
The Alpha's Protector

friends to lovers
small town
enimies to lovers
love at the first sight

The pack always used a certain company for protection and only humans. Which never made sense. Surely the pack can look after themselves better than any human could. Something had to be special about these humans, when you can best the Alpha in a one on one fight, no change allowed, but still, hand to hand, something about you must be special!

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If s**t was about to hit the fan, then she was sure as hell going to be right in the thick of it! Sam stood from her barstool, took the last swig of her beer, set the glass down, and walked over to where the commotion was in full swing. As usual, everyone made a path for her, she smiled at the thought that from the moment she was born nothing ever stood in her way or stopped her from getting her way. Some would say she had it easy, some would even say she was a spoilt b***h. So what?? Maybe she was. Maybe she did get everything she wanted. Mostly. But she also had to fight for her birthright, she had to defend her back, her front. Because she, sure as hell would not, like so many of her ancestors, be counting on the humans.  Sam stopped in front of the brawling duo on the floor, and took both by the scruff of their shirts, and lifted them a foot off the floor, before dropping them face-first back onto the dirty floor. They growled and spun on her, both of them ready to leap, then froze. Of course, she thought, inwardly groaning. She wanted a fight, was itching for a fight and what does she get? Cowards. All of these fucktards were cowards, she thought.  Larry, the owner of the bar, stepped from behind the bar. His head slightly bowed, he kicked the duo lightly. "Get up. Get out." He growled and booted both on the ass again. "I'm sorry Sam, won't let them in here again." His Irish accent was faint, but there.  "It's fine, I was actually hoping for a fight." She grinned. Dark green eyes with black and gold flecks danced as she looked around the room, "Anyone?" She shrugged and threw her jet-black hair over her shoulder. "Fine. Larry, another beer please." Sam walked back to her chair and sat down, alone. Always alone, no-one ever wanted to sit with the Alpha, the female Alpha, assholes. Her father was the best there was, he had led their pack through countless fights, built their small town, and settled them here in Jake's Town, a place where they were free to shift and run, their children were safe, and non-wolf mates were treated as one of their own. Sam had nothing against humans. Or those of her wolves who ended up mated to a human, they were her pack too, and she would die for them in a second! But what her father was thinking all those centuries ago when he hired Amber Security, only he knew. She turned her head slightly and scowled at her bodyguard. The six-foot woman was all muscle with a dark broody face, sure she looked like she could snap a man in half, but really, honestly, she stood no chance against a wolf, shifted or not, wolves were one of the strongest beings out there. Humans had no business trying to protect her, or any other important wolf in her pack. Sam turned back to her beer, taking a deep swallow. Maybe she could pick a fight with one of them, maybe if she proved to her pack and the council that they were useless, they would see reason and let her change the security.  "Hey. Hey!" Sam yelled a second time. When the black eyes met hers she grinned. "How's about you and I make a bet?"  "No." Came the curt reply.  "Why? You scared I'll hurt your fragile bones?" She knew the people at the table next to her could hear her, so she shifted a little and sat back in her chair, all relaxed alpha female. "You know, I think..."  "We all know what you think, Alpha. You don't make a habit of hiding how you feel about us." The woman took a step forward. "But all due respect, there is not enough money in the world for me to accept that bet, because, even though I would win, my boss would still kill me, and frankly, I fear her more than you." She nodded her head, stood back, and went back to scowling and watching.  Sam huffed and looked over at the three guys sitting next to her. There was surprise in their eyes but also a kind of anticipation as to what she would do next. "Who's your boss?" Sam had an idea. She'd only skimmed through the contract when she became Alpha, signing only out of loyalty to her father.  "Alpha?" The woman asked surprised.  "This oh so mighty, to be feared by all, boss. Who is she?" Sam knew she sounded like a five-year-old. But she didn't have time for idiots.  "Uh, Amber Rivers." The woman answered and Sam could see the confusion in her eyes. She ignored it. "Amber, well, okay then. We will see how fearsome she really is when I challenge her to a fight." She lifted her beer. "For experimental purposes only, of course," Sam added and with a smile on her face, downed her beer and after leaving money on the table, sauntered out. If she couldn't fight, then she damned well would run! Good luck to the bodyguard trying to keep up. The man got out of his car, casually walked into the bar, and sat at one of the tables, he refused a drink but when the waitress came back the fourth time, he ordered one just to get her to leave him alone. He watched everyone, made mental notes, and unconsciously took a sip of beer every now and again. When his glass was empty he ordered another. He watched the beautiful woman, walk through the throngs of people and effortlessly lift and drop the two brawling men. She was tall, not as tall as her bodyguard. Her thick black hair cascaded down her back. He knew she had green eyes, she had a sculpted face, luscious lips and a body any woman would kill for. Her tight blue jeans fit tightly over her ass and down her legs. Danger was stamped all over her and he knew first hand just how dangerous. He saw her converse with her bodyguard, blatantly goading the woman. He heard some of what they said and noted down the name Amber Rivers. Not sure if she would be a friend or just another foe. When the dark, dangerous woman left the bar with her bodyguard, the man finished his drink and left as quietly as he came.

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