Chapter 19 - Being Human In A Supernatural World

2559 Words

Megan POV   The sound of Adam’s alarm jolted me out of a really great dream, starring the man himself, and caused me to groan in objection. After silencing the annoying sound, Adam leaned over me and pressed a kiss to my forehead. “Go back to sleep, baby,” he whispered, then rolled out of bed. “Where are you going?” I grumbled, tucking the blanket up under my chin. He grinned over his shoulder. “We train six days a week from 5:30am to 8am.” “Train for what?” “Combat.” Well, that did it. I definitely wasn’t getting back to sleep after that bombshell. I sat up. “Combat? As in war?” Adam got up and came around to my side of the bed. He sat down facing me and took my hand. “Yes. We never got to have that discussion yesterday and unfortunately, we don’t have time to discuss it now. I

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