Chapter 5 Accepted the deal

875 Words
Blaze's POV I find myself wandering into her room, well the guest bedroom where she'd be sleeping, which is right next to mine and the thought sparks some sort of pleasure in my heart. Some idiotic part of me wants to ask if she's alright, but with every ounce of grief I gave her over the years, she'd tell me to go screw myself. We have never gotten along, and here I am, insisting that she spends the night in my house. Just as I sit down on the bed, my phone starts to vibrate in my trouser pocket and I slowly slide it out, seeing Monty's name on my screen. I have never been so unwilling to answer his call before, but what he did was stupid, but nonetheless, he's been there for me through way worse, so I answer the call while Aerilyn is still in the shower. "What is it dumbass?" I snort, shaking my head. "I screwed up man, I...I can't find Aerilyn and her parents haven't seen her and I need to apologise, I need to explain." He rambles so fast that I could barely hear, but as his best friend, I make out the words. "Have you checked with other friends?" I ask while knowing that she doesn't have any other friends. "She doesn't have other friends Blaze, Goddess- are you that stupid? Have you ever seen her hang out with other people?" "First off, I don't even fu*king notice her when she's right next to me, and it was just a suggestion. I have to go, good luck." I mutter sarcastically and end the call while staring at the bathroom door. I know he's probably calling me a hundred different names right now, but I am busy. Not even a minute after I ended the call, Aerilyn strides out of the bathroom, her eyes red and her caramel hair dripping wet, leaving a trail of droplets behind her. She stills when she spots me sitting on the bed, her eyes widening, but not much. She looks exhausted and miserable, "Why so gloomy?" I beam, hoping that I could make her smile, because then it would be more fun to piss her off again. "fu*k off," she shakes her head, her eyes becoming glassy as she strides over and snatches the shirt from beside me. She spins around on her heel and heads over to the bathroom and the thought of her hiding from me makes me jump up and I slide in between her and the door, "If I said there was something else to wear, would you want it?" Her curious glaze flicks up from my shirt to me, "Yes," "Even if it comes with a catch?" I can't fight the grin forming on my face. "Yes," she breathes out, looking determined to not wear my shirt. "Don't say I didn't warn you," I snort, snatching my shirt from her grasp and toss it onto the bed and grab her arm, leading her out of the room. "Where are we going?" She whines, loudly. "Hush," I snap at her and pull her down the stairs to where my mother has old clothes packed in boxes, I may have stolen some and given it to the girls who's clothes I tore off. "This is weird," she mutters and I could feel her heart pounding in her wrist, her pulse picking up speed like a plane that's busy taking off. "Calm down," I turn when we're at the door, my free hand opening the door and she's right in front of me, her perky breasts pressed together by the towel and I walk backward into the room, keeping her close as I pull her inside and close the door. The boxes are stacked, the room dark and all I can hear is her breathing. When I switch on the lights, she releases a relieved breath. "It's not that weird, Air," "Aerilyn," she deadpans, correcting me like I don't know her name. "Pick something," I ignore her harsh tone. I'd usually not let her moods slide, but she's been through a lot. "Well where are the pyjamas?" She asks, looking at every labelled box. "There aren't any, and I don't thing a night gown would suit for where we're going." I stare as she slowly turns at me, baffled and her eyes blazing. "I'm not going anywhere with you," she shakes her head. I chuckle lowly, "You already accepted the deal," I shrug and she scoffs, tightening the towel around her, "Not to this," "This is the catch Air, it's not like you have something left to lose." I slowly sit down on the chair in the corner of the room. I watch as her eyes darken, her lips twitch down and she turns so fast her wet hair flicks, making a whipping sound when the ends of her locks slap against her skin. She opens the top box that's labelled 'Dresses' and I watch as she shoves her hand in and pulls out a sparkling gold dress, "Good choice," I nod and she scoffs, shaking her head. She might not be enjoying this right now, but tonight I'm going to make her forget about every thing that's drowning her.
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