Chapter 8 Lost Feeling of Being Loved

1446 Words
"Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin." -Mother Teresa POV: Stella "Stella? Stella? Yoohoo?" Lemon's fingers snap in front of my face gaining my attention. "Sorry, I guess I'm a little distracted." I apologize. Distracted is the key work here. My mind keeps going back to the three men who greeted us at Mom and I's arrival. "Yeah, I get it. It's a new place and you may not want to be here but have to be for your mom." Lemon says. I wish this was what was distracting me. "U-uh y-yeah." I lie. I curse myself for stuttering. Anyone who truly knows me will know when I'm lying. Stuttering is my tell. "Well, you are on the third floor with the Alphas. This is your bedroom here across from Alpha Ryder. Your mother is in the bedroom next to Alpha Jonah. I will let you get settled. Have you eaten lunch yet? I know it's a bit late and dinner will be served in a few hours so maybe a snack?" Lemon asks. "Um, no thank you," I answer. I'm not getting into trouble for eating. Mom laid out all the rules last night that I was to follow. "Ok, well the dining hall is easy to find. It's on the bottom floor to the left of the entrance. You'll go through a sitting room and it should be there." She says. "Ok. When is dinner?" I ask. "Oh, right sorry. It's at six." She answers and leaves me in front of the door. I enter the room. It's very simple with a full-sized bed. There's a small closet and bathroom. A small work desk sits in the corner. It is very minimalistic. It's not like I will need a lot anyway. I'm going to university in three months anyway. I catch my appearance in the floor-length mirror hanging on the wall by the closet. The morning we left Mom broke another rib and bruised my wrist. She was angry because I didn't come back home after midnight. The black eye is from Last night. She sent me to get food and the restaurant got her order wrong so she blamed me. She threw a lamp at my face which is how I got this cut on my forehead. After mom was done complaining about her food and punishing me for it she laid out some rules for me to follow. I will until I turn 18 and I will move in with Uncle Hayden. We talked about it over the phone last Thursday. Mom will get a lot worse when this happens but I will at least have Uncle Hayden on my side. Mom's rules are still the same with a few adjustments. Her abuse towards me will now be hidden even more. I still have to ask to eat. I just have to watch for her to nod yes or she will wave her hand as if waving something off for no. I will then make the excuse of I'm not feeling well or something like that as to why I can't eat. I hope she lets me eat tonight. I look out the window to see what my view looks like and see one of the Alphas looking up at me. That's a little creepy. They're identical except for their eyes. I find it a bit strange for there to be three alphas. That's crazy. For some reason, I feel drawn to them. All three of them. It baffles me that Mom is going to mate with all three of them at the same time all for a Luna position. I know one thing for sure they are too old for her. Mom likes them young. She won't stay faithful for long. I suspect she had been cheating on my dad but I was oblivious to it before. I stare back at the triplet staring up at me. I wonder which one he is. I wasn't able to get a good read of them. I only saw them for maybe a minute. I was surprised when one of them defended me to that girl, Cherry. No one has ever done that. Though he did say something about a rule. He could just be enforcing a rule and not actually care. For some reason, it hurts at the thought of him not caring. I don't know why I care. No, I don't care. No one likes a broken wolf and changing packs isn't going to change that. A knock sounds on my bedroom door so I answer it. I frown at who it is. "Yes, mother?" I ask knowing she wants me to do something. "Go get my bag from the car and start unloading the boxes. If any of my stuff is broken you will pay for it. Do not embarrass me. When someone says something to you, answer them. Don't shy around." She orders. "Fine. Anything else. Any more lies I should tell while I'm at it?" I ask sarcastically. That earned me a slap in the face. "Don't condescend me! Now go do what I tell you. I swear if you ruin this for me you will pay for it with your life." She threatens. What a shock. "At least I'd be free of you then," I argue nudging past her. Those triplets are insane for taking her as a mate. I doubt they know what they've gotten themselves into. In a way, I feel sorry for them. I used to be blind like that but now I know better. I make my way out to the moving truck only to find Uncle Hayden and my grandparents there. "See what did I tell you? It wouldn't be long before Monica sent Stella out here to unload the truck." Uncle Hayden says. "You called right," I say. Uncle Hayden moves my face to the side looking at me. "She did this, didn't she? Did she hit you again? You have a bruise forming that wasn't there before." He asks. I nod yes looking down. My grandfather growls in anger. This causes me to jump back in fear. Is he angry at me? Does he think I'm lying? "We did not raise this girl like this. We were never violent towards her. We gave her the best life she could have had and this is how she treats her own daughter." My grandfather says in anger. My grandmother begins to cry. "Oh, dear I am so sorry. Can I hug you?" She asks. I don't hesitate and wrap my arms around her embracing her in a hug. "We're going to talk to the alphas about you coming to live with us." My grandfather says. "Monica won't let go so easily. Monica is very careful not to show her true colors. She has painted Stella as a liar and a troublemaker so no one will believe her if she ever told the truth. You'd have to come up with a convincing argument to make this so. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until she's 18. Stella was going to come live with me but it is up to you Stella." Uncle Hayden says. "I'd love to but as long as she can have her claws into me she won't let go. I can ask her but there is no guarantee." I say. The thought never occurred to me to try this. If I can come up with a story to convince her I might be able to get out sooner than I thought. "Well, it is always worth a shot. Now you go back to your room and we will unload this for you. You've done enough." My grandfather says. Tears drop from my eyes at his words. He wants to help me. He doesn't want me to do anything. "No, I have to. She'll get angry if I don't." I deny this. "No, don't you worry about a thing. I will deal with my daughter." Grandpa says. "Stella, you should listen to him. Come with me and I will see what I can do about your injuries. Hayden and Mathew will be fine. Gamma Logan and a few other Zetas will be helping them. Don't worry about it. You are in good hands now. We won't let her hurt you anymore." Grandma says. I embrace her in a tight hug. I haven't felt this feeling in a long time. I'm still unsure and afraid of what my mother will do but for once I feel somewhat safe and... Loved I don't want to go back to my mother but I know I will have to.
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