Chapter 12

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Chapter 12Unexpected Situations-01 Catalaya's pov It's been 8 days since we left the pack. We had been driving aimlessly at first, stopping at motels to rest until Freya suggested we go to New Orleans. We all asked her if she were crazy. Because what's the sense of leaving only to get found by her parents until she explained that her grandmother left a big cabin for her in the bayou that her parents didn't know about. So we could stay there until we decided what to do, plus no one would expect us to go there. Also, Lana had cast a cloaking spell on us, so her mom or anyone else wouldn't be able to find us. We were currently in the car singing the lyrics to Shout Out To My Ex by Little Mix that was playing on the radio. 'This is a shout out to my ex Heard he in love with some other chick ...... Well, I'm, all the way up I swear you'll never, you'll never bring me do------' I had taken my eyes off the road for a second to see what Alana was showing me on the map. The next thing I knew, this big ass truck came out of nowhere, slamming into the car, running us off the road. The car's rear took most of the damage from the impact because I had managed to swerve just in time, so the truck wouldn't hit the side I was on. However, the car was flipped over, and we ended up rolling off the road and into the woods, crashing into a big tree in the middle of the woods. "Everyone ok?!!" I asked. "Yeah, we're all good back here, just a few scratches and bruises," Harley said. "Where the heck did that truck come from?" Merlin asked. "I have no idea, it just showed up out of nowhere, good thing I swerved or we would have all been crushed." I replied. "Yeah good thinking." Freya commented. "OK guys, let's get out of this car before it decides to explode." Alana said. We all got out of the car when I felt a sharp pain flash through my leg. I heard Aquarius gasp, and I looked down to see a huge gash on my thigh with blood pouring out like a waterfall. "I thought you said you were good," Merlin yelled. He tended to do that when he was about to start panicking. "I didn't feel any injuries I thought I was." I replied. "Ok, lay down. I'll cast a healing spell," Alana said. She kneeled beside me, chanting, but my wound wasn't healing. "What's taking so long? You're a master at spell casting." Harley said. "I don't know what's happening. I'm casting the spell repeatedly but she's not healing." Lana replied. My vision became a bit blurry, and I started feeling dizzy. I could see everyone trying to talk to me, but I couldn't hear or understand what they were saying. The worried face of Harley was the last thing I saw before darkness took me in as I fainted. Third person POV Catalaya's friends had no idea what to do, she fainted, and she was losing a lot of blood. Alana kept trying to heal her, but nothing was happening. "Maybe I could feed her some of my blood," Freya suggested. "Oh yeah, I forgot vampires' blood has healing abilities. Plus, you're an original, so it's stronger. Go for it." Merlin said. Using her claws, Freya opened up a vein and dripped her blood into Catalaya's mouth. The blood went down her throat, and they waited a few minutes, but still, nothing happened. "Ok, what the hell! That normally works in like seconds tops Plus, she's human. So there shouldn't be any problem with my blood healing her." Freya exclaimed. "Guys, do something! Her heart isn't beating, I can't feel her pulse anymore." Alana yelled with tears in her eyes. "Move," Merlin said, rushing to Catalaya's side. Closing his eyes, he took a calming breath as small lightning bolts appeared in his palms. He then placed his hands on Catalaya's chest, dispersing the lightning, and causing her body to jolt. He continued this action until they could hear her heart beating again. Sighing, Alana said, "I can feel a steady pulse now." "Yeah but she's still not healed, and she's still bleeding." Aquarius said. "Maybe some fairy dust will stop the bleeding?" Harley suggested. "Ok you do that Harley. I'll go fly around and see if there's any hospitals nearby." Alana replied. Alana released a pair of majestic silver wings and took off to the skies. Meanwhile, Harley tried healing her friend with fairy dust. When that didn't work, Aquarius tried her mermaid powers, using water which she managed to stop the bleeding, but couldn't heal the wound. Alana returned with no luck in locating any hospital. They were all weary and tired from walking around, trying to find their way back to civilization. Surprisingly, Catalaya's wound wasn't closing no matter what they did. Finally, the bleeding stopped, but it wasn't healing. Their magic eventually began running low due to a lack of energy. They placed her under a tree in a clearing after walking for who knows how long. After cleaning Catalaya's wounds and changing her makeshift bandages, they sat under the tree to rest as well. They were all resting when the snap of a twig brought them out of their dazed state. A huge flaming wolf walked out of the bushes, baring its canines at them. Already on high alert, the five teenagers took on a battle formation they learnt in training hell, bent on protecting themselves and Catalaya. Alana at the front changed into her angel form and conjured her light sword. Freya, at the right, released her fangs and claws. Merlin, at the left, summoned a lightening bolt. Harley on the rear called on her elemental magic, and Aquarius in the middle with Catalaya created a water barrier around everyone.
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