Chapter 27 - New Life

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This is my chance! Joffiel felt excited because she knows this is a good chance for her to help Keidi. “I see. I’m just disappointed,” Joffiel said. “Come with me. I will buy you dinner.” Joffiel started to walk and waved her hands to Keidi, telling him to follow her. They went to a nearby restaurant to buy some food and eat dinner. They sat on a table and a waiter approached them. “Here’s our menu. Please call me when you are ready to take your orders,” the waiter said with a smile and left them to let them choose from the menu. “So what do you want to eat? Don’t worry I will pay for you. Get everything that you want,” Joffiel said to Keidi. Keidi stared at the menu. But he does not know what to get and he is too shy to tell Joffiel what he wants. “I don’t know what to get Miss Joffiel,” Keidi replied. “Okay, let me choose for you,” Joffiel said. She called the waiter and ordered a lot of food for the both of them. After a few minutes of waiting, the waiter served their food. Joffiel let Keidi eat before asking him so many things. She wants to get the trust of Keidi so that it is easier for her to teach him to be kind and respectful to other people. She is also thinking of a way to help Keidi get a job. Looking at Keidi, Joffiel would tell that hunger will lead Keidi to do bad things even though it is contrary to what he wants to do.While they are eating, Joffiel is in deep thought on how she will help him. She cannot invite Keidi yet to work at the Denver Coffee Shop because Keidi might cause her trouble. “Slow down! You might choke from eating everything so fast! And you are making a mess,” Joffiel told Keidi. “I’m very sorry for this. This is my first time eating at this kind of restaurant. I used to eat leftovers from different restaurants when I was a child. I also experienced finding food in the garbage bags on the street just to put something in my stomach,” Keidi said with teary eyes. “I believe that you can be successful if you set up your mind with positive thoughts. Remember, there is a good and bad karma so don’t do bad things. Have faith and start a new life. I will try to help you,” Joffiel reminded. “Thank you for believing that I can still have a better life. I promise to work harder to find a job. I will not steal from others too,” Keidi promised. Joffiel smiled at him. Finally, she’s seeing an improvement on Keidi’s behavior. One simple help may have a big impact on other people, especially to those people in need. “Well, do you know how to drive a car? My company will send me a car next week for my work but I do not know how to drive. Maybe I can get you as my driver, if you want,” Joffiel said. As a director, Joffiel will be needing a car for her future projects under the Azazel Company. Her teammates already had their company car because they had been working for so long in their position. Shane suggested to Drew to allow Joffiel to have her car since they need it as soon as possible. They have an upcoming program so it will be easier for Joffiel if she has her own car and will no longer commute or walk. "I do know how to drive and actually, my father's cousin is helping me process my driver’s license. Tomorrow is my actual test drive so I'm hoping to pass the written exam and the drive test," Keidi said. "So you still have relatives? Aren't they helping you to find work or at least give you some money to buy food?" Joffiel asked. "Oh! Yes, I still have my relatives but they are also striving to have food. My uncle just borrowed money to help me, hoping that driving can help me find a job," Keidi explained. Joffiel was amazed by the kindness of his uncle. She thought that Keidi has no one to rely on. Maybe his home is his parents' house. Even though he has relatives, there is no guarantee that his needs will be provided. I really need to help him as soon as possible before it's too late. I don't want to have a failed task. Joffiel thought to herself. "After you get your driver's license, you can contact me. Here are my contact details," Joffiel said. She handed him a business or personal card. "If you cannot contact me, you can find me at Denver Coffee Shop on Monday. I hope to see you there. That is our grand opening day. Being a manager at a coffee shop is my part time job." "Really? Do you really trust me this much even though people still see me as a bad person?" Keidi asked, surprisedly. "Of course. I do believe that every person can have a new life, having the chance to change their life in a better way without hurting others," Joffiel said. Keidi grabbed Joffiel's hand and hugged her. He doesn't know how to express his gratitude towards Joffiel so he just hugged her. "Thank you so much, Ma'am Joffiel. I promise that I will try to be a good person starting today. Thank you for giving me this kind of opportunity. I will definitely grab it!" Keidi said while his tears were starting to fall. Joffiel feels relieved after seeing Keidi's reaction. She looked deeply at Keidi's color sign. The green light is blinking and now becoming visible, meaning, he is now starting to be kind. Joffiel has high hopes that it will soon be greener and a sign of red color. "So I expect to see you there?" Joffiel asked. "Count me in!" Keidi excitedly said. Keidi was in shock when Joffiel gave him money. He doesn't want to get it but Joffiel insists. Keidi has no money to buy food and Joffiel does not like to see Keidi snatching items from other people again. "That's your advanced salary from being my driver so accept it wholeheartedly. You deserve to have a new life. You deserve to be treated fairly," Joffiel said. "You're the first person to motivate me this way. It helps and inspires me a lot to strive harder. This money can buy my one month's food supplies and I think you gave me too much. Promise, I will take my job seriously," Keidi said. Before their talks end, Joffiel took Keidi to a small store and bought one week's worth of food stocks at the convenient store for Keidi. Joffiel felt happy seeing Keidi go home with a smile on his face. This is just a simple act of help. I am still not finished with my task. I still need to help him work under the Denver Coffee Shop to have a stable job. Joffiel thought to herself. The Denver Company does not want their employees to be contractual. If the employees have a good performance after 3 months, they will be promoted to the company as regular employees. A few days have passed since the day Joffiel met Keidi. She bought things that she needed and went back home. "I waited on you. You have been so busy these past few days. I think you need to take a rest and just relax," Sheena said after helping Joffiel to organize the food she bought. "I will work tomorrow afternoon at the coffee shop to finalize all the things that we need for the grand opening. Don't forget to bring your classmates after school, alright?" Joffiel said. "Of course, I will. They will definitely love your cakes. I am now your regular customer," Sheena said then chuckled. "But first, you have to eat. I cooked food and I hope that you will like those. This is just based on what I have learnt from you." Sheena grabbed her hand to go to the dining area. Joffiel was surprised that Sheena cooked three types of dishes. She immediately hugged Sheena and expressed her gratitude towards her. "By the look and smell of the dishes, I can already say that these are delicious!" Joffiel said. Marisson came home and was also surprised that her daughter can now cook without their assistance. "Well, thanks to Joffiel for teaching me how to prepare and cook these dishes. Let's eat and let you guys be my judges!" Sheena said in a proud tone. Joffiel and Marisson tasted the three dishes. Sheena feels happy to see the two taste the food that she cooked with a delightful reaction. "These dishes are delicious, Sheena. Good job! I am so proud of you. Teaching you is not a waste of time. You really are a fast learner!" Joffiel praised Sheena. "I'm also proud of you, Sheena. You did not fail to amuse me as always. At a young age, you already know different house chores and you love doing it without me asking," Marisson said. The three of them just keep on sharing how their day ends up. Joffiel shared her encounter with Keidi. As usual, Marisson and Sheena were proud of what Joffiel's doing. "Well, I hope he will have a brighter future and not let the past make him to be a bad person again," Sheena said. "I am planning to recommend him to Denver Coffee Shop after proving that he has changed for good. He needs a sustainable income. However, I am not quite sure if our boss will accept employees who have that kind of past," Joffiel said. "That's a good idea. Don't worry about Sir Jayden. He knows how to handle this kind of situation. He is considerate especially if he can see the true kindness of a person," Marisson interjected. "I see. That Jayden is really one of a kind huh?" Joffiel amusedly said. She is now interested in Jayden because she thinks that there is a possibility that he is an angel too. She decided to help Jayden to spread more kindness and positivity to everyone. "I think you and Jayden have a good future together! You like him, don’t you?" Marisson teased Joffiel and they all laughed together.
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