Chapter 20

2785 Words

This terrible vacuum on earth’s surface This terrible vacuum on earth’s surfaceHarry Williams Two hours before dawn, Jack led his command out of Suakin. He had purchased a light racing camel for an eye-watering amount of money and looked over his shoulder as the column followed. His Malverns were not yet adept at camel riding and looked uncomfortable perched on their ungainly mounts. Behind them came the baggage animals, the small naval brigade, and the mountain guns, with the mounted infantry acting as scouts and flank guards. The Malverns wore their Indian khaki tunics, brown riding breeches with puttees, and brand-new pith helmets and pugarees. Both helmets and pugarees had been white when the war office sent them to Suakin, but Jack thought them too distinctive and an inviting targe

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