Chapter 20 - Megan The Missing

2777 Words

Bonnie POV   Two days was plenty of time to recover from a bump on the head. More than enough, in my opinion. I didn’t give a s**t what some overworked emergency room quack said. I waited six months to get in to see this doctor, and I was not going to miss my appointment because my fat-assed daughter was a clumsy ox. I’d been trying to get a hold of her since Sunday evening. She wasn’t answering her cell or responding to my text messages, so I dragged my ass to the restaurant and climbed those rickety stairs to the closet she called an apartment.  Using the side of my fist, I pounded on the door as hard as possible. “Megan! You open this damn door! I’ve had it with your bullshit! You are working today if I have to drag you out of this apartment by your hair!”  I stood there and waited

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