Twenty - How to be 'normal' friends.

3890 Words

Knightly’s P.O.V For the first time in my life, I awoke to the calming rhythm of steady heart beat and soft breathing as my mate’s chest rose and fell gently as I lay on him. It’s by far the most exciting and fulfilling feeling and moment one could have. I snuggled into him, breathing in his scent and tranquillity, making my wolf hum happily and my insides turn to mush. I can’t believe he stayed…and sang to me. I still couldn’t believe my eyes when I looked up and saw him sleeping there, a peaceful expression on his face. As carefully and quietly as I could, I detached myself from him and slipped out of bed. I took a second to watch him as he slept, seemingly undisturbed by my disappearance. I couldn’t help but wonder if we’d ever actually live this bliss. I stripped off my clothes slow

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