Chapter 26 - Weekend

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This Saturday is Joffiel's rest day from her two jobs. This is her allotted time to make preparations for their project. Joffiel heard her phone ring. Joffiel immediately picked it up and answered the phone, it was Shane who was calling. “Hello, Shane? You called early, what’s up?” Joffiel asked Shane on the phone. She recalled that she had a schedule with her team mates at Azazel Company. They need to find a school that is a perfect place for their program. “I’m sorry to bother you, Joffiel. But I think you’re forgetting something, today is the day that we will look for a school right? We are right here in front of your gate outside,” Shaned replied. Joffiel completely forgot about her schedule with Shane and the others, because he was somehow troubled about her task with Keidi and the people that visited the coffee shop. “Oh my goodness! How could I forget about that! I’m so sorry, Shane. Please give me some second,” Joffiel said as she frantically prepared herself to go out and meet Shane. It is very unusual for Joffiel to forget things. She was confused why this happened to her. Shane replied, “Okay, no problem---” but before finishing her sentence, Joffiel hung up the phone. After a few minutes, Joffiel hurriedly went outside and that is why she was not able to say goodbye to her friends Sheena and Marisson. She saw Shane inside the car and approached her. “I am so sorry if I kept you waiting. Are you guys alright?” Joffiel said in a low tone. “So where are we going now?” Joffiel went inside the car and sat beside Jas. “We just arrived about minutes ago so it’s fine. We are going to the top three schools in the town. The more options we have, the more chances we have to be successful on this project. I just hope that at least one of these schools is appropriate enough for our project,” Shane said. “Well, that’s a great idea. I hope that we can decide which school to choose before Monday. We only have a few days left to finalize the plan. We must move quickly and according to plan,” Joffiel said. “Yeah, right,” Jas said, jokingly. Everyone laughed. “Okay, let’s go,” Shane said and drove the car to their first destination. While travelling to the nearest school, Joffiel is observing the road for her to memorize it. She wants to go to different places because she thinks that her tasks do not only revolve around where she lives. Shane saw that Joffiel is observing everything and she thought that maybe, this is the first time that Joffiel saw these places. “How’s the view, Joffiel? Seems like this is your first time here,” Shane said. “You’re right, I have not been in this place before. I just want to observe the places so I can visit them whenever I am free,” Joffiel replied. After twenty minutes of traveling, they went to a big school. It is one of the best schools that Joffiel saw. They saw a guard and they approached him. “Good day Ma’am! How can I help you?” asked the guard that was positioned at the gate. “Good day, Sir. We are from the Azazel Company. We are conducting some ocular inspection of the school that might be used in our Company’s project,” Shane replied. Shane saw that the guard was a little surprised when he heard the name Azazel Company. “Oh! Isee, so you are all from the Azazel Company. Let me just notify the main office that you are here. Please wait for a few minutes. Thank you!” the guard said. “Thank you, Sir!” Shane replied. After talking with someone on his radio, the guard allowed them to enter the gate and let them pass. Since the head of the school knew the Azazel Company, it is an advantage for them to be recognized by one of the biggest companies worldwide. They really know the Azazel Company, huh? I wonder why they have such a big impact on the people. Do their products really help people? I need to find out very soon. I feel like there is something going inside the company and I just don’t know what it is. Joffiel thought to herself. After entering the school premises, they parked the car and walked to the main building. Then one of the staff in the school, who was assigned to escort them inside the school, approached them. “Good day everyone! I am the one who was assigned by the principal to welcome you here in our school. Do you want me to tour you guys around before I lead you to the principal’s office?” the lady said. “No, don’t worry. We just wanted to meet the principal and discuss with her about our project,” Maori replied. “Okay, then. Please follow me, I will take you to the principal’s office,” the lady said and guided them to the principal's office. After a few minutes of walking up inside the building, they came to the principal's office. They entered and saw the welcoming face of the principal. Carlo bowed his head. He said, “Thank you, Ma’am, for allowing us to have a meeting with you. I really appreciate you for being available today for us.” Joffiel and her teammates also bowed their heads as a sign of respect. They sat and listened to Carlo and Maori as they discussed the things about the project with the school’s principal. The two of them are assigned to coordinate with the Principal or the director of the school. “That was a nice idea. However, the problem is that this is a public school. Possible that only less than 30 percent of the population will be able to participate in the program,” the principal said. “Well, that’s the point of having an installment per month. Since our president is so considerate, there will be no tax for the students. They just need to present their identification cards and proof of enrollment. The other professionals or workers such as teachers, guards, directors, and etc., will only have five percent tax on the total price of the product and it will be divided into the years they are capable of paying,” Joffiel explained. What Joffiel had said was the additional information that Drew sent to her. She and her secretary, Shane, already confirmed it. Joffiel was amazed when she had read that. She thinks that this company is really thoughtful to the people, though she does not want to assume that fast so she will still investigate the company. “Is that so? Then I believe that your company’s idea suits our school. Our college students really need some gadgets to help them with their studies, especially when doing their research studies and paperwork,” the principal said. “So are you willing to conduct this program if ever that the higher ups will choose your school?” Carlo asked. “That’s definitely a yes for me. Count us in!” the principal answered in an excited voice. After the meeting with the first school, they went to the two other schools. The response of the three schools’ representatives were all the same. Now, they are having a hard time deciding what school their team will choose. The schools are almost the same with each other. They decided to go home and will discuss the final decision via video conference tomorrow. Even Joffiel is still undecided since this was her first time entering schools. The three schools are all deserving to have this program. Joffiel decided not to go straight to her apartment. She has this feeling that Keidi needs her help, so she took a walk and went to the place where she met Keidi but found nothing. She just sat under the tree, hoping Keidi would show up again. After a few minutes of waiting under the tree, Joffiel saw a girl flaunting her expensive jewelry and bag while walking beside the road. She stood up and walked. She found herself following the lady with the expensive jewelry that she saw earlier. A few seconds later, Joffiel saw Keidi. He was staring at the same girl Joffiel was following. Oh, that’s why I have a feeling that this girl is connected to Keidi. Keidi is about to do something and I’ve got to be there. Joffiel thought to herself. Keidi is planning to steal the girl’s jewelry. He needs money to buy his daily needs. After his release from prison, he tried to change for the better. But this time, he is having a hard time because he doesn’t have money to buy food and the things he needs. Although he has a home, it is hard to live with an empty stomach. Joffiel saw Keidi approaching the lady and quickly walked towards Keidi. Joffiel grabbed Keidi’s hand when he was about to snatch the girl’s necklace. Keidi can't resist Joffiel’s strength so he behaved and bowed his head because of embarrassment. “What are you thinking? This is not right! Do you want to go back to jail?” Joffiel started the conversation. “I know! I know, Miss. I am very sorry, please don’t call the police on me,” Keidi begged. When he saw Joffiel’s face, he realized that it was the girl who talked to him last time. “Then why are you doing this thing?” Joffiel asked. “I don’t have money. I still haven’t eaten food since yesterday. No one is giving me a chance to get a job because of my past. I have a bad record,” Keidi answered with a shaky voice. He is losing all hope and does not know what to do with his life. Now, Joffiel understands why Keidi wants to steal things from other people. Poverty is one of the reasons why some people are creating sin. However, Joffiel is still thankful that there are still people who do not do bad things to other people even though they experience poverty. She thought of the beggars she helped from her first task, they are kind-hearted people.
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