Twenty six

1149 Words

(Leonardo's POV) I put the book I was reading, aside. I don't know why she's making me read this crappy romance story but to make my queen happy I obliged. I sighed when there was a knock on the door of our bedroom. "Come in", I said in an irritated voice. I want to be alone, Lisa is not here and I'm missing her, even though it's been only 2 hours after she left to go to college, and I don't want to be in anyone's presence if it's not her. A maid came inside with a tray. Without any word she nodded at me and turned around to leave but stopped and stared at something with a hungry look. I followed her line of sight and noticed my not so little me is super hard and poking out of my boxer briefs. "Get out", I growled at the maid and she quickly ran outside. I sneered down at my c**k,

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