Chapter 12 - Perilous Task

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Joffiel was overjoyed when she reached the age where her task would change again. She has turned 18 years old and this is the time where the last part of her task will begin for her to become a true angel. Joffiel turned to her mentor, Angel Zai. Angel Zai smiled at her. She said, “Are you expecting me to bid farewell to you? Don’t mind that thing since the Creator decided that I will continue as your mentor.” Joffiel became happy when she heard the news. “That means you will also come with me as I do my tasks in the human world,” Joffiel asked. “I will only be with you to escort you to the human world. Other than that I would just visit on a few occasions so make sure to take care of yourself. Actually I don’t have to say that as I watch you showing your strength against Archangel Michelle,” Angel Zai said. “I will wait for the time you visit me in the human world,” Joffiel replied. Joffiel is very grateful to Angel Zai because she learns so much from her. Angel Zai is also grateful that she was chosen to become the mentor of Joffiel until her main tasks. Everytime she sees Joffiel she becomes happy as Joffiel always tries her very best. “Just as what I told you before, the Creator decided for you disguised as humans instead of just guiding them in secret,” Angel Zai said. Joffiel remembers the time that Angel Zai said that. For Joffiel, whatever tasks that would be given to her, she will accept it wholeheartedly. “I am happy with whatever kind of tasks I will receive,” Joffiel stated. Angel Zai holds out a bracelet to Joffiel. She said, “One of your tasks is to help ten human beings in total. This bracelet would be your indication if you succeeded in helping one person. This thing is composed of ten gems that represents each person that you will be helping. When you come closer to one of the ten people you need to help, one of the gems will glow up. Also, from a crystal clear color, the color will turn to blue if you succeeded in helping out that specific person.” Joffiel nodded and reached out for the bracelet, she looked closely at it. “You don’t need to examine them right now, I will first introduce all of you initial tasks,” Angel Zai snapped out at Joffiel as she was concentrating on observing the bracelet. Joffiel apologized and continued to listen to Angel Zai. “Your second task is defeating the leader of the demons that is now gaining many followers in the human world. You are chosen by the Creator to do this task that’s why you got harder training compared to others, getting chosen for these tasks means that our Creator put His trust that you can defeat the demon calling himself, the prince of the world,” Angel Zai continued. Joffiel was surprised about this revelation. She became so happy that the Creator appreciated her effort and trusted her for this specific task. Getting this task is a big blessing for her. “How will I be able to do that?” Joffiel asked. “I also don’t know, it’s up to you to make your own tactic to defeat him, but the first you need to do is to identify who is the leader of the demons,” Angel Zai replied. Joffiel agreed. “Also, the reason that you got your first task is for you to be safe. So make sure you are doing your task. It is just a diversion so that if ever the prince of the world identifies you as an angel first before you even know who he is, he might just ignore and think that you’re not there to take him off,” Angel Zai said. Joffiel just listens to her mentor. After a while of conversation, Angel Zai leads Joffiel to the golden gate where their Creator is residing. “You need to speak with our God, I will wait for you here outside and then escort you to the human world,” Angel Zai instructed Joffiel. Joffiel nodded and walked into the gate. “Joffiel, this will be the second time that you’ve met me,” the voice of their God echoed throughout the infinite area inside the gate. “What do you want from me, my Lord,” Joffiel replied. “As you already heard from your mentor, you have special tasks from me. And for you to be more prepared I will grant you special abilities and power,” the Creator told Joffiel. “Anything for you, my Lord,” Joffiel replied. “The first ability that I will give to you is the eyes of discernment. This is a blessing that would let you see if a being is a great sinner,” the Creator said. “Thank you, my Lord,” Joffiel responded. “I will also bestow many great skills that would be helpful to you. When you come down to the human world, you will understand what it is doing and your mind could solve many complex problems that humans started to study,” the Creator said. Joffiel continued to thank her Creator. “I’m aware that you are good at using angel weapons and you are very great when it comes to battling. I understand that the task I give you would endanger your life, but you're the most befitting one from all of the angels. The demons already knew the identity of other angels that are as good as you, so when I realized you have those powers, I immediately decided to train you for this specific reason. I hope that you do you best on your tasks, go with Angel Zai and let her explain to you the rest of it,” the Creator said. Joffiel bowed to their Creator and proceeded to meet up with Angel Zai. Angel Zai escorted her to one of the areas in Heaven. Angel Zai repeated all of her reminders to Joffiel. Angel Zai instructed Joffiel to hold one of her hands and suddenly they seemed to be on a wormhole. Joffiel looked at her surroundings as she was amazed at what was happening. Angel gets her attention. She said, “We will travel to the human world using different methods from the last time. We spent many times together and I would never forget all of those moments. Finish your tasks as soon as you can so you could be a true angel, then later, be an archangel. So this is a goodbye, I hope you do your best.” Joffiel hugs Angel Zai with her free hand and Angel Zai returns the hug. “Thank you so much, Angel Zai! I would never ever forget all of those memories,” Joffiel responded. Angel holds out something to Joffiel and as Joffiel reaches for it, the surrounding changes. And Angel Zai is not there anymore, all there’s left is the thing that Angel Zai handed to her. She looked at the thing and she discovered that it has a map that shows the direction of a building. At the back of it is an address. She believes that she needed to go to that area. However, she thought to herself that since Angel Zai or even their Creator didn’t tell much about the map, it’s not a very big deal. She decided to not find the area and instead, she explores the human world by herself. She realized how big it was, she looked at the sky and was amazed at how beautiful it was. This feeling of being on this world is not the same as just looking at the screen. During her training, whenever she watches, the screen only focuses on the humans and not the surroundings, so being able to watch all over the surroundings makes her very happy. And during her training on disguising as human, the sky was not the same as the human world since she felt that the sky during the time she trains was very close to them whereas as in the human world, the sky felt so distant. One thing that she wanted to do is to know what the feeling of drinking water is. The feeling she felt during her training time does not reflect on how humans felt when they do the same thing. So she decided to look for a place with water. As she trains, she knows how humans act when they are in public places so it’s very easy for her to blend with the others. She goes straight to a drinking fountain. She tried to drink from it just like how she did during her training. As she drank the water, she felt very refreshed and was surprised by the effect it gave her. But as she has practice, she does not show any amazement. She was very happy about her new experience in the human world. Joffiel decided to wander around the area where she was from the beginning. She decided to familiarize herself, so that in the future, she would not get lost and cause too much attention. As she roamed around, a guy caught her attention. He’s taking pictures of the area. And as she gazed on the man, the guy clicked his camera and captured Joffiel. The guy bowed his head and apologized to Joffiel as he unintentionally took a picture of her. He said, “Sorry about that, I will delete your picture.” Helooked on his camera and was surprised when she saw the face on the picture. He immediately looks at Joffiel's face and is completely dumbfounded. “Wow, your face is so beautiful. It is so perfect, are you an angel?” The guy asked. “I mean, a-ahm. I’m sorry I freaked you out, I was just astonished since this is the first time that I noticed you around this area. And I don’t think that I would not notice someone like you,” the guy replied. Joffiel just laughed out. She said, “You’re so funny. But this is really my first time being in this place, I just came here.” “Ohh, that’s the reason that I didn’t notice you before. By the way, I’m Andrew Marcus. You could call me Drew,” the guy introduced himself. “I’m Joffiel. Nice meeting you, so why are you talking pictures here,” Joffiel also introduced herself. “Ahh, this. It’s for my work, I needed to take a nice view of this place for our promotion video. I work in HR at one of the biggest companies here. My boss is very kind so I’m doing extra work so I could help them out,” Drew explained. “That’s cool. I think you love your job since you’re doing extra miles on your work,” Joffiel replied. “Yes, I really do. Ohh, since you are new here why don’t I guide you around this city and I would also buy you lunch as an apology from before,” Drew insisted. “No, no. You don’t need to do something like that, no need to apologize for something like that,” Joffiel replied. “But I insist,” Drew said. Well, I think that I have enough time and there’s no other thing for me to do. His help would also make it easier for me to familiarize this area. And also, since he offers to buy me lunch, I could eat the food of the human world. I don’t have any money to buy anything anyway. Joffiel thought in her mind. “Okay, I accept your generous offer,” Joffiel responded. “Thank you! I hope you didn’t think that I did this because you are very beautiful. As a person, whenever I did something wrong, I wanted to make sure that I could correct it the best way possible,” Drew said as they walked around the area. Drew toured Joffiel and pointed out every place that is important. From churches, city hall, supermarkets, drugstores, parks to the best restaurants, best food stalls, best views and many more. Joffiel enjoyed the tour and thanked Drew. They proceeded to go to one of the restaurants that Drew pointed to Joffiel during the tour. The waiter came to their seat and asked if they would order. Drew already ordered his dish and the waiter only waits for Joffiel’s order. “I want an order of roast lamb salad with fregola and just water for drinks,” Joffiel ordered. As Joffiel put down the menu, she saw Drew have a teary eyes and after a second, tears dropped from his eyes. “Are you okay?” Joffiel asked with a worried face. “I just remember my first child, she’s already in heaven. She died two years later at the age of 18, maybe the same as your age. She’s also beautiful just like you, that could be the reason that I looked at you that way earlier. This is actually her favorite restaurant, and she always ordered the same thing that you do. So I can’t help but to feel emotional. I’m sorry about that and don’t mind me,” Drew replied. “No, it’s okay. I feel so bad about that, should I change my order?” Joffiel asked. “No, I’m crying but I’m actually happy that you ordered the same thing as her,” Drew replied. Drew started to tell stories to Joffiel about his family and her loving wife. He also told Joffiel about his work and how their company is the best company for him. He’s proud that most of the workers there were so kind and very generous. “I’m sorry, I am the one the that mostly talked during our lunch,” Drew apologized to Joffiel. “Don’t mention it, I’m also happy that I could listen to your stories,” Joffiel replied. “So do you have anything you want to say or you want to know?” Drew asked Joffiel. “Hmm.. I don’t have anything in particular. Ohh. Do you know where this place is?” Joffiel asked, showing the map that Angel Zai gave her. “This? We already passed this place, I never thought that you needed to go to that place. You should have told me that earlier, anyway, we could go there after I pay for our lunch. But I would only guide you to it since I needed to go back to my work,” Drew replied. “Okay, thank you very much!” Joffiel said. Drew guides Joffiel to the place and leaves afterwards. Joffiel was amazed at the building she was looking at. The gate is very big, not as big as the gate in Heaven, but could be described as gigantic when it would be compared to other gates in the human world.
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