Chapter 16 - Delayed

2506 Words

Megan POV   My heart stopped when Natasha mentioned staying for lunch. No, no, no. I couldn’t do that. Adam was looking at me, concern in his expression. He knew what was going through my mind. I shook my head slightly, just enough for him to see, then I rose from the couch and wove through the crowd of people toward the back of the house. Retracing our steps, I rushed through the kitchen and out to the garden. His arms clamped tight around me from behind when he caught up. “Hey, hey, hey,” Adam said. “I told you, Adam. I can’t eat in front of people. I can’t do it,” I reminded him and tried to pull away. He was crazy strong. Why I bothered to try to break free was beyond me. I mean, the man caught me in mid-leap at the restaurant and put me back on the counter without breaking a sw

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