Chapter 13 - Uncomfortable Truths

3189 Words

Sinead POV   When Megan left his room, Adam shut down. He lay back in his bed, kept his arms crossed over his face, and refused to acknowledge anyone. Nothing anyone said or did seemed to bring him out of it, so we gave him his privacy and went out to the waiting room. “I want to be angry with that girl for hurting my boy,” Elvira Keller stated as she lowered herself into a chair. “But I can’t. I just can’t imagine how it feels to have all of this dumped on you, and then to be attacked by nightmarish creatures like harpies. Poor thing is probably barely hanging on to her sanity.” Natasha leaned against the wall and crossed her arms over her chest. “She went into shock on the beach. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s still experiencing it in some form. I wish I knew what to do for them. U

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