Chapter 9 Light the Darkness

1189 Words
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: Only love can do that." -Martin Luther King Jr. POV: Stella I'm in the pack's hospital with my grandmother. She says I can call her Grammy or GiGi. I went with Grammy. I think it suits her better. It's a sweet version and my Grandma is sweet. I learned not only is she an Eta and works in the pack's hospital but, she runs the hospital and is the head Eta. That is so cool. She wanted to do an x-ray of my wrist. I don't normally go to a doctor for my injuries from my mom. I was forbidden from doing so by my mother. She was afraid someone would report her. I only ever went if the injury was severe enough to where I couldn't take care of it by myself. I told her about my ribs so she did an x-ray of those too. I know there isn't much she can do about broken ribs and without my wolf I will heal at the pace of a human. The only wolf traits I have left are my scent and eyesight. I can see in the dark and have 20/20 vision so, that's good. My wolf instincts also seem to be with me. There have been times when they kicked in and I was able to avoid some things. Sometimes I would get a bad feeling when I was at school so I did whatever I could to avoid whatever it was I had a bad feeling about or around. For example, one time Violet was planning to have a bunch of the football players jump me one day. I had gotten a bad feeling before I entered the school cafeteria so I didn't go in. I also didn't get to eat lunch that day but it was better than whatever they would have done to me. I found out about it the next day when Violet and Terra came to yell at me for ruining their fun. "Alright, your x-ray shows no broken bones in your wrist. You do, however, have three broken ribs. Two of them are a little older than the one. The third one seems to have been broken more recently. There is more evidence of abuse in your x-ray. It shows evidence of ribs that have been broken before but not to worry they are fully healed now. I would like to do a full-body x-ray to see what else there is. I'd just like to have it for your medical file. I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to. This is between us." Grammy says. "I'm not surprised. I knew my wrist was fine. I know how broken bones feel." I say. "I wish I knew where I went wrong. Monica wasn't like this growing up. It was only after her mate rejected her that we began to see her true colors. At first, we thought it was the rejection causing this so we arranged for her to mate with David. Mathew and Evan have been good friends for years. It turns out she hid her true personality." Grammy says sadly. "Wait, Mom had met her fated mate?" I ask shocked. I had no idea. I wonder why he would reject her. "Oh, yes dear. His name was Grayson Kingsly. He was the Beta of the Thunder Rose pack. They were mates for about three months before he rejected her. Monica never would reveal to us why. All I know is the Thunder Rose pack wants nothing to do with her." My grandmother reveals. I'm in shock. The Thunder Rose pack is the royal pack. They are Lycans. "So, Mom's fated mate was a Lycan?" I ask. She nods her head yes. "Yes, he was. Grayson was a good man. We were all surprised when we came to know he rejected Monica." Grammy says. Wow. Just wow. "I wonder if she did what she tried to do to Dad," I say. For as long as I've known my mother she has wanted to be Luna. She never wanted to settle for anything less. If she did do this it shows just how deep her greed goes because she was mated to a royal Lycan beta. That's a pretty high statue right there. "What do you mean dear?" Grammy asks. "You mean you don't know. My father isn't David. Well, he is. What I mean is he's not my biological father. Mom drugged Alpha Zander and basically raped him. Alpha Zander is my birth father. Believe me, I know that is a lot because I just found that out myself. Mom doesn't know I know though." I reveal. Grammy gasps and covers her mouth. "I had no idea she did such a thing. Is there anything else I should know?" Grandma asks. "She killed my wolf. She killed Ava all because I yelled at her for sleeping with some guy two weeks after Dad died." I sob. I feel like I can trust her and let it all out to her. Grandma begins to shake as tears flow down her face. "What did I do wrong? I did everything I was supposed to do as a mother. I loved my children and never abused them. I would never hit a child. I didn't raise her to be so greedy." Grammy cries. I hug her. "I know, it's not your fault. Sometimes it's just who they are. There's nothing you could have done to change any of this. You did what you could. And now I'm here and we can reconnect and heal from all the hurt she has caused." I say. "You are a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for. No weak person can triumph from all the pain you have endured. You Stella are the strongest person I know. Anyone would be lucky to have you as a daughter. My daughter has no idea what she has and will regret it someday." Grandma says. "No, I'm not strong. I mean look at me. I can't even defend myself." I deny. I am far from being strong. "No child you are. You are the light. And light will always shine through the darkness. Now let's go because it's getting late and dinner will be served soon." Grammy says as she wipes her tears away. "OK, maybe we can stop and get something out of the vending machine. Mom might not allow me to eat tonight." I say. "What!? She doesn't allow you something as simple as eating. Hmph. We are going to have to fix that now, won't we? I have a plan." Grammy says. "What?" I ask. "You'll see. Just leave it to your Grammy dear and all will be fine." She says as we head out of the hospital but not before grabbing a sandwich from the vending machine. She has made me feel like I'm not alone anymore and I have someone who is actually looking out for me. The last person I had to do this was my dad.
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