Chapter 3: New Life

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*THIRD PERSON’s POV* While Maxine was suffering in her school, her parents don't have any idea what’s happening with their child now. Her father is busy fixing a chair for their dining room, while Maxine’s mother was preparing their meal when she accidentally knocked a glass of water off the table. “Ah!” She yelped and as soon as Maxine’s father heard his wife, he quickly put down the hammer and went to his wife. “What happened?” He asked but Maxine’s mother just shook her head as an answer. “Marry, are you sure you’re alright?” Maxine’s father asked his wife, Marry, Maxine’s mother. “I’m fine Samuel, it’s nothing, I just accidentally knocked the glass off the table,” She answered. “Wait here and don’t move, I’ll go get the broom and the dustpan,” he volunteered and quickly walked out of the house, went straight to the apple tree, where the broom was placed. Marry stared at the broken glass on the floor. As she was staring, she couldn’t explain what she’s feeling at that time. It feels like something bad happened and she doesn’t have any idea what it was. Oh Goddess Selene, please take care of my daughter. Marry prayed silently. “Here you go,” Samuel said and started sweeping the broken pieces of the glass to the dustpan. “Samuel, is Maxine not home yet?” Marry asked her husband. “Well, she’s a bit late but she’s probably on her way home,” he replied and looked at his wife whose been staring at the broken glass. He throws the garbage outside and puts the broom and dustpan back to where it used to be then got back inside. “Marry, don’t worry too much, our daughter is a wise woman, she’ll be home soon,” he assured her and hugged her. “Yes, yes, you’re right,” Marry agreed. “Maybe we should just wait for her before eating,” Samuel suggested and his wife agreed immediately. They both sat down on their wooden sofa in the living room. Goddess, please, don’t let anything bad happened to our Maxine. Prayed by Marry. While waiting for their daughter, they were busy folding their dry clothes and at the same time, checking the door, just in case someone finally opens it. Until Marry noticed the time, it’s already six in the morning. “Samuel, where is she?” Marry asked her husband again, worried about their daughter’s whereabouts. “I-I’ll go check at the university,” Samuel volunteered but Marry stopped him. “What about the sun?” She asked, worriedly. “Don’t worry I’ll just wear thick clothes and I’ll bring an umbrella,” he assured her so Marry nodded at him and prepared the clothes and umbrella that her husband will use. “I’ll go ahead,” Samuel said and kissed Marry on her lips. “Take care, alright?” She reminded him and he just nodded at her while smiling. “I will,” he replied and went off to Maxine’s school. Samuel was currently on his way to Maxine’s school while wearing two T-shirts, one jacket with a long sleeves, a pair of thick gloves, an old jeans, a pair of old sneakers which he bought in a second hand store three years ago, He’s also carrying an umbrella just to make sure that the sunlight won’t touch his skin. Normal vampires like him and his family can’t handle the sun that much and they will soon turn to ashes if he won’t protect himself with thick clothing, unlike the purebloods, they can buy a drug on the black market to increase their immunity against the sun, plus the fact that they also have their carriages. Samuel walked his way to the university and found the guard standing inside the guardhouse. “Excuse me, sir?” Samuel called the attention of the guard. “Yes?” The guard asked then stared at Samuel from head to toe. Other vampires always do that, to check someone’s life status base on their clothes. “What do you want?” The guard asked again, but this time with an uninterested tone. “I just want to ask if my daughter already left the school? She has not come home yet since her last class at three am,” Samuel reported to him. “Are you sure you’re daughter is even studying here?” The guard mockingly asked while Samuel held his temper since he knows, he can’t do anything about it, He’s in Class D while the guard’s in Class C. “Yes, sir, I am hundred percent sure,” He answered. “H-Here, this is her photo, you probably know her since she’s always late,” Samuel quickly added and showed the guard a photo of Maxine. “Ahh that girl who always have bruises and bandages?” The guard said, holding a laugh. Samuel gritted his teeth but did not do anything that will harm his family. “Yes, sir. H-Have you seen her leave the university earlier?” Samuel asked again. “Nah, didn’t even notice her getting in,” the guard replied and continued reading his newspaper. “B-But sir, c-can I just looked inside the campus, please? I’ll just check if my daughter’s still inside,” Samuel insisted. “Sir, please, sir, just for a few minutes, please,” Samuel pleaded again. “Tsk! I already told you! I did not notice your daughter entering the school, she probably went off somewhere and f*ck with some random higher class men!” The guard shouted at Samuel which made Samuel lose his temper. “My daughter would never do that!” Samuel shouted back at him but then the guard pointed his gun at Samuel, it’s a gun loaded with a silver bullet. “Uh huh! You see this? I have the authority to blow you’re f*cking head with this!” The guard shouted and keep pointing the gun at Samuel’s head. “Leave already! You’re pestering me! Useless low class vampire!” The guard shouted as Samuel walks away from the university. If only we were not put in Class D. Samuel said to himself. Samuel walked back home with no news about Maxine’s whereabouts. As he is nearing their house, He saw his wife worriedly waiting at the front door, as soon as Marry saw him, she ran up to him, good thing this whole place around their house is covered with trees so the sunlight cannot pass through. “So? Where is she? Why didn’t she come home yet?” Marry asked, one after the other. “I’m sorry, I tried asking the guard but he said he didn’t even notice Maxine going inside the university,” Samuel reported to her. “W-What? Maxine would never skip classes, she’s a very diligent child,” Marry said, not convinced with what the guard said. “I know but it was the guard who said those things to me,” Samuel replied. “No! He probably lied just because we’re in Class D! I’ll go talk to him,” Marry said and started marching out to the highway but Samuel stopped her. “What!?” She asked. “You can’t go looking like that, you’ll die,” Samuel pointed out to her and that’s when Marry finally noticed her clothing and quickly went back inside their house and changed her clothes. After a few minutes, she’s back and now wearing a thick coat used for winter. “Let’s go look for our daughter,” Marry bravely said, but Samuel can see in her eyes that she’s worried sick for Maxine. Samuel simply followed her back to the university and once again, they both tried to convince the security guard but the guard won’t even let them get near him. “Sir, please, I just want to make sure that my daughter’s not inside,” Marry pleaded, letting the tears in her eyes flow. “I already told your husband, I didn’t saw your daughter enter the campus, if you can’t understand that, I will call the soldiers!” The guard warned us. “Marry let’s go,” Samuel grabbed his wife and pulled her away from the university. “B-But, what about Maxine, w-what about our daughter?” Marry asked, and it breaks her husband’s heart seeing her like this, she’s weeping so much so Samuel hugged her as tight as he could, he can no longer hold his tears back. “D-Don’t worry, we’ll find her,” Samuel croaked. Marry and Samuel both started walking away from the gate when the guard called them. “Hey, Class D vampires!” The guard shouted and so Maxine’s parents turned around and saw the guard opening the smaller gate where only one individual can pass through at a time. “I’ll take you inside,” the guard said and nodded his head towards the inside of the university. Samuel quickly glanced at his wife’s reaction and saw how thankful and happy she was. “Thank you, sir, thank you so much,” both parents thanked the guard. “But don’t tell anyone and I will allow you inside for ten minutes only,” the guard added and the couple just nodded at him. The guard went inside first, then Maxine’s parents followed the guard around the campus. They first searched the building for Class D students but found no one inside, they also checked the buildings of Class S to C but still, they can’t find Maxine. “How about that building sir? Can we checked inside too?” Samuel asked the guard. “Well, that’s just an old unused building and I’m sure no one’s inside but yeah sure, go ahead, I’ll just wait here, but hurry up, okay!?” The guard said and Maxine’s parents nodded at the guard before going in. Samuel opened the door and quickly noticed that the whole place is in ruins and is obviously not used for how many years already. They checked all the rooms but didn’t saw any trace of Maxine. “She’s not here,” Marry whispered while her gaze is fixed on the ground. “I’ll try looking for her tomorrow in the mountain,” Samuel said, and Marry just nodded at him. “We’ll find her,” Samuel assured and hugged her as they both walk out of the building. “So?” The guard asked but Samuel sadly shook his head. The three of them walked their way back to the gate of the university and when they’re outside already, the guard locked up the gate. “Well, good luck looking for your daughter,” the guard said while looking at Maxine’s parents, feeling sorry for their missing daughter. “Thank you, sir,” Samuel thanked him as he supported his wife while walking their way back to their house. After a few minutes of walking, they finally arrived at their home and Samuel removed Marry’s thick coat and gave his wife a glass of water, then he removed his excessive clothes and gloves. “Where could she be, Samuel?” Samuel’s wife asked. He kneeled in front of her and wiped her tears. “I don’t know Marry, but we’ll find her, I promise you that,” Samuel assured his wife, even though he’s not even sure if they could find her. “Please, find our daughter, find our Maxine,” Marry’s voice broke when speaking. Samuel hugged her and let her cry for a while until she falls asleep in his arms. *MAXINE’s POV* I slowly opened my eyes and was blinded by a bright light from the sky. I thought I was dead already? So is this how Selene’s garden looked like? I blinked my eyes for a few times before I realized that I’m not in a garden, I’m inside a room, but whose room? I tried to sit down and I was surprised that the pain on my body was gone but I still feel dizzy so I lean my back on the headboard of the bed. I was busy massaging my temples when suddenly I heard the door open. “Oh! Thank Selene!” I heard a woman’s voice so I looked at the door of this room and saw her. She’s wearing a sky blue ball gown with intriquet designs and frills at her sleeves. As she saw me sitting on the bed, she quickly ran up to me and hugged me. “U-Uhm, I’m sorry madam but, who are you?” I asked and the woman let go of the hug and stared at me with sadness and disbelief. Uhm, did I say something wrong? “Y-You can’t remember me? What’s wrong with you? I-I’m your mother, sweetie,” the woman announced with a shocked expression. Are you kidding me? I should be the one to looked shocked here. I don’t even know this woman. “You are Princess Zarah Bella Daenery Collins. I am your mother, Queen Zerenea Zuel Collins,” the woman said while caressing my face. Me!? A princess!? Wait, Collins!? That’s the most powerful, most famous and most wealthy family of pure blooded vampires in the whole world! But, nevermind that, did she just say that I am Princess Zarah? The famous b*tchy princess who hates the lower ranked vampires? I looked around this big room, I’m surrounded by things that do not belong to a low class vampire like me. The room is bigger than our old house beside the river, two more doors are leading to somewhere, a full body mirror on the wall, there’s also a big chandelier on the ceiling. That’s probably the bright light earlier. A desk with lots and lots of beauty products on top of it, and most of all I am sitting on top of a soft, sturdy bed, unlike my old, creaky one. So I really am a princess? But how? The last thing I remembered is that I was raped and my heart was crushed by Prince El. I quickly run towards the mirror on the wall and stared at my reflection. If I could call it mine. I looked so different from my usual self. I’m currently wearing a pink night gown upto my ankle, which I know I could never afford to buy. My used to be pure black hair became brown up to my waist, the tips of it are now curly, and lastly, my eyes are now colored blue, like the sky. This is not me. Whose body is this? “See? That’s you, Zarah,” the woman who keeps calling me Zarah and proclaiming her as my mother, said as she walks behind me and started combing my soft brown curly hair. “You’ mother? A queen?” I asked, just to make sure and she nodded as an answer. “Then I’m a princess?” I asked once more. “Yes Zarah, you are the only princess of the Collins Kingdom,” the queen replied. “Are you alright sweetheart? Does your head hurts?” The queen asked, worriedly. “I-I’m fine, m-mother,” I replied, forcing a smile towards her reflection, she smiled back at me and walks in front of me, then hugged me as tight as she could. “Oh dear, I thought you wouldn’t wake up anymore,” the queen said while caressing my hair and tighten her hug so I hugged her in return and gently patted her back. We were enclosed by silence not until I heard a voice. “Mom! Mom, I’m here!” Another woman shouted. I looked at the mirror, eyes wide open, there, I saw a woman, wearing the same clothes as me, with the same face as what I saw in my reflection earlier in the mirror. “Mom! What happened to me! Mom!” The woman keeps shouting and banging the crystal of the mirror but no one can hear her, except me. “I-I want to take a rest,” I said while looking straight at the woman in the mirror who’s just glaring at me. The queen pulled away from our hug and said, “Alright, I’ll let you rest for now,” then left the room, I followed the queen with my gaze but as soon as she closed the door, I looked at the mirror once again. I stepped closer to the mirror. “’re the real...Princess Zarah, am I right?” I asked the girl in the mirror but she didn’t answer me. “Who are you!? How dare you! That’s my body! That’s my mother! How dare you!” The woman shouted in anger. “I-I’m Maxine Dela–“ I wasn’t able to finish what I’m saying when she asked, “What happened to me!?” “I-I’m sorry, your highness. I, too, have no idea what happened,” I replied, calmly. “Then give me back my body! What are you going to do with my body? Huh!?!” The real Princess Zarah shouted again at me and smash her hand in the mirror but it won’t break and she still cannot get out. What will I do with this body? Of course, I’ll retu– wait, this is it! This is my chance to get my revenge! This is my chance to get my justice! And I can use this body too, to help my family! “I’m sorry princess, this may sound selfish but, I can’t give you your body back,” I said to her, honestly. “What!? Why!? That’s mine! Give it back! You unmannered low class vampire!” She shouted at me. “I’m sorry Princess Zarah,” I replied to her and bowed my head before standing straight and grabbing a white cloth, it’s big enough to cover the whole mirror. “I’ll borrow your identity for a while,” I said to her before covering the mirror with the white cloth.
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