Chapter 15 - Pack Business

2373 Words

Megan POV   Once the melee calmed, Natasha was all business. She called the meeting to order and promptly yielded the floor to Senior Elder Yuri. “Thank you, Alpha,” he began as he rose from his chair. “I’m going to start by offering a brief history on harpies. For those who may not be as educated as the rest of us, harpies are vicious, lawless creatures without loyalty. Their sole purpose is to terrorize and kill humans and supernaturals alike. For thousands of years, they roamed Europe destroying villages and raiding cities until the supernatural community came together and banished them to an uninhabited island off the coast of France.” The Elder paused and sipped from his bottle of water. “Upon hearing about the attack yesterday, I reached out to my counterpart in Nantes, France and

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