
The Broken Wolf and Her Triplet Alphas


Stella has been through a lot in her life. She's endured bullying and abuse from her mother. Her mother killed her wolf just a week after she lost her father. This made her a broken Wolf or wolfless. Monica is a gold digging power hungry she wolf. She seeks revenge on the Lycans. Her worst nightmare was having a child. she never wanted children. Now Monica has lost her Mate and finally has the chance to be Luna. she moves her and her daughter to a new pack.The triplet Alphas run a tight ship. In their pack bullying is a no tolerance rule. if you are caught you will be punished. Alpha Ryder has this rule due to something he did in his past. He and his brothers have never found their mate until they meet Stella. It all starts on the day Stella graduates High school. Her mother didn't even bother to show up. Stella's main goal was to get away from Monica and go to college far from her. The night before her and her mother leave the Alpha's son reveals a long hidden secret kept from Stella. This secret changes everything she knew about herself. Secrets and Revenge are at play. Monica is determined more than ever to have her revenge and be the queen over all Lycans even though she is only a werewolf. Monica only ever had herself to blame. Her original mate would not have rejected her had she not been caught in her mischief. Monica would not settle for any rank that wasn't the top. Will all the secrets kept from Stella come to light? Will the Triplet Alphas accept a broken Wolf or Nancy?

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Chapter 1 Graduation
"Every sunset is an opportunity to reset. Every sunrise begins with new eyes." -Richie Norton POV: Stella "Mark Bradly." Welcome to my high school graduation. I watch as the student who was announced by the principal walks onto the stage. He takes his diploma from the principal and pauses for a second so his parents and loved ones cheering can take a photo of him. I envy that. For everyone here, today marks the next chapter of our lives. For most, it is the transition to adulthood. Most kids will be going off to college while others stay home. Some will be getting fully mated and married. You're probably confused by the mated part. Let me explain. I'm not human. Well, kind of but I will get to that later. Most of the kids here aren't human. They're werewolves. Yes, I said werewolves. This is the Rose Thorn Pack. We coexist with the humans in the town. Some humans know what we are while others are oblivious to the fact. The humans that do know are a mate to a wolf, a very trusted friend, or they figured it out on their own and know not to say anything. I envy the humans as well. Their lives are so much more simple than mine. "Lena Butler." The principal calls the next name. Her family cheers for her as she walks on the stage to get her diploma. Family. I wish this could be me but never will be. I wish my family cared enough to show. I don't have very many people who care for me anymore. Those who did aren't around. My father would have dragged my mother here at her reluctance. "Daniel Carter." More cheers and photos are being taken. For once I wish someone could be proud of me the way everyone is today. I managed to graduate high school on my own. I had no help. I did this and yet no one could care less. My life used to be like that but not anymore. I used to have friends and people who cared for me. Unfortunately, one event changed everything. The one person who was to protect me did just the opposite. "Stella Cassidy." That's me. Stella Ava Cassidy. I stand from my chair and walk up the stage. Just as I thought no one cheered. It was complete silence as I walked up that stage. My cheeks heat from the embarrassment of being the only one who walks on this stage in complete silence. The principal gives a pitied look and I hate it. He places the rolled-up diploma in my hand as he shakes my other hand. "Good job Stella." He says before I continue my walk of shame off the stage. That's all I get. A good job Stella and a handshake. I make my way back to my seat as more names are called. "What a loser." Someone whispers behind me. They would be talking about me. I'm used to it. I don't pay attention to their words anymore. I learned a long time ago to just let them say and do what they want. A bully will never change their ways. I'm an expert on bullies. I know how they are and how they think so I know not to poke the bear unless I want it to be worse. Not giving in to them is the best course of action. I should probably mention some basic information about myself. I am 17 years old but will soon be 18 in three weeks. My birthday is June ninth. My parents are Monica and David Cassidy. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I will always be the shortest person around since I'm at a height of Four foot ten. I am a member of the Rose Thorn pack. I was once a respected member of the pack. I was the beta's daughter. My dad died when I was twelve. I had lots of friends then but two weeks after his death my life changed. I'm different than everyone else. Unless you're an alpha wolf, every werewolf shifts into their wolf at the age of eleven. Alphas first shift between the ages of eight and ten. Nathan shifted at nine years old. Nathan is our pack's future alpha. We used to be friends too. He's never done anything to me. He only ignores me. There is one person in the pack who truly cares for me. This would be Alpha Zander Emerson. I just call him Uncle Zander. He and my dad were best friends. The bullying is kept secret from him. Everyone in the pack knows how Alpha Zander feels about me so they keep it from his eyes. Nathan knows all about it but does nothing. He tends to avoid me now. I never would have thought he'd be this shallow. Is image really everything? When it comes to image, I'm an embarrassment. You might be wondering about my mother if you can call her that. Where is she while all this is going on? Pretending like I don't exist. My mother never wanted children. She hates the fact I exist. She only continued with her pregnancy because my dad convinced her to. My dad raised me. She's never had anything to do with me. I doubt if she even remembers my birthday. She is the cause of my torment. She did this to me. I've never told a single person this before. My mother has a lot of influence over people. She is the beta female and still holds that rank. Granted Beta was never the rank she wanted. I'm a broken wolf. My wolf died two weeks after I lost my father. This means I am rankless. I am wolfless. Omega comes above me in a pack. I had my wolf for a year before she was killed. I still have the scar from when it happened. Her name was Ava. She was a special kind of wolf. I was a pure white wolf. All of that is gone now. I still have a werewolf scent and some traits remain. I am basically human now. "Congratulations class of 2023!" The principal announces. Everyone stands cheering and screaming excitedly. They all begin to throw their caps in the air. I don't. I only stayed til the end out of respect and it's polite. I just leave. I do have plans for my next chapter in life. I worked my ass off in school. I kept a 5.0 grade point average. I was able to secure a scholarship to Stanford University. I'm going to become a lawyer. I want as far away from my mother as I can get. I plan to ask Uncle Zander if I can stay at the pack house until I start university. I know it's only three months but I need away from my mom. Once I'm out and away from everyone I'm going to take my time to heal. I want to heal so much from all the hurt I have endured. I'm not even looking forward to finding my mate on my 18th birthday like most are. A wolf can find their fated mate when they turn 18. I wouldn't be able to tell if I was standing in front of my mate anyway. I lost those abilities. I doubt he would want me anyway. I'm just a pathetic rankless wolfless girl with the only thing she ever did wrong in her life was being born. My mate would reject me on the spot. This is why I have made peace with being alone for the rest of my life. No one wants a weak wolfless mate like me. I walk myself home from school as I have always done. My phone begins to ring. Dread fills me as I see the caller ID showing me it's my mother. "Hello," I answer it knowing if I ignore it things won't go so well for me. "Where are you!? This house is a mess! It is a Saturday so I know you're not at school!" She screams through the phone. "I'm on my way home now. I graduated from school today. Not that you care anyway." I say calmly through the phone. Don't let my bully speak sway you. I still fight back as much as I can. If you think I hold back with my mother you are sadly mistaken. I know when to fight and when not to. I will most likely get hit when I get home but what's new? I always get hit. "Excuse me? Did I give you permission to graduate? Get your ass home right now. I have news." She says. "I don't need your permission to graduate high school. I told you I was on my way home!" I yell into the phone. What news could she possibly have that is so important I need to be home at this very second? She growls into the phone. "You do not speak to me like that! I am your mother and you will respect me. Expect a punishment for being so rude and disrespectful to me when you get home. By the way, Luca is here. I'm sure he will have fun with you." She says before she ends the call. Luca! Luca is one of my mother's playthings. My mother is such a slut. She likes them young too. The second Luca turns 26 he's out and will be replaced. She has several men that come around whom she sleeps with. Luca is currently her favorite though. He hates me with a passion. My mom has no issues letting her playthings punish me. Sometimes she likes to watch. Most of them will just hit me. That I can take. One of them once tied me to a chair and forced me to watch him f**k my mom. Luca's favorite punishment is forcing me to give him a blow job. My mom has never allowed any of them to touch me like that. Blow jobs are the furthest it has been allowed to go. Mom will stop them when she thinks they have gone too far or if she thinks it's enough. This makes me wonder if there is some very small part in her heart that she does care about me in some way. Three more months and it's all over. I have to keep telling myself this.

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