22: Home Alone

1951 Words

"How are you feeling now?" Asher asked through the telephone receiver. It had been hours since Caden left the house; he had refused to talk or even look at me. I know what I did was wrong, and I understand that some might agree with Caden and assume I took advantage of him. I have no excuse for my actions. I know I took advantage of the circumstance, and I wish I could take it all back. But the knowledge that I might do it again if given another opportunity fills me with self-hatred. I don't know what has changed in me, but I am fully aware that Caden hasn't changed a bit. If anything, he has worsened. Yet, my opinion of him seems to be shifting, as is the way I used to feel for him. "I'm feeling average," I replied quietly. "You will be okay. Are you sure you don't want me to come ov

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