3. Oiled Up Co-workers

2580 Words

Oiled Up Co-workers LukeI spend most of Friday holed up in my room, racing to finish my Econ paper. Weekends are in no way conducive to homework. My shifts start at nine p.m., and although the club has a one a.m. last call, I sometimes work a late bartending shift at the club next door, which closes later. I often don’t get home till after five, depending on how long it takes to shower, change, and cash out. Still, I’d rather spend the day sleeping so I can be well-rested for tonight. Or maybe sexting with LobsterShorts. Logging out of the app last night was painfully hard. So was the state of my d**k. You have no idea how hot it is helping a guy explore his sexuality. See, Lobster’s girlfriend won’t be getting anything shockingly new from the encounter. Instead of one d**k, she’ll get

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