I'd shifted for the first time while away from my pack, finding I actually had a really strong wolf. He could pass for an alpha for sure with his size- in fact, the Alpha of the Winding River Pack had introduced me to all his daughters just in case I was a suitable mate. It had been awkward. He had three daughters between sixteen and eighteen, with two of them twins- thankfully I wasn't fated to any of them- my wolf resolutely turning its nose up at all three of them. We weren't ready to take a chosen. I had been back to my pack once since, just to make sure my mate wasn't there. I made sure to time it when I knew the Alpha and his entire family were at an event at another pack. It was better than risking running into Victoria. I was in and out in less than an hour- my mate wasn't there. I was glad. I couldn't think of any girl back home I'd be happy to be my mate. They had all been the same, even the so-called nice girls. Dana and I had started to fool around only the last few weeks. She wasn't the only she-wolf here who had shown their interest in me, but I liked Dana. It was easy with her. She was cute, feisty and caring. She was one of the best friends I'd ever had, which really, considering she was only my third-ever proper friend, wouldn't normally mean much, but I was pretty popular here. None of my past had followed me or if it had people just ignored it for what it was- dumb high school gossip. I relinquished the small cubicle to Dana when I was done, and was already dressed by the time she was toweling off. I was actually having a teleconference with my parents that night and I was going to tell them I wasn't coming home. I would still work with my dad on the updated training program, but I wouldn't be stepping back into our pack. I planned to take my oath to my new pack the next full moon, only two weeks away. After telling my parents, I had to tell my Alpha. It felt like with that action I could finally close that chapter of my life and start anew. “You ever think about taking a chosen mate?” Dana asked me suddenly. I looked at her in surprise. She blushed adorably, “It's just…” I took the short few steps to her and bundled her into my arms. “My wolf wouldn't allow it, but I also could never do that to you- you need to give your fated mate a chance.” “Damn right, I wouldn't allow it,” my wolf, Fynn, grumbled in my head. He was okay with the fooling around, but any thoughts of anything more serious, and he would go ballistic in my head. Dana hastily wiped her eyes. “I know you're right… it's just that Stephanie met her fated mate and…” I knew what she was referring to. Her older sister just found her mate and he was a lot. He was an alpha wolf and the pack Beta. He was ranked and so had pulled her from warrior training and made her stay in the packhouse. She seemed okay but she had loved her work and now it seemed all her mate wanted from her were pups. Dana was obviously worried about a similar fate. She had a strong wolf though so I could imagine her putting her mate in their place, and told her as much. “Come on. Let's get dinner.” ~*~ The packhouse was a madhouse when we arrived, everyone running around. “What's going on?” Dana stopped the first person she could. “The Alpha of Oak Grove Pack is coming tomorrow- last-minute request.” Dana looked at me quizzically, a surprised expression on mine. That was my pack. I shrugged. I had no idea why he was coming here. It must be for a different business than me, otherwise, I surely would have been told. I hadn't seen my Alpha in months. Maybe I could ask him to release me in person. But why is he coming here? I thought, feeling my wolf's interest as well. I shook it off because it wasn't any of my business, and then we ate until we were ready to burst. I went back to my room alone- thinking it was better than having Dana here again if she was starting to think more seriously about us. I probably shouldn't have started with her and risked our friendship… It took me a few good minutes to build the courage to call my parents. They answered immediately. “Preston!” They both greeted me in unison. There were a lot of ‘How have you beens’ and other pleasantries before I felt ready to tell them. I opened my mouth, my rehearsed words right on the tip of my tongue. “Alpha Lewis and Victoria are arriving tomorrow,” my dad told me. My breath caught when he said Victoria's name. I'd only heard about Alpha coming. “What?” I growled. “They're still looking for her mate so they're checking Winding River tomorrow. You should say hello.” My mother said cheerfully- as though the last time she suggested something like that she hadn't caused me to crack our dining room table. “Sure,” I snapped out instead. “Something feels strange,” my wolf told me. “Yeah, it's called murderous rage,” I seethed. I raised a few choice memories for him to remember. He had access to my memories so this was more to remind myself how horrible she was, and ten months of being away from her, and her influence, had meant I was happy for the first time in years. He just grumbled and retreated. “Mum, Dad- I actually wanted to tell you some-” “Did you meet your mate?” My mother asked, her face alight with joy. I grumbled some more, no aid from my wolf this time. “No,” I shook my head. “The Delta here has offered me an apprenticeship. I want to take it-” “What?” My mother cut me off first. “Son, Preston- if you want that, let me talk to Delta Lucy. We've heard how well you're doing and-” “I won't be her Delta,’ my tone was harsh. I knew it. I took a breath. “Thanks, Dad, but I have a fresh start here- everyone is so welcoming…” My parents looked at each other. My dad turned back to me. “Think about it a little longer please- maybe come home for a bit. You're not in high school anymore. Everyone will be different now.” I didn't believe them. Victoria won't have changed and every one our age just followed her- like they were supposed to, but she hated me now and barely a year was hardly going to have changed that. ~*~
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