Nineteen - Bonding Time

3590 Words

Damien’s P.O.V We lay on Knightly’s bed contently after the whole picnic thing with his family. I still couldn’t believe how much they loved my singing. I know I’m gifted but being appreciated by people who don’t have to like me or don’t feel obligated to say something nice, it’s amazing. It’s like a new found feeling of accomplishment and I’m happy that I shared that with Knightly. Even though whatever we have is going to end sooner or later, I can even express how much it means that he is the one I could share that moment with. I was lying next to Knightly, going through the music on his iPod, his scent consuming me. It was overwhelming as I lay on his pillow, every breath I took was filled with the smell I had come to know as purely Knightly and it made it harder not to want him. It

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