Twenty Seven

1095 Words

(Vasilissa's POV) My eyes fluttered offer and closed them immediately when blinding light from the ceiling shone directly into my eyes. I groaned at how sore my body is, from being laid on the cold floor, I think. I forced my eyes opened and searched Stefano. I don't know how much time has been passed but judging by the food I received three times every few hours, it's been a day. "Stefano", fear gripped my heart when I searched for him in the dark cell beside mine. They're not feeding him and I find it strange that they're feeding me so well and giving him nothing to eat. "Stefano?", my voice trembled when he didn't reply. "Hmmm", came his groggy reply and I sighed, thanking the heaven above he is safe or I would never have forgiven myself. He is in this mess because of me, the p

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