Chapter 13

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Chapter 13Unexpected Situations-02 The wolf tilted its head, spotting the injured girl behind them. He immediately shifted into a young man and walked a bit closer. "Who are you and what are you doing on our lands, also why is that human girl just laying there like a corpse?" he growled out. "Look, we don't want any trouble. We were driving and a truck slammed into us, sending us off the road and into this forest. We're just trying to get back to civilization so our friend here can get some medical help." Alana answered. "And what is an angel, a vampire, a fae, a mermaid and whatever that boy is, doing with a human girl and in your true forms nonetheless? So obviously, she knows about you," he said. "It's a long story but she's our friend and she's going to die if we don't get her to a hospital." Merlin reasoned. "Then why don't one of you just heal her huh? And how did she get hurt anyway you guys revealed yourself to her and she couldn't handle it, maybe tried to run away even?" He inquired. "Look, if you were not gonna help us, just leave us the f**k alone, ok?" Aquarius yelled, getting angry. "You're on my territory, my home. You're the ones' trespassing. I could kill you all right now." The boy retorted. "Oh yeah? Let's see you try." Aquarius replied as her red hair started moving on its own, and her ocean blue eyes started glowing. "Aquarius stop!" Alana yelled, "we don't have time for this, Cat is dying." Calming down, Aquarius said, "You're right, I'm sorry." She then went on to try and heal Catalaya again as well as the others in an effort to prove they were telling the truth. Seeing that they weren't lying, the intrigued young man stepped a bit closer and asked, "Can I take a look at her injury, I may be able to help." Nodding her consent, Alana allowed him to make his way over to Catalaya as Aquarius slowly brought down the barrier, still on guard in case he decided to try anything. "Her wound is infected, her blood pressure is low and she's getting paler by the second if she doesn't get to a doctor now she'll go into Hypovolemic shock and die." he informed. The young man scooped Catalaya up in his arms and then turned to her friends, saying, "My pack is close by and we have a hospital, follow me and I'll take you there." He then started running in the direction of his pack. After running for a few miles, they came up on the town they were just kilometers away from before they crashed. The young man ran towards a hospital, rushing inside, requesting assistance immediately. After the doctors took Catalaya from the young man, rushing her to the operating room, he turned his attention to her friends. "The doctors here are really good at what they do, plus I've given strict orders to do everything possible to save your friend." he told them. "Thank you for helping us," Harley replied. "We appreciate the help and all that. But we searched the area and didn't see any signs of human life. We couldn't even find the road, so how come everything just appeared out of the blue. Also, who are you and what the hell type of creature are you?" Aquarius asked. Chuckling at her tone and expressive speaking, the young man answered, "My name is Adonis Walker and I'm a elemental wolf as you can already tell, my affinity is fire. This town is known as salt springs and it is also our pack. The reason why you couldn't sense any signs of life is because of our leaders powers. The moment you guys entered the forest, you tripped off an alarm so to speak informing us that someone had crossed our borders by incorrect means." he said. "Whoah! You're an elemental wolf? Weren't those wiped out during the paramount war? I didn't know they still existed and what do you mean by crossing by incorrect means?" Alana said. "You know your stuff, not much teens these days know about the war." he replied. "Yeah well, I'm kind of a history nerd so you know." she said. "I see," was Adonis's answer. "Well, as I was saying, there is only one way persons are allowed into our borders, and it is through the front gates, so to speak, which is the town where we are right now. If you enter any other way, you'll trigger the cloaking spell cast around the entire territory." "Well, that explains a lot," Merlin muttered. "Your leader must be pretty strong to be able to cloak a whole town." Harley said. "He is," Adonis replied with admiration in his voice. "Ok, seeing as I've introduced myself, I think it's only natural you guys return the favour." "Oh right, sorry about that," Alana apologized, "My name is Alana, this is Harlequin, that's Aquarius, she's Freya, and he's Merlin, and our friend you brought here is Catalaya." Alana said, pointing to each of her friends as she called their names. "Nice to meet you all." Adonis bowed. "I reckon your friend will be here for some time, our pack house is further up in the town. Why don't you guys come with me and I can introduce you to our leader and get you guys somewhere to stay until your friend is all fixed up," he offered. "Sure sounds good," Merlin replied happily at the chance to rest properly. They all followed Adonis as he led the way to his home. When they arrived at a huge mansion near the edge of the town with endless miles of woods behind it, they all stared in awe. To say the house was majestic was an understatement. "Welcome to my humble abode." Adonis gestured, opening the giant gates so they could enter. "There is nothing humble about this, it looks like a freaking castle." Merlin exclaimed. Smiling at Merlin's outburst, Adonis led them to the front doors, leading them into the house and then upstairs to his leader's office. ------------------------------------------------------
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