Chapter 6: Kassandra Lebrun

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-Blanche-   Breakfast was awkward.   Paige and Luz were throwing daggers at each other on the table. Although, Morgana looked unaffected while drinking her coffee.   How can she eat without minding the environment? I guess that is what made it fun for me.   There were three new apprentices in the Mansion. Luz was one of them, and she stood up from the others, even the older ones. She was human but the power Mother Nature blessed her with was impressive.   Luz was only sixteen and in daylight, I noticed how her black hair had thin strands of silver, an indicator of her power. No wonder why her very human family threw her to the streets, fearing what she could do.   Morgana and I talked in her office. I explained to her the reason for my visit to my grandmother. And she told me the story of Luz.   She told me that the girl reminded her of me. I gained my powers at fifteen, my hair went from black to silver-white from one day to another, unlike Luz. She is getting stronger slowly, as she gets closer to her seventeen’s birthday.   Her situation is not like mine. I had my mother to guide and protect me, even from my grandmother. No… Luz reminded me of my grandmother.   Kassandra Lebrun was born in a very average human home, in human territory. That happened a long time ago. And at the age of eighteen, she was blessed by Mother Nature. Her power displayed like in any witch in this world… The long curly hair of Kassandra Lebrun turned silver.   The young Kassandra could not hide it. No dye product in the world, human of magic, can hide the silver hair of a witch. We stand out naturally.   We cannot hide who we are once we get our powers, and our power defines our social-economic status in the Magic Kingdom. The blessing from Mother Nature turns us into outcasts in the human world... and sometimes even in the Magic Kingdom, like in her case.   Kassandra Lebrun was intelligent, beautiful, and gifted. According to her, plants talk to her. That is how she learned to make potions. And among those, she made one dye her hair to pretended to be a human for a whole year.   However, she had to do it every day. The effect of the dye did not last.   Witches are not meant to hide. As creatures of nature, we are born to stand out from humanity, looking different.   The young Kassandra pretended to be an average normal human girl. But her potion was a cover-up not, and strong emotions activated her powers one bad day.   Her beloved fiancé betrayed her with a rich woman, and her anger shook the ground. She did not mean to do it but summoned a storm in her village. Kassandra was devastated by the treason not only of her fiancé but also her family.   The Lebrun family could not stand the shame of having a witch as a daughter and abandoned her with three coins of gold in one hand and a garbage bag with her belongings on a rainy day. She was left at the border between the magical Kingdom and the human one… in the east side… the worst part of all.   Oh, my grandmother told me that story many times! She wanted me to hate humans for their weak hearts, and her family for what they did to her.   Unlike Luz who was lucky to run into Circe, my grandmother ran into a Dark Warlock.   Luz is younger and now is protected in our coven. She will be guided and educated in healing magic. She has a chance that my grandmother did not have back then.   Kassandra Lebrun was already pregnant, she was expecting a girl who would be my mother, Miriam Lebrun. Since she was alone and afraid of this Kingdom, ignorant of the laws and how to use her magic, Kassandra accepted the Warlock.   She did not even know what a Dark Warlock was.   Kassandra needed shelter for herself and her baby. Life was hard on the hands of that man. But she learned even from the worst situation. Kassandra has always found a way and a reason to survive. I had admired her while growing up. She passed from cleaning the factory of Witchy Witch to manage it. And she did on her own… or so I thought.     Before leaving my coven, I warned Morgana. I did it sooner than later because I might go back straight to the Werewolf Kingdom if I confirm my suspicions around my grandmother. Clara needs me to find Silvia.   “Be careful, Morgana.” I had that stuck in my throat. Not every day I warn her about something. Usually, she is the wiser one among us.   “Luz is just a little girl. Her infatuation will go away soon. You know that.”   "I do not mean Luz, although she will be a problem, too. Especially if you keep lying to yourself like this.”   "I do not understand you. What do you refer to?"   “The shewolf. You really like Paige.”   Morgana blushed. She never blushes! She never takes any lover into our coven or sleeps in the same room. She never gives explanations to any girlfriend or boyfriend. I noticed everything at one glance… Morgana is really into the shewolf.   “We are just enjoying our time together, Blanche,” Morgana dismissed the matter. “Paige will get bored eventually of her relationship with me. No promises were made, and I will never anything of her.”   “Yet you brought her here, where is less likely for her to find another shewolf for her.”   Morgana frowned. She knows I am right.   "I am keeping her safe. Paige asked me, and I agreed."   “Bravo for the great protector. The shewolf is still confused and yearns for affection and acceptance. She needs more a Witch Mother than a lover, Morgana.”   "You know there is a danger for her in the Kingdom of werewolves. She is better with me.” Morgana was getting angry… Did I mention that witches can be as obsessive and possessive as werewolves? Just think about the White witch as an example!   “I see you more invested in her than you give credit for."   "You are wrong, darling," She smiled at me. "I am just safe harbor for her until she is ready. The day will come, and she will leave. I will not stop her when that happens.”   "That is the next mistake you will be making. If you truly like her... tell her what you want. Werewolves can choose, too. My potion does wonders.” I am so proud of myself. The plants do not talk to me like they supposedly do to my grandmother, but I am pretty good with potions.   "I will never ask her to choose me when her soulmate is still out there."   “Well, I just wanted to give you a piece of my mind.”   "I know. I have done the same to you many times. But I assure you, I am fine. I know what I am doing."   “Anyways… still be careful with that Luz. She reminds me of Kassandra, and that witch knew what she wanted. Watch out.”   “Silly Blanche.” Morgana giggled.   "Fine! Do not believe me."    It was important to me having this conversation with my friend. Fair warning... everyone has the right to make their own mistakes and get out of the problems they get into.   Witchy Witch looks as I remembered it.   The whole complex is like a small city behind an iron fence. Witches, warlocks, and fairies do not like iron. Do not ask me why. It is like an allergy for most of us.   The factory is at the back, standing out due to its size and color. It is grey and almost lifeless before the employees rush inside to punch in or leave after finishing their shifts.   I remembered coming to the company's parties and gatherings since my mother used to work in the factory. She was just another employee in the production line of cleaning products. I was so proud of her work for this company…   Like a ghost, I almost saw my old self at eight, old enough to remember until this day, glancing from any hideout in the factory at the Prince of Witchy Witch, Elias Bourdieu.   The first time I saw him, he stepped down from a black limousine wearing a navy-blue suit, white shirt, gold tie, black shoes… I remember everything about him that day. The day I thought that love existed because someone as handsome as him was in the time and space than me.   I am a hopeless romantic, despite my failed love life. And the disappointment Elias brought to my life.   His hair used to be light brown before turning silver-white at eighteen. So handsome, and a true gentleman… I blinked, pushing the memories aside again. I do not need them now.   I came to this freaking place for a reason, Kassandra Lebrun.   The security guards did not know me. I had to inform them who I was and who I am related to. The element “surprise” was out of the table now. f**k it, I will be straightforward with that witch who is my grandmother.   It took a few minutes, but the guards let me thru.   Among the many buildings, there is a modern building for the administrative offices of supervisors, managers, and directors. Also, a larger group of office staff works from there, too. Different departments working hard for good profits for the shareholders, and good benefits for employees. At least they pay fairly.   The importance and power of the employees are based on the floor they work on. The office of my grandmother is on the top floor, the same floor where the Bourdieu family established the main office.   The office of Kassandra is next to one that belongs to the Patriarch of the family… the office that Elias will take one day.   The secretary of Kassandra allowed me in immediately.   Behind a mahogany desk, seated in a big leather chair was the still beautiful woman of one hundred and twenty years… my grandmother, Kassandra Lebrun. The one who was responsible for many of my misfortunes and the death of her only daughter… My mother.
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